Dumb criminals. The Thread

lol. I’ll see your iphone thief and raise you this…



You missed the Florida thread.

Trolling gone wrong.


…What a bust. :rofl:



Beat the paint off him. By that, I hope it’s bubba that does it. You hate Americans so much? Now you’ll have a reason.


what did the clown guy do that made him a criminal?

ah, y’know… the stories linked in this thread are yet more proof of the general dumbing down mentioned in that other thread. I’d bet money that the average stupid criminal of let’s say…60 years ago… that guy is probably not quite as stupid as the average stupid criminal of today.

*There was a story about 2 or 3 years ago about some kids that broke into a police precinct.

Now, you there’s this new category of idiots doing something illegal…but then going on to post incriminating pictures of themselves on facebook. It’s unfuckingbelievable… like how do you manage to be that foolish? When someone is that stupid, it makes one wonder how they managed to successfully operate a computer or mobile device long enough to create their facebook profile in the first place. I think the old-era equivalent would be like if Al Capone submitted a signed article to the local newspaper, complete with pictures, bragging about how he and his friends just bashed another dude’s skull in. It’s unbelievable. It’s easy to pull up any example of this in a 2-second search…here’s an old one: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2077863/Pittsburgh-thieves-arrested-loot-store-post-plunder-FACEBOOK.html

*Ooh, here’s another good one http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/burglar-who-posted-victims-facebook-pleads-guilty-124969
^sidenote-- who keeps that kind of cash just laying around?! That’s…odd… I certainly wouldn’t have a few hundred or thousand(!?) dollar bills just out on a table or even inside a drawer.

In truth, he didn’t do anything criminal. Dressing up like a clown (Albeit a scary looking one) and walking around isn’t a criminal act. Still, the words of Yoda still hold true…

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering. Or, like I said earlier…Trolling gone wrong.




LMFAO!!! That’s God’s way of saying," you ain’t 'bout dat life."


seems rather staged though

What’s worse than being a dumb criminal?





I tried to hold it together, but I lost it at this part:


In truth, haven’t we ALL been there? I hope the judge will go easy on him.



When a shopping cart isn’t enough…