Dragon punch help?

(Sorry if this is the wrong forum. Also, I did search and couldn’t find an answer to this particular situation.)

So, with Ryu I can dragon punch if I throw a FB out first and immediately try to DP afterwards. But if I just try to DP by itself, I can get it out maybe once in 10 attempts - usually a FB comes out instead.

My guess is that since the FB is still on screen when I do my DP, the game knows that I can’t do another, so it interprets my attempted DP motion as a DP. Another thing I was thinking was that maybe when the game slows down very slightly as the FB hits, that maybe that is helping me get the DP out.

Getting to the point, my DP technique is clearly not right, and I’d like to improve. If the game interprets my DP motion as a FB, then I am pressing towards unnecessarily at the end of the motion. But when I try to do a very strict DP motion I usually just get a crouching punch.

I know the answer to this question is: practice, practice, practice, but I just wondered if anyone else had gone through this stage in their development?

I have a square gate, if that makes a difference.

Thanks for any help you can give!

  • geo

lol. looks at join date.

Sorry, is someone who just joined not allowed to ask questions? I’m just someone who likes to play this game that we all like, and I’m trying to improve. What’s the problem?

If you end in forward, the game should still do a shoryuken as long as you do it quickly enough. The shoryuken takes precedence over the fireball. You can see a big chart about these priorities on this page. What’s probably happening is that you’re ending in forward AND doing it too slowly.

Try a Z motion or try doing the move faster. Oh, and practice :wgrin:

This is the type of advice I was looking for - thanks!

ST is really strict on inputs. You have a square gate, so dig that stick into that corner when ending the motion.

ask orochizoolander

LOL you should have linked him to that YouTube vid floationg around somewhere.




lol @ 1901 views :rofl:

orochizoolander is a legend

Video is too funny upload it to youtube gauranteed to triple the views.



That is really unbelievable.

If your on a pad forward, down, forward keep thunmp on the pad and do sweeping motion, quickist and easiet way to do it.

Yeah DPs are REALLY strict in ST, which is why I stick to charge characters lol.

For some strange reason, they seem to come out almost every time when I do qcf x 2 though.

Try to imagine a ‘Z’ motion instead of a QCF without the F. The top line of the ‘Z’ is the forward, the diagonal line is going to down, and the bottom line is going to down-forward.


Why does this not surprise me in slightest :rolleyes:?

Capcom should figure out a way of using the footage to promote HDRemix :rofl:

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