Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit for Xbox 360 and PS3 announced - new scans

So I found something interesting when I played the demo tonight.

I checked out the command list and for certain attacks it listed unblockable and undodgeable. Know we all know what unblockable means. You can’t block the move. Naturally you cannot block ultimate attacks or throws. But what does undodgeable mean? I take it to mean that you can’t teleport counter or do constant dodges with the X button.

This is great news since it really makes TCing less abusive. I think it said that throws were both undodgeable and unblockable, which means we are gonna have to really practice throw breaks since those will be much more abusable if this is all true.

Ki attacks were also listed as undodgeable.

Where have you been? This only goes up to the Cell saga…

Even more shocking, people play Uub?:confused:

and why not, is like in sparkling meteor, i even play with dodoria (actually the only one that i dont play in that game is the saibaiman)

Dodoria? Hecatom? Even Dodoria has fans? I never knew anyone even like her(him?).

i dont like him/her (or maybe not like the saiyans, and the main villians), this is mostly because my friends (they play in wii) cant beat me , so i begined to play with random, because that i learned to play with dodoria, and other lot of weirdos, like butter and gesse, they are really good if you know how to play with them :wgrin:

Ok, so the undodgable thing only applies to sidestep dodges me thinks. So not too bad really. It limits the dodging system, but doesn’t shut it down entirely.

I have noticed that in every vid Goku only has 3 ki bars. This sucks. It means that even if Goku forces and airdodge, an opponent like Freeza will have ki to spare for more Teleports, making Goku near useless. Dammit. Hopefully one of the other saiyans has enough ki to be a threat.

Don’t they gain more ki bars when they transform? IIRC I saw either Frieza or one of the Sayians gain another bar or two after they transformed…

I have yet to see any saiyan gain bars from a transformation.

Check the vids again.

This DBZ game is unlike the others in that certain characters simply have more Ki then the others.

Ki management is no joke in DBZ games. If I’m correct then Freeza is god tier and every saiyan is shit.

Alright, to recap, you can’t sidestep undodgeable attacks? Like, what exactly does that mean? They can’t physically sidestep, or will they get hit if they try? I didn’t really get that on the command list, either.

I highly doubt you’ll be correct, EmblemLord. If you have seen Yamcha’s bar, it’s about five or six bars, where Goku’s is only three. It’s almost like SFIII where characters have different amounts for ultimate attacks (and yes, you can change what ultimate attack you go into battle with).

Ok. Well, we will see how it goes down.

For undodgeable I’m thinking it means you can’t do the tap dodge. Tap dodge is when you tap the guard button in time with your opponents attacks and your character will avoid each blow with swift movements.

Oh, alright. =/ I’m guessing you can tap-dodge unblockables, though?

New fight, guys:

[media=youtube]mM0-O3gm8r8&feature=related[/media] <— #16 vs #17

It’s cool to see them fight, but their players are horrible (or maybe it’s CPU… that sounds more likely). 17 looks pretty cool, and 16 doesn’t look slow as hell anymore.

Okay so I’m not a fan of DBZ but when I heard ‘Online Fighting Game’ for PS3, I immediately jumped on the wagon. I know there’s Tekken, but that is way too frame-specific. I’m assuming that this isn’t? I’m going to try this out but which similar games should I pick up to get a feel for it? Any n00b information on how to get started would be helpful!

Also, is it possible to play this with a stick or are there too many buttons?

You’d do horrible with a stick playing this game, actually. If you want to get a quick “feel” get one of the PSP DBZ games or Budokai 3 for the PS2. If you want to check out the mechanics for cancel combos in this game, check out this video:

Homie uses Goku to show you can cancel ki attacks right into melee attacks.


18 vs Cell

It’s 253 megabytes. And yea, why the hell…?

This game is lots of fun. I hope it sells millions and casual gamers forget about Smash.

I need to learn a few things. Combos and certain commands. Like how to do that rush thing when you activate Aura Spark.

Someone uploaded it. The movements were too slow on my laptop when it downloaded it and crashed my media player twice. But yeah, a rookie fight.