Dude spray paints face in attempt to avoid da police! Guess the color he used

A few key notes here:

1: Paint the fence is an offensive tactic, not defensive. NOTE: This tactic is Not effective outside of the videogame known as CVS2.
2: You had stolen a car. Shoulda kept it movin.
3: …You sprayed yourself in the face with paint? :wtf:
4: You thought that turning yourself black would help you to EVADE the police. Must be new to this country.
5: Even if all of the above is left out, you (the suspect) returned to your home, after The cops have already PROVEN that they know it was you, as well as where you live, yet you return to the place the cops are most likely to look for you?

I cannot let him slide. Spam the gif.


All in all, This is gonna be a guy who will get a lot of attention in his new home. I see Cali trying to catch up with Florida, or at least become the west coast Florida.



Yes, how intelligent…let’s be the color of the people that the cops look at first…this is the first time i feel uneasy about saying this guy is dumber than he looks…oh, how ironic…

Is this what angelpalm looks like?

Needs more cowbell.

I wonder how difficult that shit was to get off…

He was not a real nigga.

Oh this is Cali, I want what he was smokin…

Might have been a good idea, unfortunately, by using black he immediately became a suspect regardless of if they recognized him or not.

Poor choice, driving while black guarantees you get pulled over.

You see blotches on his face? He forgot to use primer and clear coat. I bet he used gloss black too, which probably gave it away.

A Brer Rabbit facepalm

Did this nigga just pull a failed class change from Final Fantasy X-2?

yea only one thing to say to this foul

Lol…you trippin…i obviously look like my av Mr Perfect.

haha Just jokes. You were the first blaxican I could think of!

Dude’s been watchin’ Silver Streak.

You know the cops saw through the disguise because he didn’t get shot.

or get deported

The real life Mr. Popo
