Dr.B's Lab - My CvS2 Advice and Strats

Very interesting…now you are learning… :clap:


After playing and watching Omar’s K-Rock simply obliterate people, I’m a firm believer now that K-Rock can take on any character.

Damn crazy K rock…yeah I could see him holding his own…cant sleep on anything in CvS2…especially S groove… :clap: :tup:





Dr.B sup man i enjoy your style of play in s grove and wanted to pick the grove up. I was wondering what advice would offer on playing the grove or tactics in using the grove.

When playing S groove…Hit the Charge buttons really hard… :karate: :wow:

Sup Bison812…thanks man I appreciate that…

But yeah S groove is nutty…people fear the unknown so they dont give it a try…I use S like this…Alot of rush down and a mix of turtling…dont forget to small jump! charge fakes to throw people off…CHARGE UP !!! Stay maxed at all times or close to max…when you go into desperation mode it helps to have characters that have abusable supers like blanka,bison,cammy,Sagat,Ryu,Ken,sakura,guile,etc.

Just find your own style…jazz it up to make it more fun.

:clap: :cybot: :wtf: :s:

Any fun A-Groove teams I might want to pick up??? I can use A-Groove good…it’s just boring to me without a tier mix up…or something catchy…So post up a Dr.B style A Groove team…thx…



Akuma/Terry/Bison or Blanka

I play A-groove Yun, Vega, Rolento. Rolento is the funnest character in A-groove in my opinion. I whore the rc scouter jump any chance I get. Yun is great fun as well too bad his custom doesn’t do much damage. Normally I use RC palm from a distance to build meter. Then when I have about half I start to try and rush their shit down.


Honestly, anybody can be good in A groove. Everyone has their things in A. But you know about me and A groove so yeah.

Kyosuke/Sagat/Mai kind of sticks out in my mind.

Thanks for the pointers on the grove ill try the a couple of players out that i feel has the best abusable supers. Ryu, Sagat, Bison or Blanka. Of Course Short jumps are a must when rushing the hell out of your opponent

Hey Dr.B a fun A-groove team that I use is Terry/Ken/Hibiki. Rolento, Rock, Akuma, Chun-Li, Dan, Honda, Geese, Guile and Todo are also great in A-groove and generally underplayed.

I like playing A Ken Sag Cammy…sometimes…Akuma just for kicks…He can really mix it up…but he;s soft…Terry is dope in A groove…so is Mai…I kinda like A King for some reason…




A-king is the best king. Only hard part is her midscreen combos. But once you get them cornered just rc shit in their face and hope it hits then activate into her pretty damaging custom.

A-King is the worst.
No solid setups
Crap damage custom
No real point for RC at all. There should be no hoping anything should hit.
If you use her in K it clears up all of this.
Her small jump RH is nice, and she gets the damage/defense boost.

Sup B and everyone else, I’ve decided after months of absence [due to personal reasons] to come back in the scene. I’ve already decided my main teams tp ise from now on, could you guys give me some thoughts on my teams? I want to know if there good to use or not.

Well right now I’m going to use:
C-Terry, Sagat, R2.Rugal
N-Benimaru, Yamazaki, R2.Geese
C-Rolento, Cammy, R2.Raiden

Now someone said I should switch Sagat into the R2. section if I want to use that team sucessfully, but I figure since sagat is one of the top tiers wouldn’t it be better to use him as rt.1. After I saw these jap vids of this guy using Rugal in R2. i’ve been thinkin maybe I should keep him in R.2. I mean the way the rugal user played was very effective. As for the other teams I think there good too to use for those grooves but want some input for them. Another thing I’m getting problems trying to RC Rolento’s scouter jump in super or up close situations. If any of yall can help me I’d be happy. :tup: :bgrin:

EDIT: 7780 damage - FP xx RH trap shot activat fp xx trapshotX2, fp qcf, hcb +kick. I don’t even think thats the most damaging thats just the one I do.

I don’t know, You can activate in the corner off of a hit mirage kick or whatever that backflip kick is. Her custom does solid damage. let me go test I’ll find out how much and repost it.
Gunter had a whole thread on this in the King section at one point.

RCing Mirage kick is all right, and I really rc venom strike. Maybe it’s just meee though.

Another good thing is she actually has a nice dash with good body hop potential. I don’t know about small jump but I just think A-gives her the best chance to land real damage.

your dead after they block your random fp xx trapshot setup.

yeah I know. But you can also do it off of, cr.lk, cr.mk mirage kick. which does around the same damage as fierce punch fierce trapshot.

uh… c.short, c.fwd doesn’t combo…