Down-back Fierce

Why don’t you see pro players using this normal as a poke? It has good speed, good damage, knockdown,has excelent priority, good range, and the recovery from a whiffed one isn’t that bad as well. The only cons I can think of right now are that it can be parried high and low and sometimes when you want to rushdown a knockdown isn’t that useful. So why don’t you see it getting used as a poke often?

Ok well just so you know, every good necro player uses that. If your local necro player doesn’t use it then he is scrubby. Go to look for one with sugiyama and watch the Db+fierce madness. Ok this thread can probably be closed now.

I have many vids of sugyiama and he mostly pokes with back strong, back forward, down forward and jab dp. It’s not like pro players never use it but it doesnt seem to be a common poke.

Makoto: You gotta relax man, the vids are worthless. You have to lose to people to get better. The guys in the video have lost 5 thousand times to great players, and you can’t get their wisdom from watching them play. Down back fierce is great, and you should use it when you want to.

how do you juggle 6x down back fierce in the corner?

ive been using necro seriously and i know everything about him, to do 6x down and fierce you have to practice it at home. The timing is probably the hardest for juggles, if you start it from close necro is sent back there is a small delay then when you do it again for the 2nd time it becomes faster, after this and it speeds up alot for the rest of the hits 3,4,5,6.

hey chunli-whytry

you should hook me up with some vids or faqs about necro. im trying to learn him but i wanna learn his possibilities. i got a 3s cabinet in my basement so i can practise with him well enough. is my email, add me if you/anybody can help me out with some necro stuff

thanks in advance

Good Nec players DO use it as a poke (and as an anti air to avoid people jump in parrying that back+fierce uppercut). Look at Chikyuu use it.

I’d say it’s main weakness though is that it’s definatly too easy to abus and get punished for overuse.

Can be parried low.
The other pokes can be cancelled into super.