I have to do relic runs myself on the soul bender and grappler so if i’m around please hit me up.

I need like 2-3 more runs to complete the new epic where you ahve to get 25 stones or something. Friday or Saturday would be fine with me, but I often just afk in game even when not playing.

fine by me. I have a lot of aphelia quest to clean up on with the Grappler/Soul Bender/Beserker and soon the Monk. Can’t really solo most stuff and parties now in Aphelia usually consist of kids trying to do payed runs.

I only have 8 of those stones so far -___-. It’s difficult finding a (good) party for it. Let me know when you do Relic runs for this damn quest. Gotsta get my stat stones.

Mail gold for guild level up to ElderElement. We need 2.5 mil for level and skill. Fuz has mailed 250k. Noodle also said he mailed but I didn’t check yet. Don’t forget to write your SRK name in the mail to make things easier.

invite MURPHisAFK to the guild and I’ve got cash on that alt to spare.

Man all i got is like 200k, I’m super broke in this game.

I got from murph, giantyoshi, fuz, heavenpunch, and sylari. Still need more…

Should have s’more funds to send your way when this ghostly musket avatar sells…

How much more is needed?

2x exp/drop event this weekend. Get your grind on. I don’t think I’ll be on for it this Saturday though.

Edit: Thought I’d let you guys know that if you’re already on, don’t log off. The website’s practically at a standstill, taking forever to respond.

Yeah, website’s been really weird recently, kept saying I was connecting from the wrong country for a while…

My gunner, Sylari needs an invite next time someone who can do that is around.

Hey guys glad to see the DFO love going strong, checked up on Nexon’s site yesterday to see that the priest patch has dropped, missed out on the free reset due to my hiatus but no big since I had reset my skills a long time ago, gonna be getting back into the fray myself over the weekend, just too much school work X_X

So after resets, I’ve decided to make my Male Ranger, Monk, and Striker PvP oriented now and it appears that I need practice now. If anyone wants to get in some practice or team up against randoms, lemme know.

Sigh, was hoping to grab a couple more halloween avatars before the thing shut down =/ still missing a few pieces.

So uh, why is this in FGD? No wonder I’m never able to find this thread.

We should get some srk pvp sessions going. Nothing to lose right? Plus rumor has it the nexon is actually trying to get us to 2nd impact within a year, so that other nations can go against korean in dnf (rumor on dfosource) since they are updating other versions too. This game is pretty fun when going at other people.

Well, enough talk of rumor anyways. The newest league is up. Only the first few matches happened and next set is friday. It already got interesting with singles and the team matches.


videos and dossier of the players are in this thread. Thanks to Hellmut

I need some help getting my 'sader awakening done. I keep trying to find decent parties for kings relic but they don’t seem to exist. I’ve been sitting on that freaking quest for almost a week now.

I have my grap and bender also needing relic runs as they’re both about to level and run awakenings. We really need to set up parties. The last run the guild did I didn’t get anything out of it.

Wow yo, things are pretty amazing after patch. Seems the game runs smoother. New interfaces are pretty cool as well.

What exactly are creatures/artifacts though?

If you can provide the spirit crystals, I’ll help…level 52 Gaia. Gaia pretty much beats the first 4 knights easily, though lightning can be a problem.