Alright, well I’ve been practicing a lot with Dr. Doom, but I cannot understand how to do this loop. I’m great at doing all the other loops, but I feel like there’s an error in the input. How can you do three Air M.'s in a row? In only ever lets me input two… Can someone help me out?
U can remember but I believe one or two of them have to be 1 hit m’s
Oh I see, you have to jump… Wish it told me that!
Wow this is freaking tricky.
Here’s the combo…
Air M
Foot Dive
Air Dash Diagonal Down
Crouching H
Air M
Foot Dive
Air Dash Diagonal Down
Air M
Air M
Air M
Foot Dive
Air Dash
Air M
Air M
Standing M
Hard Kick
Sphere Flame
X Factor
Sphere Flame
The bolded part is basically where I screw it up, I can’t get past that for some reason. Any tips?
Okay now I’m up to the 2nd Air M after that foot dive, it literally will not come out…
For that last sequence of Air M’s, you have to cancel the 1st hit of the first one into the second one. I basically just mashed M for that part.
Yeah, I got it to work once, but couldnt finish the combo. Holy crap is that part fast. After so many attempts I just decided to give up for the night. I felt like my fingers were just cramping hahaha
Doom is way too intense!