Dragon Ball FighterZ: Legendary Saiyans Edition

Talking about assists, one of the first things I did was look at each assist and I think Trunks is probably up there in top 3 for assists. His geizer reaches 7/8th of the screen and reaches normal jump height. Beerus/Trunks was the first obvious shell that I thought of, the geizer just keeps the distance off such a huge proportion of the screen that it allows Beerus to setup very well, and the fact you can use two assists at once gives Beerus even more options and screen control. It’s only major weakness is Vanish, while the conversion from a Vanish isn’t huge the Oki is good. Trunks is currently my first training pick, not to play on point but to use as an assist and understand as a backup. Vegita is also a very good assist, similar to Amaterasu’s Cold Star in UMvC3, an amazing lockdown tool.

Yeah Trunks is cool, I also like Kid Buu, I wanna learn Majin Buu, Hit is interesting and I’m really wanting to experiment with Ginyu, I’m a Faust player (and a Juda player) so I love gameplay aspects that have strikers or elements of randomness to them.

This game is fun, I had to buy it just to get in on the action.


I’m starting to understand Hit better. He does sooooooo much damage, but his conversions can be hard to react to. I often find myself assuming/hoping that my opener connects so I go through with the combo regardless of whether or not they blocked. Same thing goes for my blockstrings. I feel like I have to decide what it’s going to be before I connect because of how precise you have to be with him. Adding in a few extra buttons helps to get the confirmation, but Hit doesn’t have the normals most characters to do so. Still, he’s really fun, hits hard, and is satisfying to play. It’s just about time for me to use the team I had planned before release.

Been working on Vegeta Blue as well. He’s more fun to play than his SSJ counterpart, but that assist kills me.

Clayton stuff on the front page finally. Thanks dev.

You see I prefer Super Sayin to Blue, even though Blue’s Ki Blast is like the same power level as SS’ super lol. I like SS’ arial 214+H knockdown and his assist a lot more, it’s so much faster and more oppressive on Oki. Blue’s assist is big but a lot slower and a bit more of a heavy hitter.

This is by far the most disgusting Majin Buu I have ever seen


Does anyone know which company are the actual animators for this game? Was it in house or outsourced?

The answer is assists. Want a beam? Use Black or Goku. Want lockdown? Use Vegeta or Kid Buu. The rest are gimmicks or combo filler. It will get worse as time goes on. Those characters aren’t even bad on point to balance things out.

I’d assume the animation is all done in-House by Arc-Sys, they’re the ones who developed the special visual pipeline and they need to be able to tweak all animation data quickly and efficiently, while designing and balancing the game. They’d be working with reference material given to them by Toei and they likely have to showcase everything to a representative (or group) to ensure the animations remain faithful and nothing is damaging to the series/brand before it can be green lit.

Arcsys in house

@ 1:10 seems to be some inhouse guys

My issue with Trunk’s assist is just that he lunges quite far forward. I understand since the animation is a dash blast, but takes away from some of the versatility when he flies in front of you before using it… Other than that agreed I like his assist, not sure about Top 3 though.

You guys might be interested. . .

Here’s an hour long presentation on their GG / DBZ animation:

I can’t figure out how fat buu works…

Anyone knows how those ranking boxes work?

According to this tweet:

I’m worse than average cuz I got a dark green square.
Thing is, I got that thing from dicking around in ring/arena/casual matches and now I won like 15 games straight with no losses in ranked and it still doesn’t change color.
Also the light greens I fought on rank were even worse than the dark greens, so I wonder what’s going on with this weird ranking system.

Also since some names are displayed in purple, and the highest rank is purple, does that mean those are people with high completion rates or rage quitters?
I’m confused.

name in purple = ragequitter. Purple square next to the name => wins a lot.

I’m orange at the moment. I became yellow again at some point because of a big ass lossstreak but went back to orange after a few wins. It’s about your winrate with set number of minimum games. i think.

I’m going to be mr negative for a bit, but Regeneration of health during Sparking is too much. You can see the life bar stay the same during combos and it also largely negates supers because of it. While im at it i wish autocombos didnt activate even on whiff.

Another thing is calling assist while holding forward. Accidental tags when dashing and airdashing. I know you can circumvent it by pressing 3 but there has to be a better way honestly.

So I guess I’ll have to 2H more noobs for a while longer till I rise in ranks.
Thank you.

I almost gave up due to the lack of matches but today I got a bunch of them on a row. Mad fun when you are actually playing it, initially matches looked a little too long but once hands are on the stick time happen damn fast and all of a sudden there’s only one character left. Looking forward to more matches tomorrow.

Is there a mid level guide for this? Something beyond “this moves does this and that does that” but without being character combos or Bnbs? I want to see the overall tactics available on competitive play and their equilibrium, like today I ate way too many Dragon Rushes when they were slightly delayed after an assit to promote blocking and need to know the best countertactic to it.

It only works for light autocombos because 5LL and 5LLL are actually totally unique normals.