Dragon Ball FighterZ: Legendary Saiyans Edition

Id like to note for my last video and someone pointed this out and I can total admit its my bad. I switched back to goku to fast, I should have switched to another character. I totally forgot default on training mode lets you do that for some reason. That is my mistake, but hopefully the idea of the video and what it was trying to show, tagging with out using smashes, saving smashes for later on, multi hit normal moves etc was not lost. My bad. I was totally just thinking of showing off the concept forgot I should have switched to another character and not back and forth immediately between the same one.

What was your name on dustloop?
But anyways yeah, those idiots killed the entire forum for me. You literally couldnā€™t talk or ask questions without some asshat telling you your questions were dumb or your statements were dumb and you would be banned or infracted for continuing. Like even if questions were dumb, explain why, be a decent human being and encourage others to talk and help. But nope not on dustloop. It may as well have a been a private discord because thatā€™s how they treated it.

Ah I dont even remember all the fake names I had on dustloop, I had to make a lot of gibberish ones because anyone remotely with my real name would get banned automatically lol I eventually gave up so I mean I honestly couldnt even tell you the last one I tried to use. I dont recall off hand

Iā€™m not even a big fan of Marvel this year but its crazy to not see Marvel this year at Evo.

So repost from the Nappa Thread, but this OS is really simple, maybe someone can be inspired to find some shit with their characters

Iā€™m having a hell of a lot of trouble breaking past 300k BP. It feels like my jabs always lose out, even when they are waking up and Iā€™m throwing meatyā€™s, and regardless of if I throw first or second. Is there some secret to winning hit confirm fights? I really donā€™t understand the ground game at all here compared to street fighter. Even when playing mirrored characters, after people do their 20 minute blockstrings with both assists spent, Iā€™ll jab their opening but they will block it and retaliate to the exact same opening, hitting before block comes in for a full combo back into the corner. Obviously that doesnā€™t sound right, but I have no clue how I can so consistently have no presence on the ground at all. My blocking is strong, so games take FOREVER as I try to bait a whiff in neutral. I have no faith in beating their buttons head on. Any advice?

Dat input delay netcode. Lol.

Have you tried calling assists on meaty to cover your normals?

Dragon rush them when you have them conditioned to block?

Call an assist whose attack will obscure their character and make it difficult to see which way to block.

Some attacks can be straight up stuffed by 2h.

There are several ways to open people up and fight back. Just gotta get a little creative sometimes.

Intentionally whiffing the your jab to get the 2nd autocombo jab is looking really strong. Some people have pretty busted ones and theyā€™re only 2-3 frames slower than their mediums. Goku Blackā€™s is insane.

They shouldā€™ve put UMvC3 in the line up and really made everyone shit their pants.

Mashers are giving me a hard time lol. I had about 5 decent matches yesterday. Everyone else, i play a match and leave no rematch. Got me salty af lol

Some of those later auto-combo hits are basically specials.

Wish they had given them an alternative command input to get them to come out without having to intentionally whiff normals. Watching characters shadow-box at full range to get some late series attack out isnā€™t a good aesthetic.

Ask Tekken 7 players what they think about whiffing moves intentionally to fish for Counter Hit. =)

The way Autocombo is implemented in this game is very good IMO. Even at high level, they prove to be usefull and in no way a gimmick.

I agree with the aesthetic portion but moves like this coming out faster than mediums would be too crazy.

He also moves forward by roughly 2 character lengths when he does this move as well. His standing medium would be basically obsolete if the above attack wasnā€™t locked behind autocombo.

Unless I saw it wrong, it seems your health regen from a senzu bean stops if you ko your opponent

I would say that Dustloop sucking ferociously can certainly be pointed out as one of the reasons why the American anime game community routinely gets mopped by the Japanese. Not the main reason for sure but theyā€™re very much not helping on this front.

I donā€™t see the problem. I feel a bit bad for true fans of the series but the way that the game was handled makes me feel pretty OK about its omission. A lot of the same, as someone pointed out on Twitter, people whoā€™re lamenting MvC:I being dropped from Evo are basically the same people who memed SFxT out of the lineup a few years ago.

A little late, but saw this on Twitter and couldnā€™t resist, lol.

They also count as mediums in terms of combo scaling.

I just played a couple of ranked matches for fun, and some dude seriously summoned that fucking dragon on me.
Dude was just hitting buttons like crazy, never using meter. I seriously laughed in real life.
This game is hella fun. Just wish it wouldnā€™t make me nauseous after playing for too long.

I find it funny how many people were complaining about auto combos during development and now like 1-2 weeks after launch people have discovered so much cool tech that relies on the existence of auto combos.

I actually love that auto combos are not some optional shit that makes you feel like a retard when you choose that option, but rather part of the game and useful.
Thatā€™s good design if you ask me. Having shit for noobs to do that doesnā€™t lose its usefulness when you get better is nice.
Itā€™s also nice that while this game is not that physically demanding in terms of execution, it retains a lot of creativity in its combos and you can style on people hard.

Great fucking game. Ainā€™t gonna complain about the game mechanics until itā€™s a couple of month old. I think people are jumping the shark hard when they complain about anything strategy and gameplay related right now, because we donā€™t know shit yet.