Dudley Q&A: Let's learn... like Gentlemen!

NVM looked in the dudley guide and found what I needed

Anyone know which hit from Rolling Thunder guarantees the animation?

Yeah actually, I think we have all had the few hits to KO then…next round. Honestly, I think its if you kill them before the 4th hit (when the animation starts) they just die, if they have even a sliver of health left, super face pounding time.

Ya but I dont think all the hits trigger the full animation. I was playing a match and I could’ve sworn I got the last hit in but no animation. Also, when using it against projectiles from a longish range the 2nd hit whiffs but you get the full animation meaning not all hits are needed.

Guys, I’ve been using his st.mk xx st.hk target combo lately, and i think that it may be one of his best target combos.Why?Well, for 3 MAJOR things i’d say.
1)Stands up- very importan, because allows you to combo into st.jab and st.mp (after a st.jab) on all crouching characters, because it stands them up.
2)VERY little pushback.Seriously, it’s like a cr.jab of pushback.
3)+3 on hit! I dunno, framedata says it’s a one framer into st.jab, but i get it most the time.Doing st.mk xx st.hk ~ st.jab ~ st.hp does 212 damage, or heck, you can go into st.hk after the st.jab for tons of damage after.I think, more importantly, you can link super after it for around 400 damage, as it is a good hitconfirm.I really think this is one of his best target combos, along with cr.lk xx st.mk for comboing after a low, and f.mk xx mk xx hp for damage.

I have a question about Dudley mixup on knock down :

A this moment, when my opponent is knock down, each time I want to do something (overhead,low,…) I get rapped by reversal or whatever… I don’t know if a thread already exist on that subject but I would like to know :

-What can we do on opponent’s wakeup and WHEN?
-What can we do to put pressure?


Fake an early overhead then block the reversal and punish? Short Swing Blow?

Is it just me or does j.HK seem to have too much push back to hit confirm with c.LP x2 > s.HK? I find myself using j.MK instead :confused:

Watch [media=youtube]Wx6Z5VGsBw4[/media] for a basic overview of how wakeup pressure works. Basically if your opponent is using too many wakeup reversals, you need to bait it, block it, and then combo into big damage/another knockdown.

In super though, usually if they don’t have meter it’s go time. I always bait after the first knockdown just to see how my opponent reacts. If you’re playing scrubby players they probably won’t stop doing reversals so It’s always smart to play safe against them.

Do j.hk -> f.mk. Better damage and more time to hit-confirm because it brings you closer.

Also note that f.mk does come out slower, so you can’t be too slow with the inputs compared to a s.hk or cr.lp

I find the f.MK link kinda awkward, it recovers quicker than it looks and I always tend to drop the link :frowning:

Also my reactions would probably be too slow to reliably hit confirm with just those two attacks :confused:

then do f.mk, cr.lp, [cr.lp,] s.hk

How do you guys beat the crouching option select (downback + lp lk)?

Seems if I try to rush someone down, they block all strings and tech all my throws and they jab me out of my overhead. I tried baiting out the jab but dudleys non-ex dp is not reliable enough to stuff normals for it to work, plus it’s hard because usually they just end up blocking it.

Is f+mk enough frame advantage, even on block, to set up frame traps this way? I’m thinking of trying f+mk and then overhead and see if it comes out fast enough to stuff the jab.

f+mk is +3 on block. Great for frame traps as I usually always get a counter hit after it.

My main issue with f +mk is getting through the barrage of pokes so I can land it…

Guys, does anyone know why some characters, like guy and thawk, are cake to juggle midscreen, and others (fucking Adon) are absolutely impossible?By juggle i Mean something xx EX MGB ~ U2, cr.hk ~mk duck xx upper (or straight), or EX MGB ~ lk/mk duck xx upper/straight.All of those work so easily on guy, almost nothing works on adon.The only juggles possible on adon midscreen are like EX mgb ~ mk duck upper, Ex mgb ~ lk duck straight( but this one is REALLY hard, feels like one frame link, you can also add ultra if you can do ANOTHER one frame link, but does only 2 hits, extremely hard, not worth it) , and after sweep, tht only things that work, and very hard, are HK duck upper, and mk duck straight, and good look landing the ultra after the mk duck straight( oh and they also don’t work from maximum sweep distance.From maximum distance i don’t even think you can do anything to continue the juggle on Adon).I lost some matches against adon for this.So like bassically when i launch an adon midscreen i just don’t even try to jugle,i just position myself for a low/high/throw mixup, or switch sides or something.Does he get launched further or what?
Is this the case for other characters also?I haven’t tested them all.If other characters are as hard to juggle as Adon, fuck this shit.

f.mk is +3 as cHaotix said.
Dart shot (overhead) is 15 frames of startup.
Jabs are like ~3-4 frames. most lks are ~3-4 frames too if they are crouch teching.

So, you won’t get the dart shot out in time before it’ll get stuffed.

This is perhaps a silly question but:

Sometimes I see Dud combo’s start with cr.lk cr.lp and sometimes with cr.lp cr.lp. Does it matter which one of the two I use?

cr.lk hits low. and cr.lp hits mid. So you have to block the first combo low and the second high as well as low.
This is an important difference on wakeup. When you’re setting up your high/low mixups, they may block high to avoid the overhead and you can then hit them with the cr.lk into a big combo.

Also, cr.lk is 30 damage and cr.lp is 20.