“Unfortunately for you, I’m having a bad day.” - Hitting people with Miguel
Notable moves
[details=Spoiler]d/b+1 - One of Miguel’s scariest tools. A chargeable swinging low punch that allows for a small juggle afterwards, allowing you to set up your oki. It’s a surprisingly hard low to react to, and the reward for it is fantastic – just don’t get predictable with it, lest you eat a low parry/hopkick/other low crush.
1,3 - Another NC that recovers crouching, allowing you to set up your FC mixup game. For this reason alone, this string is very useful.
d/f+2,1 - A mid-hitting launcher string. Unsafe on block, but can be used as a tag launcher.
f+2+3 - A new move in TTT2. A reasonably quick mid-hitting shoulder charge that’s -3 on block (which is crazy good) and knocks down on hit. A pretty decent pressure tool.
d/f+1,2 - A good mid-hitting string to throw out. Safe, and can be good to close out the round on occasion.
f+4,2 - A powerful NC with the first hit being a homing move. Unfortunately, it’s no longer hit-confirmable.
f+3,4 - Another great NC that is hit-confirmable as well as delayable. The 4 on CH can be combo’d from.
f,f+2,1 - A mid-high string that is now safe on block. Good move to use in pressure, but doesn’t jail, meaning the second hit can be ducked.
f,f+2,2(~d) - A new extension from f,f+2, the second hit now causes W!, though it is unsafe on block. A good way to end combos post-B!. Holding d cancels the second hit into FC.
FC d/f+4 - A quick FC low that can be followed up with f,f+2,1 or f,f+2,2 (I think it’s a crouch cancel, though).
f,f+3 - Another new move. A high homing kick (like Bryan’s f,f+4) that is safe on block (-9) and launches on NH.
b+3 - “Woohoo!” An odd-looking jumping kick… thing. Has godly advantage on block, setting up a throw or CH if your opponent likes to push buttons.
d/b+3,4 - A two-hit low kick string. Doesn’t NC, but is good as a tech trap.[/details]
Changed moves
from TZ
[details=Spoiler]1+2,1+2(~d) - Holding d cancels the second hit into FC.
f+2 - Now starts a juggle on CH.
d/f+1 - Somewhat more negative on block. Still relatively safe, though.
d/b+4 - Seems to track less.
u/f+1 - Now hits mid rather than high.
SAV u/f+3 - No longer starts a juggle, but is now safe on block. Causes W! on NH.[/details]
Savage Stance
[details=Spoiler]Miguel’s Savage Stance (SAV) is a special stance accessed by either pressing 3+4 or holding f after certain moves. This gives him access to a different set of moves that really opens up his offensive options.
Moves that transition into SAV1,2,4~f
Moves from SAV
SAV 1(~f)
SAV 1,1
SAV 1,2(~f)
SAV 1,2,1
SAV 1,4
SAV 3(~f)
SAV 3,3(~f)
SAV 1+2
SAV f+1+2(~f)
SAV d/f+1(~f)
SAV d/f+2
SAV d+4(~f)
SAV d+4,3(~f)
SAV d/b+3(~f)
SAV d/b+4
SAV b+1(~f)
SAV b+1,2
SAV b+1,4
SAV b+2
SAV b+3
SAV u/f+3[/details]
- d/f+1~f, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1, d/f+2,2 B! (finish with d/f+4,1~f, SAV 2 B! for better TA options)
- d/f+1~f, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~f, SAV 1,2,1 (wall carry)
- any d/f+2,1 combo
- ws+4, d+4,1+2(~f)
FC d/f+4
- f,f+2,2
TA Combos (Lars)
Miguel d/f+2,1, d/f+1~f, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~f, SAV 2 B!~5, TA! Lars DE under, ws+2~f, SE 1, Miguel f,f+2,2[/details]
Tag Assaults
- B!~5, TA! MIG SAV 1,2,1
- B!~5, TA! MIG ssr d/f+4,1~f, SAV 1,2,1
At the wall
- d/f+4,1,1[/details]