obviously they were on drugs when they made that commercial, you know what im saying?
Well I did ask you your diet and gave you a thorough answer, and that went ignored. Glad you finally responded with a “portion” of your diet… and it raises the question of your credibility since you are so vague. Why would you be vague if you were really eating so healthy?
But let’s just take the things you listed. White bread and peanut butter? You think that’s healthy? You know white bread is also considered a “processed food” these days, right? Same with peanut butter. White bread is in no way good for you. Neither is peanut butter really, just because something has mono fat does not mean it’s good for you. And it’s crazy that you are talking about things being full of salt or sugar when peanut butter is loaded with it. Ice cream and cookies arent “healthy” foods either, and loaded with sugar. Ice cream is very bad for your digestive system in general, especially colon. And it’s even worse to have at night since it’s acidic.
Seriously, you think you are eating so much better than everyone else, but you really are not, just as I suspected by the fact that you were negligent in sharing your diet in the first place.
Heres a news flash for you - ice cream is loaded with saturated fat. Just 1/2 a cup to 1 cup is 50% of the amount of saturated fat you should have in a single day. (and unless you are just having a single scoop, you are having MORE than this much). Your average peanut butter sandwich (just one) is 25-35% of the amount of saturated fat you should have in a single day. With that alone I can guarantee you have more saturated fat than you should. Which means just by this fact you are not eating healthy. You can brag about not having foods full with salt, but what your eating is worse for your circulatory system than if you had that salt.
Then let’s move on to fiber. With a diet like that I guarantee you are nowhere near the amount of fiber you should have daily, and you need EXTRA fiber to make up for any lactose you have in your diet, because (in laymans terms) it hardens the hell out of your shit. The only thing you named that has any fiber at all is peanut butter, and you arent even getting 1/4 of the amount you should have a day. Which means your damaging your colon as well.
You are talking like calories are the only part of nutrition, and it’s not. Calories are actually GOOD unless you are going way over the limit you should have daily. You NEED a LOT of calories daily. Calories = energy. Sure, if you are overweight, are not active, or have a slow metabolism you should limit them. But for everyone else they are GOOD and those people need all the calories you can get.
You need to understand something about how nutrition works. It’s not black & white about “this food is good for you, this is bad for you”, it all depends on your overall diet, how much you are eating, and your genetics. You need a BALANCED diet. You need to plan your diet based on your body type and genetics as well. I can’t stress that enough, and considering that you have not done that and you are relying on your family to do that for you, you are NOWHERE NEAR a healthy diet.
That’s the one thing that is for sure. What you listed is not even close to a balanced diet no matter what your genetics are. Things like white bread have pretty much no nutritional value and if you replaced that iwth other types of bread it would contribute positively to your diet.
You know what the sad part is? If you took a trip to macdonalds and got yourself a big mac value meal, you would get a little bit of trans fat, but you would get LESS saturated fats than you have, and it would be MORE BALANCED than what you are eating, ironically it would be BETTER for your colon health, and that would give you LESS SUGAR than what you are having.
This might sound harsh, but you have really shown that your question actually was condescending, whether you intended it to be so or not. Because you are not even eating anywhere near healthy, you have no idea what a healthy diet is, and are accusing others of “being uninformed or not caring”. Truth is, you are uninformed, and since you don’t even prepare your own meals, you are the one who is “not caring”. The irony…
anyways, on topic, mcgangbangs are godlike. Nuff said.
Although I dont eat much fast food, I try to get one (and only one) each month. So satisfying.
Wow. That was… Something. I remember why I wasn’t so big on forums. It’s very easy to come off as a jackass. But let’s see the post.
Let’s get something straight here: I don’t eat all that healthy. I eat junk food and I know it. I also make REAL salads and eat that. (my diet isn’t veryt concrete, what I gave was an overview) but that’s not the point. No matter hoe much you dig into my diet and bash on white bread or ice cream, there’s no denying had people known more they’d feel a HELL of a lot more comfortable with what I eat than whatever shit McDonald’s/Burger King/KFC puts out. A Jack in the Box killed 2 kids a few years back. Not junk food, the damn burger. It’s very unhealthy in the sense that its loaded on pretty much every bad nutrition stat. It’s unhealthy in that "it looks way too perfect and there are more chemicals in there than you can count. Yeah ice cream has fat and junk sure but didn’t I say “sometimes”? Also I know what’s in there. It’s fatty? Yeah. It’s got sugar? You bet. Does it still have less than a small order of mcnuggets? You bet and at least when I eat junk I don’t try and pass it off as food. Also! My ice cream isn’t chicken who eat cow shit 50000 chemicals pumped through their sick over medicated bodies.
Edit: re-read your post after I posted. Are you kidding? The one burger has like 120% saturated fat.
Just because people would feel comfortable eating something doesnt mean it’s better, especially if most people are not educated on nutrition at all. Your average person thinks that eating nothing but salad is healthy as hell (you give the impression your that type of person too) but that results in a horribly unbalanced diet.
And no, I’m not kidding. A burger does not have “120% saturated fat”. I’m assuming you mean 120% of your daily value? A big mac is 10 grams of saturated fat, 50% of your daily value, AKA 1-2 scoops of your average ice cream.
So we’re talking chemicals that go in to food? Why don’t you look at what goes in to your white bread and peanut butter when it’s processed. Or the ice cream. Or cookies. Pretty much EVERYTHING you named.
Seriously do some research if you are going to have a discussion about nutrition. Don’t listen to what other people say, or what the TV/internet news site/youtube says is good or bad (it’s blatantly obvious you’ve watched one too many of those from what you said - look at who made those videos and you will see the motive of why they made it - BTW the people who made those videos are not concerned with public having a healthy diet they have other motives). Don’t listen to what your mom says is good, or even expect her to have put in research about what is actually healthy (she wouldnt be buying white bread if she had a clue). Don’t think something is bad just because it has a bunch of “chemicals” in it when you don’t have an idea what any of them do. Do the research for yourself. Learn what everything on the “nutrition facts” stands for. Learn what each “chemical” is. Look on the labels of the ingredients of everything you are eating.
You will be surprised, because I guarantee you are eating most of the same things in the food you think is so horrible. And I’m dead serious, not trolling you at all. Because if you eat any sort of meat at all, you are likely eating the same thing you get from most the fast food resturaunts, unless your parents are buying meats that are not sold in typical grocery stores (again, doubtful from the little bit of the diet you listed).
If you give some more insight about what your actual diet is (and not just your small lunch sandwich or snacks) I’m sure I could find more comparisons between the food your eating. But since you’ve neglected listing the mainstays of your diet again, I suspect you know this already.
I really only have the documentaries to go on. Unless there’s some pro fast food media you can show me. Did you completely miss when I admitted to knowing I eat junk? I know. But I’m sure the occasional snack or 2 slices of white bread isn’t as bad as this shit.
As for the meat! Yes. You bet your ass I don’t buy my meat where most people do. I feel like I already said that… The peanut butter is the natural kind. It’s not organic but its a step up and you can taste the difference.
I feel the only bit I didn’t dig into was dinner. Dinner is usually a salad, or some cut vegetables and 1-2 items like… Baked Ziti. Or… meatloaf. Or… (why is this so hard to remember?) I remember having steak once. Chicken. Yes. Sometimes chicken. Sometimes chicken soup. Nothing us fried. 99% of the time. Low salt because my dad can’t handle the salt and sometimes I eat whole wheat bread with it. Sometimes pita bread. We drink water. Did I miss anything?
I stopped going to McDonald’s years ago, and rarely go to the typical fast food restaurants (typical meaning burger joints). The smell of McD’s is actually sickening to me now, and I have to smell it often in class. These days I go to Subway/Mr. Sub, and also this place.
I think you may be missing the point. My point isnt that you eat junk. What I’m saying is relating to the topic. You are asking how people could eat at “those type of places”. My point is, in terms of what your body recognizes, your eating the same things you would get from those places, and in many ways worse than what you would get there.
The occasional snack or slices of white bread isnt what’s important, it’s the overall numbers of the nutrition that’s going in to your body at the end of the day. Seriously man, you are demonizing fast food places, but guilty of the same sins as them. What you listed was too much saturated fats, too much sugar, not enough fiber, not enough vitamins, and not enough calories. If you ate fast food you would have much the same except you actually would have enough calories and fiber - still wouldnt have enough vitamins and would have too much saturated fats. But that’s actually better off than what you listed.
As mentioned before, the big problem with fast food places for the average person isnt what’s going in the food. When eating at ANY resturaunt you need to worry about the preparation, not the ingredients. You said people died from eating at a fast food place - that’s from the preparation, not the ingredients. People have died from upscale restauraunts too. And you may be surprised to know that more people die from smaller restaurants than fast food places. This is because fast food actually has a lower chance of being prepared wrong due to the way its cooked (usually from frozen), and the fast that they are replacing stocks faster. When you go to a smaller restaurant you have to worry about stocks that possibly have not changed in months, food that;s frozen and reheated multiple times, pre-prepared ingredients that spoiled, etc. You are better off getting a salad from macdonalds who gives you prepackaged dressing than going to a smaller restaurant who may be using the same salad dressing for the last 2 months and not refridgerating it properly. Even eating at home, you have to worry about the same things. Grocery stores have more recalls than fast food restauraunts due to getting people sick.
Long story short you just need to watch the staff at the specific restauraunt you go to if you want to be safe. And that holds true no matter if it’s an upscale restaurant, or fast food. Hell, you should even watch your family. Most adults I’ve seen dont wash produce properly, or do things such as take produce out of a bag with their hands, put it in a strainer and wash it, and then pick up other food with the same hands (even though they didn’t wash their hands) - it’s actually quite an inconvenience to make sure you do things properly and I would say probably at least 80% dont.
Those documentaries… You know who pays to make them? Typically animal activists, and even at times people who are invested in the competition of those fast food places. That’s why they arent focused on what’s good to eat, they are focused on “all the bad things that happen to those animals and how evil those resturaunts are”. It’s pretty obvious what their motives are. That’s like listening to a walmart documentary paid for by best buy. And those things don’t just happen at the farms for fast food - much the same happens at the meat you get from ANYWHERE. But I should also note, they put videos up of places that are doing things against regulations. That type of thing to such an extent isnt legal, that’s just what they decide to put in documentaries and make you think that it’s normal and happening only at places that supply fast food.
Most salads actually are not too healthy either, depending on what’s in it. It’s good for people who are trying to watch calories, but as mentioned before many people actually shouldnt do that. It’s bad to not have enough calories unless you are overweight because it makes your body lack in other places. Lettuce really isnt too nutritious, and then it’s a matter of what’s in your salad. You have to be careful with too much produce due to toxins as well - think of it as a rule - you don’t want to eat too much of ANYTHING beacause EVERYTHING has different toxins and the problems start when a specific toxin adds up too much. With the diet you listed high calories would actually be good, ESPECIALLY considering you dont even eat breakfast. And like I said, you don’t get anywhere near enough fiber, which is one of the most important things to look for these days, because colon problems are probably the most common major digestive issues these days.
I can’t say it enough times, in terms of nutrition you arent really in a place to criticize fast food. Calling it “shit” is kind of hypocritical, because by the numbers, you are worse in some ways better in some ways, which means overall not any better than fast food. The only advantage you have over eating out at all (whether it be fast food or anywhere) is that you have less to worry about in the preparation. If you havent got the point by now (or still don’t believe me) then there’s not much else I can do aside from suggesting to do some research on nutrition and the body.
I like restaurants that allow you to see the food being prepared. It increases their accountability, because they can’t pull shenanigans without getting caught. Of course, that doesn’t reduce the chance of getting sick to zero, but it’s better than having the food be prepared behind the scenes, where who-knows-what goes on.
Eating healthy is easy enough if you put the time in and really get yourself a good plan. Count calories count everything. If everybody just set aside a few hours to do some research or talk to someone about it they could probably eat healthy for pretty cheap. I’m guilty myself of being too lazy to really make an effort, it sucks because I really would like to eat healthier. I love fast food and I love the not so great food I eat at home but what I’d really love is to feel better about what I put in my body.
Completely agree.
It’s pretty scary what goes on in some restaurants. At a place I worked in a holiday rush I’ve literally seen people drop ham on the floor and then pick it up to continue preparation - which was glazing - meaning whatever was on the floor would be preserved under the glaze. I’ve been in a walk in freezer with a green pesto that was being served all day, and upon looking it had mold grown on top but it was barely distinguishable. They also stored food in the freezer to reheat quickly, only (loosely) wrapped each piece with foil, and sometimes it would be sitting in there over a week, and even when its time to prepare some of it is just microwaved. Cheesecakes were taken out 1 day and left out for hours, and then put back in the fridge for the next day.
Horrible, and a lot of that is worse than what you see go on in fast food.
Its cheap, accessible, and you can feed a family with $10. I spend fucking $10 on each particular fruit/vegetable when grocery shopping. You fat fucks helped create this industry and now I gotta pay the price.
^ thats shitty and poor ehtics… (the restaurant thing) not to mention scarier than the ring
somehow I think this thread is about weed and why “fastfood” aka Mersh is such shitty quality when weed should the highest degree of dank and only the flavor should differ.
all in all its faster, good (amazingly), and surprising cheaper than actually buying food
the taste and quality varies from place to place (including the same franchise,) Price varies too on what you get.
Lastly, its not a good substitute for “whole” foods but once a week, per say, its not as bad as doing a line of coke/meth or drunk driving.
As a major of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics,and someone who is pursuing a career as a Registered Dietitian, I have to say the nutritional advice given in this thread are terrible, misguided/misleading, and sounds like they have come from some awful internet site promoting specific diets or selling supplements.
As for the original question, why do people eat this junk? its fairly simple really: cost and availability are big ones. But also because they contain: Fat, Sugar, and Salt. On your next fast food order, look at each item you are about to eat and see which one has any number of these 3, one, two, or heck maybe even all 3. You’re body is programmed to desire these three for survival.
Sugar works the same way, but not as powerful, in the brain as nicotine and alcohol. Your body craves fats for calories since fat provide the richest source of calories. When you match fat/sugar it activates the amygdala of your brain, dealing with emotions, normal homeostasis is overwritten and allows you to consume far more than you need. Salt is also necessary for survival and our bodies crave it.
We are genetically mismatched. We no longer have to worry about potential famine now that food is plentiful. However, the survival instincts still exist and are now more harmful than beneficial.
When I offered to cook for my mom she smiled and sat down. If anything have her teach ya some recipes or something.That’s always good.
Real men cook for their momz yo.
EDITL I feel it’s easier to eat better/healthier the more info you have. But it still boils down to will power really.
Filler text Filler text Filler text
You must mean those japanese steakhouses that cook the food in front of your face, which still has nothing to do with how the food was prepped or what it was before it came out to be cooked.
Resturants with “open kitchens” let you see the people cooking, you cant really see what they are doing back there…and most people arent even watching the people because that would be weird anyways.
Thought this was the appropriate thread to post about my lunch. Fucking spicy chicken from Wendy’s got smaller or something cause it’s about the size of a single cheeseburger from mcd’s. What the shit? And yes I went to Wendy’s because I’m still hungry after eating the lunch I bought on my break…sue me.
Word. After I ordered my meal and those burgers came out so small I had to literally tell the chick to hold on before taking my food while I walked out and made sure the place said Wendy’s and not White Castle.
That was the last time I walked into Wendy’s.
I feel the same way