EA vs Marvel

The day 2D fighting ends I retire from fighting games.

GS: Where did you turn for inspiration?

DA: This team is full of comic nuts and fighting game experts. We looked at just about every fighting game you can imagine for inspiration. We were also heavily influenced by the films and the new generation of comics. These characters are coming into the 21st century, and we wanted to ensure that the game reflected this. From a gameplay standpoint, we were inspired by Power Stone, Super Smash Bros., and War of the Monsters, as they introduced more free-form fight mechanics. We really believe, though, that we have come up with something very unique and truly innovative that will get people very excited.

Style > gameplay in EA.

The fact is that ea will probably make a crappy game that’s only for profit.

Their fighting game experts probably consists of people that are beginners in every sense of the word.

They say they played capcom games but that’s obviously not what they are basing their game off of, they are going for a more “free style” type thing they said so themselves.

Bottom line is, that Marvel 3 would’ve been better that’s why there is hate from the community for this game i think and we all know EA and their profit over quality way of making games so why should we expect anythign that isn’t a steaming pile of 3d shit?

Capcom may be a business first but they have improved the vs. system and it’s no accident the games are as good as they are if anyone doesn’t know about the built in “balances” in mvc2 you haven’t looked deeply enough capcom made a genuine attempt to balance the game but face it a 56 character game with such a freestyle system is nigh impossible to balance… you try making a fighting game of 8 characters and see how many times you have to go back and test and redo those characters. Keep in mind we are still finding stuff on marvel now how can you possibly expect a company to know about all the glitches when we ourselves are still uncovering more shit after 4+ years. I should also mention ST , if it was unbalanced there would be a singular tactic that would dominate the game completely but the game is obviously deeper than that and to my knowledge everyone is playable… and even when the tier differences are small most people say that the smaller strenghts and weaknesses are magnified so how is anyone supposed to make a really balanced game? I know it’s possible but i mean at least they tried and it takes alot of effort to balance a game in the face of hardcore competitive gamers.

Anyways, this game will probably suck ass because they probably have no clue what competitive gaming is much less how to make a game that thrives off that which is what fighting games tend to do. On top of this , they simply don’t carem they are a business and only a business with little to no interest on quality of games from what I hear and that only means the game will only be crappier.

Fighting games are supposed to be competitive, if a game sucks and there is no competition not even the people who play for the "good graphics’ will enjoy it. It will get repetitive and it will collect dust in 2-3 weeks.

hmm… the graphics look really sick. but the game will probably suck

While for the most part I’m trying to keep an open mind, I don’t know about EA. They said they studied other fighters. Didn’t they realize in their ‘studies’ that hardly anybody who plays MVC2 uses Rubyheart, Sonson and Amingo, AKA original characters? (There was a male Sonson in a previous Capcom game, but anyways…) And they are basing this game on Marvel vs. Original characters? It’s not a good idea. They should of just created Marvel heroes vs Marvel Villains, created only three new characters they can spin off for their future Marvel Comics series to rake in that crossover money. Everyone would be happy. And so far, EA-Man AKA Bruce Wilis with a funky helmet is not that much better than Amingo. Especially when Marvel already has, I dunno, ELECTRO. And Doctor Doom will have electric powers in the FF movie…

Anyway, none of these factors can determine gameplay, that’s what will make or break this IMHO. We’ll see.

Did you consider that noone plays original characters that happen THAT ALSO SUCK IN THE GAME? If there was an original top tier character i’m sure things would be different?

Then anyone can make the same game, 3d engines are mostly not propritary so if EA has nothing that is their own, then there’s no reason that any company couldn’t have made the same game.

Of course, just like VF4 and 3s!

I don’t see where SRK posters have a clue about competitive gaming either. The difference in EA is that they can use thier money to actually find out and implement it into their game.

If you make a lot of money playing games, your a good player. If your game makes a lot of money, its a bad game… that makes no sense to me.

i’ve been asking that for years, but i know i get a lot more fustrated replying to SRK posts that i would if i just stayed hidden like i should. I wasted a lot of time today on posts that probably won’t even be read all the way (my own fault for not being a good writer), and which will probably have little effect if at all in the long run.

Maybe if they were more active they would have quit sooner, and I need to learn their techniques for staying off of SRK but they won’t tell me.

Is blair witch a good movie? Sure it put alot of butts into the seats but what is the major concensus? …

Rip off.

Just cuz a game sells doesn’t mean it’s good, but yea just cuz a game sells doesn’t mean it’s bad either…

Fact is EA will probably make a crummy game, they have no experience in competitive gaming or making good fighting games (just look at their track record on games overall, i’ve heard few people come up with more than one game that they actually liked other then some mutant football game or something… and we know they bought out the NFL contract after a rival company made a better game than theirs) and on top of that probably have no interest in making a game that’s good.

and as far as SRKers not knowing anything about competitive gaming I don’t think that’s accurate. Since a large percentage go to tournaments and this whole site is dedicated around the idea of competitive gaming.

how can anyone say that it’s a fact that the ea marvel game will be crap when the game hasn’t even been released yet?

bunch of whiners and haters

Based on their track record and what they’ve said about the game so far, it’s a no-brainer. CFJ was the same thing – people said it would suck for months before its release, and OMG, no real surprises in what was delivered.

I agree, I loved this game very much too, it is the only game i can actually win at steadily on mame, Mvc gets way too out of hand with those wolfy infinites and strider crap. even tho mvsh is broken as hell, with wolfy too, I can actually defend it a bit better. and plus the gameplay is a bit slower, much better.

I said probably.

It’s the equivalent of saying “Why is everyone so sure No-Name Joe won’t make it to the finals of Mvc2” , sure we haven’t seen him play but there is a 99% chance he will get whooped on because

a) he probably has little to no experience since we’ve never heard of him

b) we have no reason to believe otherwise

sure we don’t know for SURE but odds are heavily against no name joe.

Now let’s say we hear No name joe say or have reason to believe that he doesn’t care about playing the game and is only in it to make a name for himself or the money.

It just gets easier and easier to forsee a fall and the odds are heavily against him being any good at all.

It’s just probability, kinda like the fact that someone might break into your house and kill you for no reason… it’s POSSIBLE but there is such a small chance of that happening especially since there is no motive… so why should we believe that might happen?

Yea my analogies are a little out there but still my point still stands.

EA has never really made fighting games and probably don’t even care about the genre.

Those are 2 major points that leads me to believe there is a high chance the game will suck especially when you look at all the other games they’ve made.

But i agree it’s possible they might suprise us but then again i am biased and i do hope they fail, at least i did… but now i’m thinking well capcom probably won’t get the licence if they fail anyways so all i can hope for now is a decent game for someone out there to enjoy.

If you disagree with EA being a long shot i’d like to hear some reasons why you think they’d make a good game.

If a fighting game sells a lot it’s always a good thing for the scene. Whether you personally like the game is irrelavant. Yes that means that SSBM, DOA, and whatever else are good things for the community. Does that mean they have superior gameplay to other games? not nessecarily, Does that mean they should be in evo? not nessecarily, But you can’t argue that they haven’t done something useful that other games should have learned from.

I’d like to see what you mean by competitive… madden alone destroys the competition in SF, lets not get into fifa. I don’t know what you mean by good either… People bitch about some things in madden, but you can’t disagree that they put a TON of time and money to make sure that people who like football games like madden. Most (if not all) the people who bought espn2k series also bought madden anyway, would they if they thought it sucked?

And like capcom did with WW -> ST, EA started madden and continued the same principles and just improved looks and gameplay throughout the years AND added other games. Capcom decided to stop doing that and make completely different games that weren’t even as good AND not improve graphics and then just give up and make resident evil games.

I think there’s something wrong when it’s 2005 and the best sfs were made 10 yrs ago. I don’t look at madden 2005 and say 'damn i wish i had madden 95 for genesis.

It’s a lot different to design a plane than it is to just ride in one. A competitve scene is full of players who want to win in some sense, but i never heard of a ‘top fighting game designer’ tournament at evo. I don’t see where we make the connection that playing CvS2 helps you make any other game than a CvS2 pro.

How many football players do you trust to run the team? How many boxers do you trust to run your boxing promotion? How many SRK’ers are you going to put on the staff of your next fighting game? If someone has the skills AND plays the games it’s a plus, but one doesn’t imply the other.

I wasn’t talking about that, i was talking strictly about gameplay. You make a good point about fighting games selling well helping the genre. However it depends on what you mean by help the community.

IMO it helps the community by showing companies that money can be made off the genre.

However it does NOT help by giving players the wrong idea on what competitive gaming is supposed to be about. I’m not pointing any fingers but if casual players hate the mutant academies and the MK DAs why would they try the real fighting games that we have been enjoying for the past years?

Again we’re talking about different thigns, if you mean the ammount of people playing then yes it has more competition.

But is the competition deep or shallow? Billions around the world play tic tac toe, doesn’t make it a competitive game.

talking about different things yet again (… i think i’ve said that in every one of these >.<)

You were talking about game design while i was referring to experiencing competitive gaming and what it is about.

However, I do think alot of srkers know what it takes to make a competive game because that’s what they look for when they try to learn or play a game and many players tend to “take the game apart” and discover alot about mechanics and why Character A is better than Character B ect.

The same can be said of capcom. Look at cfj and then play it. That game is garbage. If they cared that piece of shit wouldn’t have been released or even thought of. In addition if they cared why doesn’t capcom endorse evo? Why don’t they give them cabs, boards and other shit? Why did they close their american offices in charge of arcades(i think?) and give the rights of sf to capcom of usa? They care about the damn profits because thats what its all about.

Again same thing applies to capcom. I don’t know what makes people think that mvc3 will be the shit if it ever came out. Given capcoms track record im worried about sf4. If that ever comes out.



FMJaguar - Dude, the “Anyways, this Game will suck Ass” quote is not from me as your post reads. That’s from Higher-Jin. I demand a full apology and some good Amingo combos! :rofl:

I’m skeptical that the graphics will still look that good in the final version.

We can barely decide which capcom games are good half the time, kind of makes it funny that we’re judging everyone else. I wouldn’t be suprised if CFJ seems like a deep game by this time next year. Happened with 3s and CvS2, boredom is a bitch i guess, makes us see things.

Instead of bitching about how it’s not capcom or it’s not 2d. I will hope for the game being as good technically as possible and being really fun with great graphics.

If you aren’t going to spend the money to make awesome 2d graphics, and we know they can be done, and know Capcom is able to churn out something better looking then Guilty Gear graphics, but they don’t. They are lazy fucks, who can suck my dick. They killed 2D gaming because they figured no one cared, when they didn’t care enough to even try to improve what they had created.

So now EA has the license, and instead of complaining, you should hope they actually make a really good game.

I have a better plan.




Nah seriously i hope it’s good but i have a feeling it will blow.

As far as CFJ being crap i haven’t played it but i sure did want to… and excluding CFJ what capcom game has been truly hated on in recent years?.. Cvs1 and that’s about it, EA has a much worse track record by far and they are also inexperienced as i’ve said before.

Capcom is a business first (i said this in one of my earlier posts), it won’t go out of it’s way to save streetfighter or fighting games but their contributions to the genre cannot be ignored and CFJ + SF:AC are pretty much aimed at their niche market from what i can tell.

EA will create its own fighting expert characters (like ryu, chun li), have some funny characters, probably an EA-man top tier character whose all silver and naked with shades or something. It might bring LOTR characters in. You might have a cave troll or something plus aragorn and a hobbit or two.