Dr. Doom Combo Thread

I figured this out last night and it’s probably the most important thing about all of Doom’s BnB’s. If you don’t already do this then you’re probably not hitting the combo’s consistently. Good info to put in your back pocket here.

well alright
I was messing around and wondering why they were teching so quickly out of the second loop
back to the lab for me

quick and EXTREMELY easy combo to get Doom newcomers something to start with:


If you want to make that combo do just a smidge more damage and have better DHC options, end with a (yadda yadda j.:m: j.:m: ) j.:f::h: j.:s: before the :qcb::atk::atk:. The super will OTG them, leaving them about ground level for whatever DHC option you so desire. It offers an easy, effective way to get Doom out if he’s low on life, or just an easy way to DHC into a good number of supers for more damage, including some lvl. 3’s for massive damage.

I’m gonna try that right now
thanks for the input


somewhat unorthodox bnb’s but they look flashy as hell especially with the 4x sj. M at the end

and the more traditional:

I messed around with it and found a follow-up with the OTG
(don’t know if this has been posted before)
But after the j.:s: that leads to the OTG, AD:d::h::s: j.:m:j.:m::f::h::qcb::atk::atk:
so far from what I tested this only works in corners
deals a really good amount of damage and gives you almost 2 meters

edit:only in corners
so here it is…
(corner only)

Your video + your post + 1.5 hours of training mode = combo. My consistency is not where it needs to be, but (thanks to you) I know what I need to do. I really appreciate the help.

A loop i made involving J.M Reps. J.Ms Hitstun is suprisingly long and i cheated the hitstun scale. i think i can still fit more reps into that.


I’m having a bit of a problem with one of the combos listed in the strategy guide. My execution is not the greatest but this combo in particular is driving me nuts. The combo is corner only:

cr.:l:, cr.:m:, cr.:h:, :s: xx SJ, :f::h:, :s:, land, st.:h: (2 hits) OTG, :s: xx SJ, j.:m: (2 hits), j.:m: (2 hits), :f::h: xx :f:AD, j.:m: (2 hits), j.:s:, j.:s:, st.:h: (2 hits) OTG, :s: xx SJ, j.:m: (2 hits), j.:m: (2 hits), :f::h: xx :f:AD, j.:m: (2 hits), j.:s:, land, st.:h: (2 hits) OTG

Now, I can’t do the middle portion of this combo - ever (j.:s:, j.:s:). I hope it isn’t me; this just does not seem possible. However, even when I omit this portion of the combo and do only one j.:s:, the opponent always recovers in the middle of the second to last j.:m:. Am I doing it too slow? Too fast? Or am I doing something wrong in the beginning when I do the foot dives? Or was the guide written before Doom was finalized, perhaps?

Thanks. Sorry if I’m not allowed to post the combos found in the guide; I don’t see anything about it though so long as I mention that it isn’t my combo.

j.S j.S might be a typo. j.S knocks them straight to the ground, not sure how you would hit another.

And is that the corner loop? I thought it was …sS jM j6H jS ADDF (land) sH sS…

It’s the corner loop present in the guide on page 80; I added some j. notations where the guide didn’t though (and forgot to put them in front of others, :f::h: for example.)

Maybe they made more than one typo; combo just doesn’t seem possible.

Yeah, I noticed the typo too and I just stick with what I know & hear from the forum.

Why do you guys put so many needless j.M attacks in your corner combos? All it does is rape the damage and contribute to hitstun decay. Only use j.M to keep them from popping out after the second rep, otherwise start your first 2 reps (3 depending on how you start the combo) with j.f+H,S airdash down, st.H,S repeat.

I can get about 950k in the corner with a level 1 super that way.

Here’s a simple example with Iron Man beam assist:

In Corner (or close to corner)

j.f+:h:,ad to ground, cr.:m:, cr.:h:, :s:, sj.f+:h:, sj.:s:xxad down, OTG st.:h:, :s:, sj.f+:h:, sj.:s:xxad down, OTG st.:h:, :s:, sj.:m: (you can do a third rep without M but it’s hard and by this point damage scaling makes it a non-issue), sj.f+:h:,sj.:s:xxad down, OTG st.:h:, :s:, sj.:m:, sj.:m:, sj.f+:h:,sj.:s:xx ad down, call Iron man, OTG st.:h:xx :h: molecular shield xx dp super for 968,900 damage or level 3 for around 1.2 million damage (iron man hits right after the st.:h: to prevent flip out).

The whole combo builds 2 bars I believe so it’s basically free.

this sounds like something I must learn asap, especially since I run a doom ironman team already. Thanks yo!

Doom is definitely one of the hardest characters for me to Combo with for some reason. My other guys are Zero and Hulk and they are easy mode compared to Doom. I have a few main questions that I hope somebody may be able to help out with. When you’re in a corner air combo and you hit someone to the ground with S and you land beside them to OTG them with st. H, it only works about half the time for me. What am I missing? Wait longer to start the combo in the air? I can’t figure it out, seems totally random to me.

Also in the semi-infinite loop of this combo [media=youtube]oN0Wg2xbfSM[/media] I can’t connect the M after the launch->M->f.H->down forward air dash. Again I’m wondering if it’s timing and if anyone has any hints on how to nail this or knows a link to a video with the inputs on the screen. Thanks guys!

Let me help one of my fellow ATLians out here. As far as the first issue goes, you?re probably not getting to the ground fast enough after you knock your opponent to the ground using :s: in your corner combo. What you need to do is air dash down toward the corner after you hit :s: so that you can improve the recovery of the Air:s: and be able to hit the S.:h: OTG. This will put you on the ground quicker and closer to your opponent in the corner so you should be at an ideal distance to hit the S.:h: OTG. So for example if I?m in the left corner and I am trying to perform a S.:h: OTG after an Air:s:, I would hit :db: :atk::atk: after :s: so that I?d be dashing down toward my opponent in the corner. This was giving me a little trouble too but it?s an easy fix because of Doom?s ability to cancel his moves with a dash.

As far as the second concern goes, the key to that Buktooth loop and ANY combo that Doom has that involves the ?semi-infinite? loop that you?re referring to is the timing of your normals in the combo. I?m not going to repost what someone said and take credit for it so look at post #20 in this thread on the 1st page by AvariceX. That should clear up the issue with that combo I think.

This is the first combo so far that I’ve seen for Doom that actually does better damage than easy mode combo c.:l:,c.:m:,c.:h: [:s:,j.:m:,:f:+:h:,j.:s:,:d:+:atk::atk:,s.:h:] x 3 into :dp::atk::atk: (generally most combos I’ve found are pointlessly more difficult, and/or don’t reach ~750K like this one does) I need to see if the Unibeam assist can be substituted with Gustaff Fire, if so, this sounds like a delicious Sentinel killer with just 1 meter (building the other two mid-combo for Doom’s level 3 I mean)

Could you post when you find out re. Gustaff?

It’s a pretty versatile combo, most multi hitting assists should work because as soon as the molecular shield connects the rest will combo.

Also, you only really need the assist to combo into his level 1. You can always combo directly into his level 3 off the last OTG stomp, but you’ll be missing out on the assist+molecular shield damage if you don’t get the proper assist (~50k).

yup Gustaff fire works for that combo, good shit. One thing though Duck, maybe it’s just because I’ve gotten conditioned to use Doom’s j.:m: as a positioning tool in his air combos, but I find it hard to consistently :f:+:h: after launcher, any tips?

On a separate note, I remembered today that Doom’s Photon Array in the air can OTG, tacking that on after a knockdown makes DHC’ing to Viper infinitely easier. I mean, it does around like 100K less than OTG s.:h:,:dp::atk::atk:, but sometimes you just gotta get Doom outta there…