"DRRRLLLYYEEAA~" - The Miguel Thread

“DRRRLLLYYEEAA~” - The Miguel Thread

Manly Man



Greetings, and welcome to the Shoryuken TTT2 **Miguel **thread!
This thread will provide the following to all Miguel players:
[]Frame data
]Notable moves
]Chest hair (but if you play Miguel, you likely have this already)
If you have any extra knowledge about our resident Manly Man, then don’t hesitate to contribute.

“And I just had confession…” - About Miguel

Biography (from Tekkenpedia)


Miguel lived his life as a lone wolf and detested the idea of answering to anyone. Despite being born into a conservative family, his wild and unruly nature made him a black sheep in the family. The discord between Miguel and his parents caused him to run away at the age of 15 and take residence at a bar owned by an acquaintance.In spite of his family dysfunction, Miguel kept in contact with his younger sister, who he grew to trust and treasure. On the darker side, Miguel’s over-protective concern for his sister was extreme… He almost wanted to kill her boyfriend when he heard the news that they were to be married. On the day of the marriage, Miguel was unable and unwilling to stand with his parents and participate in the service. Instead, he watched from outside the church. Looking around, Miguel noticed the sky was blue as far as the eye could see and the planes overhead seemed to be a serene part of the festivities. Then suddenly, a blast of intense heat engulfed the area. Miguel was knocked back and sustained intense pain throughout his body, but rushed to the church to search for his sister. When he found her, her dress was stained crimson red and air no longer filled her lungs. Miguel’s screams echoed through the smoldering rubble that was once the church. After hearing that the aerial attack had been the work of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Miguel gave-in to dark thoughts, loathing and hatred, and swore revenge upon Jin Kazama.

[LEFT]Miguel is a relatively simple character to learn with good pokes, a good low game with FC moves and d/b+1, easy, damaging combos, and all the manliness you could ever need.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]His easy-to-understand moves make Miguel an excellent character for beginners to learn Tekken with, and his wide variety of tools in and out of Savage Stance make him a force to be reckoned with in the hands of an experienced player.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Teaming up[/LEFT]
[LEFT]I’ve had moderate success pairing Miguel with Lars. A friend of mine does well with Miguel/Lee, and I’ve heard of people doing decently with Miguel/Bryan. Because of Miguel’s strong low game, my guess is that you’d want Miguel as a character that can cover for a character whose low game isn’t quite as threatening.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Full Move List (in Japanese)[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Frame Data (courtesy of Avoiding The Puddle)[/LEFT]

“Unfortunately for you, I’m having a bad day.” - Hitting people with Miguel

Notable moves

[details=Spoiler]d/b+1 - One of Miguel’s scariest tools. A chargeable swinging low punch that allows for a small juggle afterwards, allowing you to set up your oki. It’s a surprisingly hard low to react to, and the reward for it is fantastic – just don’t get predictable with it, lest you eat a low parry/hopkick/other low crush.
1,3 - Another NC that recovers crouching, allowing you to set up your FC mixup game. For this reason alone, this string is very useful.
d/f+2,1 - A mid-hitting launcher string. Unsafe on block, but can be used as a tag launcher.
f+2+3 - A new move in TTT2. A reasonably quick mid-hitting shoulder charge that’s -3 on block (which is crazy good) and knocks down on hit. A pretty decent pressure tool.
d/f+1,2 - A good mid-hitting string to throw out. Safe, and can be good to close out the round on occasion.
f+4,2 - A powerful NC with the first hit being a homing move. Unfortunately, it’s no longer hit-confirmable.
f+3,4 - Another great NC that is hit-confirmable as well as delayable. The 4 on CH can be combo’d from.
f,f+2,1 - A mid-high string that is now safe on block. Good move to use in pressure, but doesn’t jail, meaning the second hit can be ducked.
f,f+2,2(~d) - A new extension from f,f+2, the second hit now causes W!, though it is unsafe on block. A good way to end combos post-B!. Holding d cancels the second hit into FC.
FC d/f+4 - A quick FC low that can be followed up with f,f+2,1 or f,f+2,2 (I think it’s a crouch cancel, though).
f,f+3 - Another new move. A high homing kick (like Bryan’s f,f+4) that is safe on block (-9) and launches on NH.
b+3 - “Woohoo!” An odd-looking jumping kick… thing. Has godly advantage on block, setting up a throw or CH if your opponent likes to push buttons.
d/b+3,4 - A two-hit low kick string. Doesn’t NC, but is good as a tech trap.[/details]

Changed moves

from TZ

[details=Spoiler]1+2,1+2(~d) - Holding d cancels the second hit into FC.
f+2 - Now starts a juggle on CH.
d/f+1 - Somewhat more negative on block. Still relatively safe, though.
d/b+4 - Seems to track less.
u/f+1 - Now hits mid rather than high.
SAV u/f+3 - No longer starts a juggle, but is now safe on block. Causes W! on NH.[/details]

Savage Stance

[details=Spoiler]Miguel’s Savage Stance (SAV) is a special stance accessed by either pressing 3+4 or holding f after certain moves. This gives him access to a different set of moves that really opens up his offensive options.

Moves that transition into SAV1,2,4~f

Moves from SAV
SAV 1(~f)
SAV 1,1
SAV 1,2(~f)
SAV 1,2,1
SAV 1,4
SAV 3(~f)
SAV 3,3(~f)
SAV 1+2
SAV f+1+2(~f)
SAV d/f+1(~f)
SAV d/f+2
SAV d+4(~f)
SAV d+4,3(~f)
SAV d/b+3(~f)
SAV d/b+4
SAV b+1(~f)
SAV b+1,2
SAV b+1,4
SAV b+2
SAV b+3
SAV u/f+3[/details]



  • d/f+1~f, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1, d/f+2,2 B! (finish with d/f+4,1~f, SAV 2 B! for better TA options)
  • d/f+1~f, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~f, SAV 1,2,1 (wall carry)
  • any d/f+2,1 combo
  • ws+4, d+4,1+2(~f)
    FC d/f+4
  • f,f+2,2

TA Combos (Lars)
Miguel d/f+2,1, d/f+1~f, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~f, SAV 2 B!~5, TA! Lars DE under, ws+2~f, SE 1, Miguel f,f+2,2[/details]

Tag Assaults


  • B!~5, TA! MIG SAV 1,2,1
  • B!~5, TA! MIG ssr d/f+4,1~f, SAV 1,2,1
    At the wall
  • d/f+4,1,1[/details]

Awesome! Looking forward to seeing this develop :slight_smile:

lol at the battle cry.

I’ve updated the “About Miguel” and “Hitting people with Miguel” sections.
The former has a brief description of the character, while the latter has included notable moves (ones that I feel are worth noting, anyway), SAV moves and moves that transition into SAV, a couple of combos and some TA options.
I look forward to seeing what you guys have! :smiley:

Something funny to note about Miguel in this game is that in the Rage Relationship mechanic he is one of the very few characters in the game that none of the cast actually dislikes (although I’m not sure about the bonus characters).
However the only characters he does like in return are the animals.

Hi Miguel’s, I was wondering how accurate it is to say that Miguel is mainly a poking/turtle character with savage stance as a pressure/mix-up gimmick, and I was wondering that if he would be a good pairing with hwoarang. I’d also like to know if he can be playing offensively like hwo or steve.

Thanks, stay manly.

Im just picking on Miguel and this thread is helpful. Thanks

You heard about people doing decent with Miguel/Bryan? Got any TA combos? They’re my secondary team.


Sorry for the late replies, school’s been keeping me busy.

If I were to make a comparison to Street Fighter, I’d say that Miguel is similar to Cody. With Miguel, not so much turtling, but spacing is very important for Miguel, and knowing at what ranges your moves are effective in. You can also use his numerous lows in and out of FC and SAV for mixups.

What I found was this:
Miguel d/f+2,1, d/f+1~f, SAV d/f+1, d/f+4,1~f, SAV 2 B!~5, TA! Bryan f+4,1, Miguel f,f+2,2
Bryan u/f+4, d/b+2, f+4,1 B!~5, TA! Miguel ssr d/f+4,1~f, SAV 1,2,1, Bryan WR+3
At least, I think that’s how the last one goes. I’ve forgotten what combos I figured out, as most of my time has been dedicated to learning Lee. I’ll have to jump in the lab again soon.

I’d be offended if that wasn’t completely accurate.

For the notable moves, you should add u/f+1, it’s actually safe on block.

Only downside about it is that it HAS to hit (even blocked), otherwise you are a sitting duck

I like fwd+2 because it’s fast and on CH leads to a juggle. Problem is that it’s a high attack. Same with b+1+2. IIRC the only attack that hits mid that leads to a juggle on CH is b+3. But you can easily be jabbed out of that. Pretty much my only gripes with Miguel. High attacks that lead to juggle on CH.

Yes, both b+3 and u/f+1 are great moves. Godlike plus-frames on block, but you should really only do it when you’ve got your opponent respecting your moves.
Also, tataki wasn’t kidding when he posted that Miguel tutorial. Seriously, abuse f+2+3. It’s just beyond description.

I’m only a few months in learning tekken, currently maining bruce/miguel… anyway isnt f+2+3 easily avoided with a sidestep?

That’s a good question. I’m sure it can be easily side-stepped, but only if you get predictable with it.
Of course, I will reiterate that there is a measure of truth in tataki’s video. :stuck_out_tongue: