Hey guys. I am looking to dual mod a standard wired Xbox 360 controller to be used, plug and play for both Xbox 360 and ps3.
Just to clarify, I am not talking about dual modding a fight stick, fight pad, or Ps360 controller where a ps3 controller board is inserted into the shell of a 360 controller. Just a standard controller.
I have been researching it for a while, and I know it is possible and has been done multiple times but there do not seem to be a lot of mod shops or users selling them online. I’m guessing because it is either difficult or there is little market for it.
Can someone direct me to somewhere/someone that get this done? Whether it be an online shop, a user that does custom mods, etc. I’ll shell out the money for it…I know whoever does it will name their price. But there are still quite a few players who use the standard 360 pad and I think something like this should be documented. If we can create something that for all to reference that would also be awesome.
I think the only possible solutions to modding the 360 pad is having it dual modded but no analog stick functionality or have it only fully functional on ps3 (not the benheck mod btw).
I’m the one who’s been doing most of the pad mods so let me know what you need out of the mod.
If I can get access to a late model wired ms 360 pad I might have a better chance at seeing if I could actually fully dual mod it…
I would be willing to try either solution. How much would you charge for either or? If you can look into trying to have the analog function work with the dual mod, that would be what I’m looking for but I’m sure you already have and it isn’t feasible right?
I was just looking at that…If you want, when I send you my pad I will send you a cerberus along side it, if you haven’t already had a look at one by that time. I’ll send you an email when I contact you, I got the email address from your site. Do you check that often?
Gummo, I would be interested in a modded Xbox 360 wireless pad for PS3, no need for dual mod. I’ve been trying to search online for those but I can’t seem to find any.
Are you still available to do such a mod and for how much?
Two other options that exist are the FUS1ON or the Pro-Ex controller which are both by PowerA, but I’m not going to tell you how to live your life or how to spend your money.
I’m guessing you’re sharing me those because they have a similar look and feel to the original Xbox controller? From the pictures I find the controllers shape and button arrangement to be quite similar. Cause the point of being able to use the Xbox controller on the PS3 is basically to preserve the exact same feeling as playing games with it on the Xbox (or at least for me).
Have you had the chance to try one of these? Any comments?
I personally have not tried those two specific controllers from PowerA but I do own one of their other ones called the “Mini ProX”. It’s for my 360 and I like it, probably a little bit more than the first party wired controllers. It’s just like using one of the older MicroCon controllers by MadCatz that were for the Xbox, PS2, and GC(if you remember those), which I loved.
Also, I used to work for GameStop and when they came out every returning customer I saw that bought one of the Wireless Pro-Ex’s for their PS3 loved it. Especially the customers that had switched from a 360 to a PS3. The only negative things I heard were from a few PS3 fanboys, who said that Sony was whoring themselves out. It got pretty high scores from most video game reviewer websites at the time (even Kotaku liked it :o). I think that a reviewer even gave it a “Best 3rd Party Controller of the Year” award, although I do not remember exactly who.
I have the fusion controller for PS3. I bought it basically because I wanted to get Aliens: Colonial Marines next month and I don’t have an Xbox 360, just a PS3. Personally I prefer the Xbox layout in regards to the placement of the d-pad and analog sticks for shooting games. It was going to be either this pad or the MLG Pro controller but you can’t walk into a Gamestop and pick up an MLG controller. After a few weeks of use I love it and traded in my dualshock 3. Now the only games I play these days are fighting games which I play on joystick except Tekken (Dualshock 2 with InPin adapter) and shooting games but I like the fusion enough to just use that pad. I am biased towards the xbox 360 pad though so take that into account.
fusion and power-a defeat the purpose of the OP post. They are both shaped differently than the original controller. Besides having a similar “layout” those controllers won’t do anything for you if you’re looking to emulate the exact feel of the official brand controller on another console. That is why I am still searching for a dual-mod
Sorry to move away from the original subject, I thought Gummo had modded a controller for you already But you’re right, they are not the same. I’m basically looking for the same thing as you but do not require the dual mod for xbox.