Dr.B's Lab - My CvS2 Advice and Strats

S-Kyosuke all the way. Standing Fierce rocks you!

Brood: Im thinking K Blanka/Ryu/Sag…that team is fun for me…And yeah Lax’s K Terry is crazy !!! Your K Vega got insane man…

Kabukimono: Yeah I’ll hit you up next time im back home in Portland…And trust me I dont plan to get hit…

No D: I played LTB at Evo2K5 with S groove…Good matches…He’s one of the coolest players I have ever met.

VasAZNion13: Sag is ont comboless at the end…it just depends on the character match up sometimes…just learn those damn combos it pays off!!!

LiSyaoran: S - SUKE !!!

K-Ryu is amazing and has the least problem with that annoying Blanka matchup where he can’t punish ball since he can JD blanka balls without worrying about being hit by a low attack like P-Ryu. Just be sure to mix your rushdown up in midst of JDing shit, sometimes a person can be so focused on rushing down that they can forget to play their game and build meter by JDing… or vice versa.

Hey man. Great punch dodge attack. He has run so his corner trap to avalible to him. Sml Jump roundhouse. Infinite Super Cross Cutters. Infinite in corner. S-Kyosuke rocks your face. :rofl:

Why Rock?

Are mai and Iori practical in S-groove? I usually play N-groove but im looking for a change.

How Do I Kill Blanka Rc ELECTRIC?

rock raged is the most annoying character in the game

Not mine.

You can’t, or, RCing Command Throw.

RCing = Gay

You have to be Gay to beat Gay

You beat it by not giving people the time or seup space to land it…Keep characters with good alpha counters…like Sagat/Cammy/Bison/Ryu/Ken/Etc. and not shady alphas like Blanka,Honda,etc.

Just keep a solid fighting style and try not to get knocked down or crossed up.


not true.

u can be not gay and beat up gay. apply it however u want, whether real life or cvs2

a great way to beat rc blanka pichachu :stuck_out_tongue: is to wait for the rc to end and throw in a good poke. you have to learn how to time it right and you can probally do it well. also what brandon said do not let them do cross overs on you :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah Nah.

The reason why you don’t alpha counter it is because you get the guard meter taken down when you do that. Then Blanka just has to land a nice crossup into a block string/elec/opponent does another AC. Then bam, activate bye bye 75% of life.

I do agree with not getting knocked down. Best thing to do would be to throw him after a dash in before the elec comes out, and cheap keepaway. Or if you do get knocked down, roll on wakeup.

Lmao Newb quote of the month.

Just JD/Parry every hit of RC electric.

I dont know… Bas know’s just about everything in cvs2.
Maby because Ino used to play K rock cammy sagat?

He was like K Rock can fight anybody in the game…

Rock is a hard ass character to play though… :confused:

[quote=Nick T.]
Nah Nah.

The reason why you don’t alpha counter it is because you get the guard meter taken down when you do that. Then Blanka just has to land a nice crossup into a block string/elec/opponent does another AC. Then bam, activate bye bye 75% of life.

I disagree…Yes you do get low guard meter but better that than that crazy chip…after i alpha I dont look to exactly take block damage or to get hit… And like I said…watch out for knock downs and cross ups…YOU were very right about grabbing…



Im not newb loser. Ive just allways hated the fact that the glitch even existes. Its dumb. I play grooves with roll, I use it if I need to.

so…to avoid…RC elec…I have to have a solid fighting style! oh yeah, gotta AVOID getting knocked down and crossed up!

shoot imma head to SVGL right now and take on everybody