Dudley [ver.2K13] Comboratory

Special Moves & Unique Attacks :

Jet Upper : SRK+P
Machine Gun Blow (MGB) : HCF+P
Ducking Straight : HCF+K–P
Ducking Upper : HCF+K–K
Short Swing Blow (SSB) : HCB+K
Thunder Bolt : FK+K

Kidney Blow : F+MK
Target Combo #1 (TC#1) : F+LP–MP
Target Combo #2 (TC#2) : cr.LK–MK
Target Combo #7 (TC#7) : MK–HK–HP

Mid-Screen Combo’s :

Cross Rush /or/ Raw Tag Launcher, f+MK, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K
Cross Rush /or/ Raw Tag Launcher, HK–hcf+LK, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K
Cross Rush /or/ Raw Tag Launcher, f+MK, HK–hcf+LK, cr.MP–srk+MP/or/HP
Cross Rush /or/ Raw Tag Launcher, f+MK, f+MK, f+MK, srk+MP/or/HP
Cross Rush /or/ Raw Tag Launcher, f+MK, HK–hcf+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK

srk+LP, TC#1–hcf+LK, cr.MP–srk+MP/or/HP [272dmg]
srk+LP, f+MK, TC#1–hcf+MK–P/or/K [274dmg]
srk+LP, f+MK, TC#1–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [281dmg]
srk+LP, TC#1–hcf+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [284dmg]

ex.MGB, jt.HK, cr.HK, srk+MP/or/HP [326dmg]
ex.MGB, f+MK, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [329dmg]
ex.MGB, HK–hcf+LK, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [334dmg]
ex.MGB, f+MK, HK–hcf+LK, cr.MP–srk+MP/or/HP [334dmg]
ex.MGB, f+MK, f+MK, f+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [337dmg]
ex.MGB, f+MK, HK–hcf+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [346dmg]

ex.Thunder Bolt, TC#2–hcf+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [394dmg]
ex.Thunder Bolt, cr.MP, f+MK, cr.MP–hcf+LK–P/or/K [408dmg]
ex.Thunder Bolt, cr.MP, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [419dmg]
ex.Thunder Bolt, f+MK, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [429dmg]
ex.Thunder Bolt, f+MK, f+MK, f+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [437dmg]

(air hit) jt.HK, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [281dmg]
(air hit) jt.HK, cr.HK, cr.MP–hcf+LK–P/or/K [288dmg]
(air hit) jt.HK, f+MK, f+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [290dmg]
(air hit) jt.HK, cr.HK, MP–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [297dmg]
(air hit) jt.HK, HK–hcf+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [301dmg]
all of the (air hit) jt.HK combos above are also possible with any other normals from an air-to-air counter hit, but the damage will vary depends on what normal is used

Corner Combo’s :

Cross Rush /or/ Raw Tag Launcher, HK–hcb+LK, cr.MP–srk.MP/or/HP
Cross Rush /or/ Raw Tag Launcher, HK–hcb+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK
Cross Rush /or/ Raw Tag Launcher, cr.HK, HK–hcb+LK, srk+MP/or/HP

srk+LP, HK–hcb+LK, cr.MP–srk.MP/or/HP [355dmg]
srk+LP, HK–hcb+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [367dmg]
srk+LP, cr.HK, HK–hcb+LK, srk+MP/or/HP [376dmg]

ex.MGB, HK, HK–hcb+LK, srk+MP/or/HP [381dmg]
ex.MGB, HK–hcb+MK, cr.MP–srk+MP/or/HP [391dmg]
ex.MGB, cr.HK, HK–hcb+LK, srk+MP/or/HP [396dmg]
ex.MGB, HK–hcb+MK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [403dmg]

ex.MGB, HK, HK–hcb+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [395dmg]
ex.MGB, cr.HK, HK–hcb+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [410dmg]
(both combo variation timing must be all linked in 1frame at max height, strict execution!)

ex.SSB, HK–hcb+LK, cr.MP–srk.MP/or/HP [435dmg]
ex.SSB, HK–hcb+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [447dmg]

ex.Thunder Bolt (coming soon!)

(air hit) jt.HK, cr.HK, f+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [310dmg]
(air hit) jt.HK, cr.HK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [316dmg]
(air hit) jt.HK, HK–hcb+LK, srk+MP/or/HP [335dmg]
all of the (air hit) jt.HK combos above are also possible with any other normals from an air-to-air counter hit, but the damage will vary depends on what normal is used
(HK–hcb+MK, srk+MP/or/HP : is possible coming from an air-to-air counter from other normals, except HK)

(air hit) jt.HK, hcb+LK, cr.MP–srk+MP/or/HP [332dmg]
(air hit) jt.HK, hcb+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [346dmg]

Tag-In Combo’s

Cody : Mid-Screen Combo’s

hp.Criminal Upper, jt.HP, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [409dmg]
hp.Criminal Upper, jt.HP, f+MK, f+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [417dmg]
hp.Criminal Upper, jt.HP, HK–hcf+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [426dmg]
hp.Criminal Upper, nj.HK, cr.HK, cr.MP–hcf+LK–P/or/K [414dmg]
hp.Criminal Upper, nj.HK, cr.HK, MP–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [421dmg]

Zonk Knuckle, f+MK, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [339dmg]
Zonk Knuckle, HK–hcf+LK, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K [344dmg]
Zonk Knuckle, f+MK, HK–hcf+LK, cr.MP–srk+MP/or/HP [344dmg]
Zonk Knuckle, f+MK, f+MK, f+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [347dmg]
Zonk Knuckle, f+MK, HK–hcf+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [356dmg]
this tag-in combo’s can also be done from an ex.Zonk Knuckle and hk.Ruffian Kick

Cody : Corner Combo’s

hp.Criminal Upper, nj.HK, cr.HK, f+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [433dmg]
hp.Criminal Upper, nj.HK, cr.HK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [438dmg]
hp.Criminal Upper, HK–hcb+MK, cr.MP–srk+MP/or/HP [441dmg]
hp.Criminal Upper, HK–hcb+MK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [453dmg]
hp.Criminal Upper, nj.HK, HK–hcb+LK, srk+MP/or/HP [456dmg]

Zonk Knuckle, HK, HK–hcb+LK, srk+MP/or/HP [391dmg]
Zonk Knuckle, cr.HK, HK–hcb+LK, srk+MP/or/HP [406dmg]
Zonk Knuckle, HK–hcb+MK, cr.MP–srk+MP/or/HP [401dmg]
Zonk Knuckle, HK–hcb+MK, cr.MP–hcb+MK [413dmg]
this tag-in combo’s can also be done from an ex.Zonk Knuckle and hk.Ruffian Kick

Cody’s Hammer Hook (F+HP)

Hammer Hook, TC#7, HP–HP+HK
Hammer Hook, TC#7, MP–HP/or/EX.MGB
Hammer Hook, f+MK, HK–srk+LP
all tag-in combo variations can be done on mid-screen and corner

…more tag-in combo’s to come from other different characters…


Another corner variation, pretty tight timing:

ex.MGB, cr.HP, HK–hcb+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [408dmg]

its not just pretty tight timing… its mostly 1frame max height timing, why give yourself the hard time of cr.HP on hit adv recovery while u can use cr.HK it has the same damage output and better hit adv recovery, the more easy variation of your combo…

ex.MGB, cr.HK, HK–hcb+MK, srk+MP/or/HP [410dmg]

either way i wouldn’t recommend this combo to be used online, even with a full bar connectivity on XBL there is still some command input delay online, even on offline casuals and tourny unless your really confident on your execution level

anyone wanna request a tag-in combo from a certain partner!? would love to experiment and contribute the finding to the board! :slight_smile:

I could request law :stuck_out_tongue: from kicks i do now mk>hk>hp, hpxxLauncher [ground] and j.HK,d.Hk, mp Jet [Air] if u find anythibg better let me know :slight_smile:

for [air] kicks…
f+MK, HK–hcf+LK, cr.MP–hcb+MK
f+HP, HK–srk+LP, hcf+LK–K
as for corner, u can use the same combo variations from an ex.MGB at corner

for [ground] kicks… basically that’s the only option dudley got for a ground game and meterless combo, you can connect TC#7 with a MP/or/cr.MP and cancel it to any special moves of your choice, u can also do the LP.JET UPPER combo if u want by doing (f+MK, HK–srk+LP), and all of these are possible from mid to corner screen!

Wha? The combos do the same damage. My bad, my math was wrong. They both do 410. Just to clarify.

It’s not a difficult combo. I actually find the Cr. HP version easier than the Cr. HK version.

Don’t know what this thread is about but

Best Midscreen
EX MGB/Launcher> f.MK, s.HK xx LK/MK duck c.MP xx MK SSB
LP Jet > f.LP>MP xx LK Duck c.MP xx MK SSB(MP Jet if not point blank)
j.HK GroundBounce, s.HK xx LK Duck, c.MP xx MK SSB
c.HK > walk forward c.MP xx MK SSB
Best Corner
EX MGB > s.HK xx HK SSB, c.MP xx MK SSB
LP Jet/Raw Launcher > c.HK s.HK xx LK SSB, HP Jet Upper
Boost Launcher > s.HK xx MK SSB > c.MP xx MK SSB

Check the combo tier list thread for more/damage

dont know what ur posting about, but all that combo are already been listed

Quick question : do ALL of the combos listed in the OP work in 2013 version? Thanks

Bryan tag-in combos

Bryan [HP Snake Pit] Dudley [Jump forward HK, Cr. HK, srk MP/HP]
Bryan [HP Snake Pit] Dudley [Jump forward HP, F+MK, F+MK, srk MP/HP]
Bryan [HP Snake Pit] Dudley [Jump forward HP, HK–hcf LK, Cr. MP–hcb MK] <- Optimal damage

Bryan [HP Snake Pit] Dudley [Neutral jump HK, HK–hcb MK, srk HP] (only combo worth knowing… really easy and amazing damage, plus his other combos are basically variations on his midscreen combos)

Yeah, there were basically no changes to his combo potential in 2013 except damage nerfs on MP and HP Jet Upper, and HP Jet Upper juggles better now.