Drom's Davis January 17th SFIV Tournament! IPW Stream!

What: Street Fighter IV Tournament!

When: Sunday, January 17th. Signups begin at 12pm and the event begins at 2pm.

Where: Drom’s Comics & Cards
231 G Street Suite 4
Davis, CA 95616
ph: 530 758 2280
web: dromscomics.com

Cost and Prize Format: $10 entry fee with 70/20/10 going to top 3. Venue takes $2 per entry and $8 goes toward prizes.

We have a 42" Vizio LCD 1080p TV with PS3, inPin PS2 to PS3 adapters, a pair of HRAP2 with Sanwa buttons and octagonal gates and sticks & pair of X-Arcades with PSX PCB’s and IL Parts and a Pepsi machine. It’s best if you bring your own stick, but if you want to use a store stick, that’s totally fine. We will have additional setups available as needed.

Stream: Thxyoutoo will be providing the stream for iPlaywinner.

Stuff we should have on hand for sale:
inPin PS2 to PS3 adapters - $25
Xconverter 360 Plus PS2 to Xbox 360 adapters - $25
MAS Systems Super Pro Sticks (all six button setups. 2 black, 1 white) $100 + tax
Madcatz Street Fighter IV Tournament Edition Round 2 Fightsticks $140 + tax
Madcatz Xbox 360 pads (Not the SFIV ones, I’m talking about the ones modders use for the PCB) $25 + tax
Arthong Plexi plates for Madcatz TE

It’s official: Art hooked us up and we have Drom’s dustwashers for top three!


Getting ready…

Almost enough hype for the Fire Marshall to come in… almost.

Choi the winner!

Top three. Hiro, Filipino Champ and Eric Choi.

Great job guys! It was loads of fun and we’ll do it again in about a month or so!

You might also want to note that your HRAP2 have Octagonal gates (unless you changed them back).

done. Thanks!

I will be there.

I will be there. I expect to see Eric Choi.

If Danny wants to lose to me, he can make an appearance.

Freeeeeeeeeee money BRT!!!

IPlayWinner will be Live Streaming this event.

Please update the post with the following

2/3 double elimination
70/20/10 pot split
sign ups begin at 12

I have faith in this event and those that run it. As a result, I will be attending this event. I might even pick up a comic and see why time bullets exist.

thxyoutoo + Jenkins + Droms’ tourneys <3

cool, i’ll try to make it to this one. can’t wait to see you guys again.

will dere be fight money for me if i go?

Akuma = scary



I don’t get it…

edit: nvm you did

We’ll be running 2-3 ps3 setups

We should have inPin PS2-PS3 adapters, Xconverter 360 Plus adapters and Arthong plates/dustwashers available at the tournament.

Also, Arthong says he’s gonna try to stop by that day if you guys want to meet the man who made your amazing plates!

fuck droms!!!..j/k

ill be there. I love davis!


Gotta see if i can get that thursday off. This sounds dope as hell. :tup:

January 17th is a sunday.

edit: Here is the promo poster http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h258/azndragontyper/dromsjanuary17promo.jpg

Loving the Pakside logo <3