Eagle Advanced Strats and Tactics

dunno how i let this thread go so long without any love. hmmmmm, what did i learn at evo with eagle…

  1. eagle counters sakura. yes, you heard right kids. he shuts down her dive kicks, he eats her roll cancels (with mp counter), and out footsies the batch. i took out RF’s sakura without much problem and most of his bison with just eagle (in casual). since i usually play team BAS in tournies, if a team BAS mirror match is coming up, i’ll play eagle. the matchups all around are too good not to. i just need to get my confidence up with eagle and he’ll replace my A-sakura (unless i’m playing against a K-groover).

  2. after you hit a custom/throw/super with eagle, MIX IT UP. i only see players do the super jump backwards and mk. i caught too many people with crouching short (which must be blocked low), crouching jab, standing mk, hcf + mk. which leads me to my next tip…

  3. use crouching short to start combo’s more. it hits low, it’s quick, and it hits a lot more than crouching jab. dash in, crouching short caught a lot of people. or dash in, duck like a crouching short is coming, throw.

  4. use standing short against vega. it snuffs his crouching strong most of the time and it’s incredibly safe to whiff (hell, it’s just a short).

apoc, roger, any hot shit you learned with eagle at evo?


eagle vs yamazaki, what do i do? standing roundhouse is too good, and eagle’s crouching roundhouse doesn’t cut it. yamazaki’s fast roll doesn’t help either.


I think Eagle should have a matchup thread like sagat

yea, it wouldn’t be tough to do a matchup thread. it’d just be a matter of pasting the random strats in this thread in another one. i’ll get on it soon.

i just realized something- eagle’s throw mixup game is like a watered down version of kyo’s because both of their throws put the opponent at their feet and they both recover first. think about it…kyo’s ESSENTIAL mixup is crouching short or rh throw, rinse, and repeat. short jump down + fierce is tight, but it’s not completely safe, and the counter hit short or throw mixup is potent enough. eagle’s crouching short is basically the same as kyo’s also, except that kyo’s is +6 and eagle’s is +5, and kyo’s has 7 frames of recovery and eagle’s has 8. not a big deal at all, and eagle’s does 200 more points of damage.

so with eagle, do FP throw. then either hit a counter hit crouching short, crouching jab, standing forward, hcf + mk rush. or FP throw again. the reason it’s a watered down version is that hcf + mk doesn’t knock down, but kyo’s combo does, which guarantees the mixup again. but i’ll take that combo anyday.

APOC, ROGER, WHERE YOU GUYS AT? i really need some big time vs yamazaki help.


Hmmm I won Ecc7 with Eagle and Rolento tho I hardly play the game I still use em as my main char. They will be on my team for life :wink:

since you’ve actually won big tournaments using eagle, any strats you can give about how eagle should face high level play? i generally know what to do against each top tier character, but i haven’t busted out eagle in a big pressure situation for whatever reason. anything you could add to the eagle discussion?


Things that apply to prez dont apply to most people… that guy will poke the fuck out of you … and his reaction is like lightening fast… :encore:

edit: the fuck is up with the smilies on this board now?

Its true his hands are really are godly

Fucking turtler :mad:

Its ok im a huge turtler 2 thx to u :rofl:

A-eagle > C-eagle

fear the hotness. i found yet ANOTHER badass trick with eagle in A-groove. i need to make a vid sometime.

EDIT- eagle tip for the day- against P-groovers, when they jump in, you can just do RC FIERCE lariat, as opposed to RC strong lariat because P-groove can’t safe fall and punish you (plus fierce lariat does 100 more points of damage and has more hits to parry). helpful if you have trouble getting RC strong lariats out quickly. NEVER EVER EVER do this against any groove that has safe fall though, because they will get up and own you. i remember VDO’s P-raiden jumping in like a fiend against me and i couldn’t get RC strong lariats out quick enough and i was worried about him parrying my crouching fierce. i could’ve either a) done a RC fierce lariat or b) rolled away. but i did neither, got dizzied, and eagle got peaced out. and of course that’s like the only vid of my eagle online:sad:.


What A-groove trick? Share the knowledge, lol, besides I got to go to a Southwest regional in a little more than 2 weeks, I need to learn anything new I can. Anyway, why don’t you use your Eagle more in tourny Popo? You say you need more confidence in him, but damn you been using him for a long ass time now, plus from what I hear peeps say you are good with him, despite what that vid vs VDO shows, lol. You should have jumped up and mp that bitch, heh heh.

Does anyone beside me use c.mk, c.lp, c.mp xx rush? The shit is good and starts out low, good damage too. I tend to use c.lp, c.lp, c.fp xx quite a bit too. I really need to use c.lk more though.

S-Eagle is too dope, I doubt anyone in this thread uses S-groove seriously though, but if you do, S-Eagle is for you. Jessica Alba is fine as hell :hitit:

The only combo I use starting with c.mk is:

:d::mk:,:mk: xx :hcf::mk:, really easy combo on meaty or counter hit…

Gotta love those new icons, lol. Anyway, I use that one too, as well as :d: :mk: , :d: :hp: xx :hcf: :mk: .

okay, here’s my A-groove trick. inspired by kindebu’s blanka, formulated by what gunter wrote a long ass time ago about anti-C groove air block trickery. this is a valid tactic, but the application is very limited so keep that in mind. you HAVE to be facing an opponent in C-groove. you activate up close, and they jump away and air block. in the corner, i jump at them, and do jumping mp x 2, then a jumping short as you’re falling, eagle will land first, and their tripguard is disabled when they hit the ground, so you can start your ground CC with crouching mk.

i’m still experimenting with stuff mid-screen. if they jump from awhile away, you can super jump, activate, do 2 jumping fierces, jumping jab, land, and do it that way too. just experiment with it.

why don’t i use eagle in tourney? well, i will. because the bottom line is that my eagle is infinitely better than my sakura. so unless i’m playing against P/K groove (especially K), then you’ll see more eagle footage soon. i’m just curious, but who said my eagle was good?

and i’ve never used that combo. why? because i don’t land too many point blank crouching mk’s. i’ve said this before, and i’ll say it again- EAGLE IS ALL ABOUT CONSISTENCY IN HIS COMBOS. i never use crouching fierce in my combos. the extra 300 points of damage and 3 stun points aren’t worth it if i mess up that combo 1 out of 10 times (and i do). learn the crouching short, crouching jab link most of all, because that’s one of the most important ones. that’s why i don’t play C-eagle seriously, because if i have my super blocked, that’s practically ggpo for eagle. INTERESTINGLY, the combo you listed does LESS damage and stun than crouching short, crouching jab, standing mk, hcf + mk. it’s only 100 points of damage and 1 stun point difference, but you should at least be rewarded for doing a more difficult combo right? not in this case.


PS- roger “fucking” williams and apoc are weak for not sharing their hot eagle tricks/tips/tactics:sad:. ya’ll REALLY need to look back in this thread for apoc’s advice on poking with crouching strong into hcf + mk rush on counter hit. that shit is super effective, and as long as you space it correctly, it’s safe. it’s like an option select for eagle.

Neat little trick, to bad Texas is mainly all K/A groove. Also, you just waste meter if they don’t jump away. Do you activate right next to them? I don’t remember who said your Eagle was good, I read it in some random thread. As for that combo I listed, it is incredibly easy to do, and I’m almost 100% consistent with all the combos I do. Of course I mess up time to time (rarely), but hey I’m only human, lol. I do the low short combo too, but I tend to mix-up the combos I do, but that’s just me. Doing the same combo over and over again gets boring. I don’t mess up in toury situation though, and I don’t lose anything by doing different combos, maybe a few pixels here or there, nothing big. I do that Apoc trick, that shit is real good.
I might have some footage up soon of my A/S Eagle.

Well, the thing with c.mk combos is they are great for meaty attacks. And a counter hit means a very easy activation.

Hey Raging Storm, you mind posting a thing or two about S Eagle? I posted in Dr.Bs S groove thread asking about some quick pointers for my Guile/Eagle/Blanka team but I didn’t get any replies ;( Just a real quicky about his dodge attacks and maybe a combo or two I can start off with, brother has my damn PS2 else I’d figure the shit out on my own, but w/o it my practice time is very limited.

His dodge attacks are good, with his knockdown being his far s.fp and his s.mk. NEVER do his knock down any closer than about 2 characters widths, becuase it is highly punishable if blocked. You can’t really throw it out either, use is to punish attacks you dodged, don’t just randomly dodge fp. His s.mk dodge attack has is good to punish whiffs up close into mk rush, but is also really good from far away, say blanka went to c.fp you and you dodge mk into rush, you’ll stuff his arm and still connect the rush attack. Bait attacks as usual with charge fakes into dodges, Eagle is real good at this since he has such good reach. Truthfully, I think it hurts him a little to not have a hop, but run is good also, it adds to his rush down (if you use him like that, most zone/turtle). After a punch throw you can charge or low jump over the corpse to cross-up, then you have a choice to go for a

  1. Low hitting combo (start with low short, happy Popo?lol) 2. Low jump again backwards and mk for the instant overhead
  2. Grab that sucka again and start over

Try to get Eagle charged as often as possible, he benefits alot from the power increase. One good way is after a HK throw of max range sweep. When in desperation, try to land as many supers as possible. The regular c.lk, c.lp, s.mk xx rush super does 4915 and c.mk xx super does 3780, thats a good chunk of life just for landing a lvl 1. Do anything you can, mix-ups from the punch throw and empty low jump mix-ups. You can easily link his lvl 1 from a low jump roundhouse. That’s all I’ll post for now it’s like 2:30 in the mourning.


eagle is still the hotness and counters A-bas…bitches

PS- i’m drunk, so it’s okay:tup:

Im drunk 2 bro(gotta love tequila), so its definetly okay, Im 2 drunk too understand why he counters A bas , but hey:tup:

By the way Eagle is okay to have as a second spot character on your team right?

He counters Cammy too… bitches!!

Its good to be drunk popoblo huh:tup:

Alright my man, stay up motha fucka…:tup:

I like to use Eagle on K groove…because he’s a fairly strong character, plus I like being able to run. Although Eagle has a good turtling game, I like him much more on the offense. What’s his 10 hit B&B combo??? His jumping MP is frikkin awesome

c.lpX2 s.mk XX hcf+mk