I got word from a reliable source that SSFIV will be released on April 6th, so in anticipation of that date, I’m planning a tournament! (If SSFIV falls through, we’ll have a SFIV event instead.)
What: SUPER Street Fighter IV Tournament!
When: Sunday, April 11th. Signups begin at 12pm and the event begins at 2pm.
Where: Drom’s Comics & Cards
231 G Street Suite 4
Davis, CA 95616
ph: 530 758 2280
web: dromscomics.com
Cost and Prize Format: $10 entry fee with 70/20/10 going to top 3. Venue takes $2 per entry and $8 goes toward prizes.
We have a 42" Vizio LCD 1080p TV with PS3, inPin PS2 to PS3 adapters, a pair of HRAP2 with Sanwa buttons and octagonal gates and sticks & pair of X-Arcades with PSX PCB’s and IL Parts and a Pepsi machine. It’s best if you bring your own stick, but if you want to use a store stick, that’s totally fine. We will have additional setups available as needed.
Thxyoutoo will be streaming for iplaywinner.com!
Stuff we should have on hand for sale:
inPin PS2 to PS3 adapters - $25
Xconverter 360 Plus PS2 to Xbox 360 adapters - $25