This perversion of values that goes on today is crazy. The slippery slope argument is a fallacy, but holy crap has tumblr done everything in its power to make the fallacy true.
eh… I’m pretty sure it’s because a transgendered woman/man tends to not be accepted in society.
Imagine, just imagine (it’s not even that hard), that you were a woman trapped in a man’s body. You felt uncomfortable living as a man and desired to change your gender. Then imagine that after going through with the procedure, you’d find out that the rest of the world would shun you. Men wouldn’t want to date you because you were trans. You were called a freak. Daily. Imagine living life as a miserable person who would most likely never find love.
Congratulations. You’ve now imagined what a large portion of transgendered people deal with every day. Some people can deal with it. Some can’t.
Hey look, I just suddenly got into transliving. What’s transliving you ask? It’s when you grab a living person and make them dead. Some might call this abnormal but some random joe on a website, who was raised winning trophies and medals for participating, implied that abnormal things shouldn’t be prohibited.
“Perversion of values”. Wow. This is how I picture you:
This is not fucking middle age, man. Evolve your thinking.
What’s this bullshit? Man, he’s not killing anyone. Unless he’s disattending his kids (if his children are in fact not adults yet, and I mean not paying them alimonies or whatever) he’s just not harming anyone. Stop this bullshit. He might be ridiculous and pathetic, but it’s his damn life. No one has a right at all to prohibite “abnormal” things unless they’re hurting someone, and this is not the case.
By the way we don’t know if they’re kids of grown people.
Whatever this “child therapy” thing it’s bullshit, I’ve read equally stupid arguments saying gay people shouldn’t adopt because they would traumatize children, maybe a grown man or woman can’t come out of the closet when they discover they’re gay because their children will be lifetime scarred, yeah, right.
Of course they can feel disturbed if they haven’t been educated in an integral and tolerant way, but they should learn some day sexuality and gender-identification or whatever is called, is something more varied and complex that just binary manicheist pairs and that isn’t “wrong” on itself just for not being “normal”.
I can say I support the guy, nothing should be an obstacle to live your life the way you want… but yeah, I agree he must support his children if they’re not yet age of majority or whatever that’s called.
You paint a pretty sad picture with your imagination, but you don’t have to imagine. There are interviews out there that you can look up.
The reality is even sadder.
A lot of these depressed post op transsexuals are depressed because they start feeling that they’ve mutilated their own body and can’t go back even if they want to. They wonder why all those people who told them that things would magically become better just because they go under the knife were so certain- when they don’t.
Its a mental disorder that is being entertained by the masses as a right. These aren’t intersex people, these are people that legitimately think they they can magically identify as something. No one is saying that their rights should be taken away, but a mental disorder should be helped by doctors and therapy, not dressing as a girl. Dealing with the issue this way leads to death via suicide. To ignore that reality is foolish,
That’s exactly what they used to say about homosexuality, transvestism and transsexuality.
“Yeah, this shouldn’t be encouraged, it’s abnormal, it’s a perversion of values, let’s make Uncle William the black sheep of the family, condemn him and ostracize him because of being gay, he doesn’t accept he’s a man and should be attracted to women, he’s a terrible example for our children, if they know about that they’ll be traumatized”. And then people wonder why gay people and transsexuals have high rates of depression and suicide, LOL.
As for this guy, it would have to be proved that it’s an actual mental disorder or if he’s just faking it, or playing with it, or if he’s just stating it’s his choice of life. As soon as he says “he is a 6 years old girl trapped in a man’s body” he acknowledges he’s aware of his physical situation, he knows he has children but he just chooses a different lifestyle. Then it’s not a mental disorder, it’s a choice of a lifestyle.
The only “crime” here, if there’s any, would be him disattending his children (if they’re not yet mature age), his choice of life is not what is wrong because it doesn’t hurt anyone, not even him because it’s not objectively detrimental of his health. And even if it was, it would be his decision. That’s what makes him happy, he’s hurting nobody, so why would society have the right to probihiting him to?
The chief difference between homosexuality and transsexualism is very simple. Its not delusional to be attracted to the same sex because it is possible to do that. It is not possible to be a woman if you are a man. Get it? He’s gay, you’re not a women. and unless you think homosexuality is some kind of norm in nature, and i mean statistical norm, it is still technically a mental disorder.
If it is a mental disorder that’s causing this guy to do this, then he needs help. If not than he’s a dumb piece of shit idiot that cares nothing to the responsibilities of the adult world and people should fear him getting near their children.
I don’t remember saying anything about it being a crime
If your position is that if he is doing something detrimental to his health that you shouldn’t care about it, then you are not as open minded as you think. Tolerance should not be more important than life.
Yeah but they’ve built a new issue which is that Society really supports and promotes the shit she just did to herself. I never understood why the media has made this into some “hip” thing. That man even won random “courage” awards which pretty much masked his fuck up awhile back. What the media is doing is just really dumb and really wrong because it has influenced today’s generation in believing that doing that shit is cool and honorable.
I even recall an episode of What would you do in where the episode involved a parent scolding her son for wanting to become a girl, the boy was going “i’m a girl in the inside” and that show just made that whole thing look as if a parent disagreed or was purely unsupportive then that parent was just a bad parent who needed “correction”; likewise anybody supporting the decision of the kid and telling his parents off was a “good example”.
There’s a basic difference between transgender and the other trans- concepts. Gender has always existed in a sort of gradient, with more masculine and feminine members of either gender. Changing one’s gender simply better reflects how they wish to conduct themselves and see their place in society.
Age, race, and species are pretty straightforward and can’t be contested. If someone was born 25 years ago, they’re 25. If someone is descended from the people of Africa in a close enough point on their family tree, they are of African descent. (Includes African-Canadian, black, Afro-Caribbean, etc.)
In fact, now that I’ve actually sat down and thought about it, a simple “Does is exist in a gradient?” test should be enough to determine if you can be trans-something.
I’m sorry, I don’t want to offend you but there is no such thing as a “woman trapped in a man’s body”. There are people who believe they are random historical figures, animals, to now 6 year old girls in the inside we all know that is a bunch of boloney. If your body is showing/functioning the way nature intends -the way evolution made it then that “i’m a woman” inside is in your head. People can claim they got more Y chromosomes which still doesn’t matter because if there was anything inside you that biologically mirrors a woman then you would be showing some attributes. If you are able to pee standing up and generate sperm, then you are naturally a man.
Wow, you’re completely out of touch with current sexology. We’re back at the “transsexualism” debate… that means mental gender vs physical/social gender… and you completely rule out any possibility of discussion? Not worth to discuss with you.
Why? He has his life pretty much resolved, also it’s the end of his days, why not just let him do whatever he wants. He completely has a right of being irresponsible, there’s no law against that. Unless he’s doing tax evasion or skipping financial support to actual kids, there’s nothing you could or should do against him.
… completely out of ignorance. Great. Perfect. That’s exactly what they used to say about gay people. Does that mean people’s right? No. That means they’re ignorant.
So, do you think he’s killing himself for some reason by behaving like a baby girl? You must be really stupid. Also, gay men usually get their buttholes wrecked by anal sex, is that a great argument about how homosexuality is a mental disorder and should be prohibited because of their health issues?
Didn’t know SRK was full of complete bigots. Well, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see any sign
Is this Ash Crimson?
I never thought I see the day of someone drinking the kool-aid as bad as he did.
Answer me this leftist, if anorexia is a mental illness then why is this acceptable?
“It doesnt affect you, why do you care?” Ok, then answer this. Why do you care what people think about if any actions doesnt affect the people or environment around them?
I mean were not bashing the guy. We are just stating that the guy is mentality ill and think the people supporting him are more sickening/deranged then him.
Homosexuality is an error, if the end means of life is to “be fruitful and multiply” the acts against that would be consider abnormal. You preach about homosexuals but would you hold the same scrutiny towards basement wizards?
What about neets, who cares if what they do is detrimental or degrading, it doesnt affect you so why do you care?
Unless your gonna flip flop and say nothing happens in a vacuum.
Just heard about this on Twitter recently. Transgender I’ve never really had any issues with, if someone feels trapped in their own body I can empathize with that. This dude is a straight up whack job. Trying to reverse the fucking ageing process and looking like the scariest thing I could see in an alleyway at night, and foregoing a family. It genuinely made me sit down and question myself on how the world perceives things for like a good half an hour, this is just straight up fucking crazy and I already know there’s gonna be some of those “SJW” types that are gonna be supporting this crazy shit. I thought that transrace shit was dumb enough to start with. But then it leaves transgender out on it’s own and it looks just as crazy when you throw it up next to the other two. I gotta go re-evaluate myself before I explode with confusion of the world lmao.
Look at this guy and just try and tell me he’s sane. Nobody can validate this man.