How’s the online play for ps3?
Would agree so, but it does have its uses in opening up quite a few more options to what you can do.
And Luigi, people are saying it’s fine, but cancelling gets a deal more difficult to work with.
Canceling is only a problem online when you play with someone that doesn’t have three bars. I played with some random guys and they had one or two bars and it was so laggy, but I played with a friend in CT with three bars (I’m in NY), and it was fine.
You’ve also got your typical losers and spammers. They’re either spamming the same attack --> mega smash --> ultimate, or will use just one attack to knock you down and not let you get up. I played against a guy that was doing both, and he blew me out the first round. Then I beat him the next and he dropped.
Also, they all fight with either one or two rounds, I was expecting to get three. It’s a good thing I haven’t run into anyone wanting to play with Drama Pieces, I guess they hate them as much as I do.
um yeah there is like a second delay or something so cancelling is a pain in that kind of lag
I don’t know how you guys can stand the Japanese voices. I mean, I am all for enjoying such things in their original languages and subtitles, but Gokou sounding like a little girl just kills it for me. If Kenshiro had a girly japanese voice I would have never even watched Fist of the North Star. While the English dub is pretty silly and infantile, it was never distracting like the jap version. First time I ever saw DBZ was in English, back when I did not have internet and now I am glad I never had to deal with the japanese version. It’s all good though, I just bought the game I have not had time to play it.
How is good is the online mode for XBL?
wow…lmao I’m beginning to wonder who else outside of the internet knows about this meme.
Oh wow
It always amazes me how a random youtube video can inspire/influence so much.
sooo i just copped this today. Is there anyway to skip those “drama” cut-scenes?? some of them take waaay too long.
This game was a major disappointment imo. goes back to playing tenkaichi 3
^yea its not “perfect” but, i definetly prefer budokai gameplay over tenkaichi.
I still like this game tho…it plays mad fast just like the series.
I gotta laugh at your sig, You play this game, but you dont play shitty games. Talk about hilarity.
Real talk, This game isnt terrible, But damn. So many flaws makes me not even want to look at the game. As for skipping the cut scenes. I thought there was a way. But maybe not
It’s a fun DBZ game
but it’s a pretty bad fighting game
and with online being the way it is, it’s not worth the 60 bucks by any means
What exactly don’t you guys like about it?
Wow dude that was a pretty good one :rolleyes:
Games good imo. And it looks great. I just havent been playing it much because the online play is pretty whack and there is no one near me who bought it. Getting all the drama pieces is annoying :arazz:
Im lovin #17,Bardock, Freza and Cell. Yamcha and Vegeta are up there too.
i been wanting to rent this game so i can try it out, the demo was kinda fun. But blockbuster still doesn’t have this shit yet. wtf.
Heh. Funny.
What an absolute lackluster title. They took Budokai 3’s formula, reduced several of the good things about it, such as good flight control, and for no other purpose other than to build sequels upon it, remade Budokai 1 instead, which is essentially half a game in comparison. The online is horrible, laggy, and makes the game look ridiculously broken, and you can have absolutely no fun playing it unless you simply tend to tolerate getting beaten by the same move with no chance to dodge or retaliate.
Worst game I’ve played on the PS3? Even Sonic wasn’t this bad.
May as well go back to Budokai 3…no, Hyper Dimension in that case.
There is so much potential in this franchise for a good game but I’m out of money and patience waiting for it.
The casual following is far to huge for them to even WANT to make a viable game.
I gotta tell you guys, imo the last good DBZ fighting game was the one on Superfamicom (AGES AGO!) None of these new 3d ones kept me interested past seeing a few super moves. This game? I love it, i think i may be the only one on SRK to say that. But this shit is fun to me, makes me feel like im watching the Anime. I picked this up used a few weeks after i bought gears of war 2, and thats really all ive been playing since then. I was happy to see the capsule system isn’t in this one, no manual charging up (kinda slows down the battle and the best shit to me is in battle transformations, that shit is hot. And yes u play with the Japanese voices on, and the drama scene off.
After i beat the game, i started playing online. At first i was just get’n my ass handed to me like :looney: but then after a while i actually learned how to play pretty decent.:lol: This game isn’t a simple as you think, if all you did was beat the game and play a few matches with friends or online, you don’t know whats up.
There are some phucking good players online man and the lag is only bad when you see 1 red bar or sometimes 2 yellow bars on the connection. The only truly sad thing i’ve noticed about playing online is EVERYONE picks Goku, teen Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta or Bardock… Seriously, sad shit, i use Cell and Brolly sometimes just to hear him laugh:rofl:
If any of you are playing or wanna give it another chance online i suggest you create your own match.3 wins for victory & Drama scenes off, then just choose to play who you want based on their lag. If any of you guys still play hit me up.
Yes, thats why i like it,its like playing the series.:wgrin:
Its no SF or GGXX but if your even a little of a fanboy of the series, worst game seems harsh, but, everyone has different taste, im enjoying this waayyy more than i expected. Playing the Demo every now and again is what compelled me to buy it. I’ve played a few of the 3D DBZ titles released here but this is the first one i baught.
i judt dont wanna hafta unlock characters, thats really my issue, i Gamefly’ed it and returned it in 2 days because of this.