dunno how i let this thread go so long without any love. hmmmmm, what did i learn at evo with eagle…
eagle counters sakura. yes, you heard right kids. he shuts down her dive kicks, he eats her roll cancels (with mp counter), and out footsies the batch. i took out RF’s sakura without much problem and most of his bison with just eagle (in casual). since i usually play team BAS in tournies, if a team BAS mirror match is coming up, i’ll play eagle. the matchups all around are too good not to. i just need to get my confidence up with eagle and he’ll replace my A-sakura (unless i’m playing against a K-groover).
after you hit a custom/throw/super with eagle, MIX IT UP. i only see players do the super jump backwards and mk. i caught too many people with crouching short (which must be blocked low), crouching jab, standing mk, hcf + mk. which leads me to my next tip…
use crouching short to start combo’s more. it hits low, it’s quick, and it hits a lot more than crouching jab. dash in, crouching short caught a lot of people. or dash in, duck like a crouching short is coming, throw.
use standing short against vega. it snuffs his crouching strong most of the time and it’s incredibly safe to whiff (hell, it’s just a short).
apoc, roger, any hot shit you learned with eagle at evo?
eagle vs yamazaki, what do i do? standing roundhouse is too good, and eagle’s crouching roundhouse doesn’t cut it. yamazaki’s fast roll doesn’t help either.