I guess the only other real notable mak player would be…J? who knows if he even still plays…
The only guy I can think of that had as much consistency as Tominaga was an Australian Makoto named TSC. That dude was pretty sick.
Double Fukiage was probably discovered some time near the end of J’s tourney days, but he never needed it. He was just too solid overall, much like the other OG legends like Fujiwara and Namijin.
this is so dope but I suck at it so far I need more practice with it
saw this retweeted by one of the jap players, should spread soon
Link please.
Also, when I meant this is huge, I didn’t really mean it in a game changing kind of way. I just meant in a “HOLY FUCK YOU CAN DO A COMBO THAT WAS FOR YEARS CONSIDERED AN URBAN LEGEND” kind of way. It’s like seeing $ pull off that Tackle Tackle Tackle Headbutt juggle: it’s just bonkers to see it happen for real.
I get what you mean, nevertheless, I do hope this makes at least some impact on the Mak/Chun match up.
This is how the stun combo looks while cornered:
I screwed up the ender but it doesn’t really matter in a demonstration.
I was just thinking about him. Actually he was the first to show it consistently, way before Tominaga. I hope he still plays / gets to play again!
W-Fukiage was found in 2004
Tominaga will master it, win the 25th annyversary tournament and give 20% of the prize to telesniper
It would fill me with happiness to see this be done on Ricky’s or Justin’s Chun, just to see their salty fucking look.
Wow, Zon I haven’t heard from in ages. So weird to see to see all these old names pop out from this. Thanks for the link!
And people wonder why nobody was able to ever do this on Chun: who’d ever think to do this?? lmao
this discovery is a huge milestone in many ways :
it might help makoto a little when fighting chuns
we’re still finding new amazing things in 3s after 13 years
but,most importantly,it’s the first good thing to come out of OE
I just wanted to come in and say “good stuff” for finding something new and awesome with 3S. All but the most faithful have dropped this game, and instead the only thing you’ve dropped is knowledge for the undeserving masses.
I salute you, good sir.
You walk forward a little bit b4 the 1st fukiage. You don’t need to plink for the kara fukiage. You just press LK and do a fukiage right after.
You have no idea how happy this thread made me.
Not because the SA2 combo was found in particular, but because it reminded me that people are still going in-depth with this game and discovering shit!
this really is quite amazing, makes me wonder if there are other dark secrets in this game that haven’t been discovered. Would be sick if they started saying “snipa” in japan if anybody landed this LOL.
Incoming wall…
Some random, stubborn pad player in the middle of nowhere who plays in training mode 90% of the time…
That’s true, but honestly I’m thankful for OE, simply for the fact that without it, it’s likely I would have never gotten to play a game I’ve loved watching for the last few years.
Thanks for the kind words = )
Basically what KaraFail said, but that changes if you’re in the corner. As for making it easier… You could try kara-ing the fukiage like 632N short-3+jab, if that makes any sense… That was the only way I could kara it when OE launched, I’m happy to say I’m not using that method anymore though.
You and me both = )
That would be amazing, is it weird I just read “snipa” in Nuki’s voice?
You’re too kind, even with a .001% chance of that happening, I’d feel flattered, but couldn’t accept it. But a hand-me-down stick?.. I wouldn’t feel bad about accepting that… I made this awkward, didn’t I?