Drawing bodies

ok, i am really good at drawing heads and the hair but the one problem i have is… drawing bodies. i can’t draw from the shoulders down. can anyone give me pointers on how to draw muscle and ripples in clothing and just overall shape and proportion to the head.

man I keep thinking that it was “drawing bOObies” which would be something better to ask.

Drawing the body is really hard. You’ll have to just study a lot from real life and whatever sources you can find. ANd draw a lot. Thats all and I tell you because I’m learning myself. Can you draw the head and hair in alot of different angles/position? It’ll come in handy once you’ve learn how to draw bodies. I use to only be able to draw the head at the front side back and 3/4. In fact I probably still can ONLY draw the head from those angles LOLOLOLOL

hey peeps, i have had problmes with drawing bodys myself, i have found books 2 help , on anatomy and the muscles in the body. www.barnesandnoble.com has many. also i learn if you have photoshop and a digi-cam,if you have a nice subject who can pose for you (poses you like), you can take a pic and draw over it in photoshop or just print it and trace it. trust me it works and its fast. i have taken many drawing classes and this is how many ppl work.

the books would help except i don’t wanna trace :confused:

The books teach you techniques, and show you more about the human anatomy (which is important).

You’re not meant to trace from them.

Don’t concern yourself with the clothing for now, concentrate on the human body. I suggest you start by learning some of the basics of human anatomy : bone structure, range of motion, and superficial muscles – mostly the muscles that flex, not extend. Sample other peoples work (preferrably rough sketches) in order to see what techniques other artists use. Read (don’t copy) art books that teach techniques. If you can’t get any nude models to work with, there’s always tons of free porn on the internet. Work with clothing and actions later.

Those suggestions aside, I think the best thing to do would be to take lots and lots of art workshops. You will be trained, you will be amoung others who you can share ideas and techniques with, and you will probably be provided with plenty of models.

Here’s a great online sketchbook: http://www.beeba.net/

This one caught me the most.