I’ve done 5-6 reps of the loop on a “bigger” character and you stop gaining worthwhile damage/meter after the 3rd rep.
The BnB that I have been using is this:
Cr.lk, st.mk, st.mk, st.hk, j. lp, j. hp(1), j. hk, land, j.mp(all 6), j. hk, land, j. mk(1), j. hk, sj. lk(1), qcb mk(barrel), land, cr.lk(OTG), slide(back lk+hk), car super.
does around 5023-5044 give or take a few j. mp hits and j. lp hits. the number I consistently got was 5033 (1.00 dmg multiplier)
I did test this on every char, and it worked on every one.
noticed a timing difference on ms fortune, valentine, cerebella, and filia; but those four have relatively the same timings, while the other four have similar timings between themselves.
Can someone else double check this to make sure this is legit, its 3 am over here, and i dont wanna miss something really dumb
I can’t seem to time the air grab correctly. I can once in a while but I’m finding it difficult to develop a consistent rhythm. any tips? Based on the video, it doesn’t seem like the timing is too difficult on light characters but heavier ones seem to have really tight timing when it comes to re-jumping and grabbing.
I’ll give it a go Vs Double and let you know what you should change. I’ve been busy with work the last few weeks and haven’t been able to even touch the game.
Off a launcher s.HK, I started messing with avery loops. Here’s what I got:
(blah blah), s.HK, j.LK (1 hit), j.MP (1 hit), j.HK land j.LP, j.HK land j.MK, MK Item Crash, c.LK/MK, c.HP, HK Hornet Bomber xx Blockbuster of choice
It does more damage than some of her restand/relaunch combos and with avery, it builds a bit more meter. You can also go for avery after the j.MK to go for resets. It works on all of the characters. For most, the jump after the first landing is a forward jump and the last jump should be a neutral jump. For Cerebella and Filia, the jump after the first landing has to be a neutral jump or you’ll go through them and miss (for Cerebella, the last jump has to be a forward jump). For Ms. Fortune, the last jump has to be a super jump for the j.MK to hit. For Double, the timing is just different due to her weight (you need to find the right timing on the j.LP > j.HP).
For any avery loop, make sure you super jump for the air grab. The higher you grab them, the higher the bounce, meaning you have a lot more time to dash in and combo before the blue impact (techable signal).
Please try the avery loop I posted earlier.
j.HK land j.HP (1 hit), j.HK land j.LP, j.HK land j.MK, j.HK
I think it’s very easy with its brain dead timing. It’s only different for Double (you need to find the right timing on the j.LP > j.HP). The first two jumps after the landings are forward jumps while the last is a neutral jump.
The loop hath been expanded upon.
Item Drop M
Great minds think alike in this case, I came to post it only to find that Grimm had found it as well. This combo does upwards of 5k and so far I’ve gotten it to work on Valentine and Double. I have a feeling it might be impossible on the super lights, but I could be wrong. If you can superjump up for the jMK and connect in time then this combo works on whatever character you’re doing it to.
Also, as an audio/visual cue for the reset with Avery, just watch/listen for him to hit twice, then jump up. Should work fine.
Your BnB is a LOT better than the one I just posted above.
From what I tested, it’s legit. I have a couple of suggestions to make it better:
-replace the sj.LK with j.MK
-replace the slide with c.HP, HK Hornet Bomber
With those adjustments and making j.MP and j.MK only hit once, I got 5471.
With a jump-in j.HP, I got 5148.
Lots of meter and one of the highest damage I’ve seen so far from a jump-in j.HP.
Going to test this on everyone again just to make sure
If you can get it to work on Painwheel, Double, and Fortune then it should work on everyone. I generally find that if I can get it on Painwheel’s tiny hitbox that I can work it on anyone.
But you neglected a thing on your adjustments, which is swapping jLK with jMK, not just replacing. Could just be semantics but I still worked it out. Against Fortune I’d almost suggest dropping the jLK portion just because it feels really inconsistent. But you’re right, this is the best we’ve got for consistency and damage off of a jHP confirm.
Madness! It’s so easy that I feel stupid for not trying it out before. You can switch around the last 3 HK loops in almost any order as long as jMP is not the very last, I believe.
Due to how damage scaling works and the damage of each attack (jLP - 250; jMP - 150 (1 hit); jLK - 100 (1 hit)), the most damaging seems to be:
This is assuming jMP and jLK will only hit once. With this, I broke 6000 (by two digits) with Banwagon Rushdown. That’s a freakin’ first for me! This is just me having fun but it’s actually pretty practical for the heavier characters. It’s possible on the light weights by super jumping both the last jHK loop and the jMK but I’m not consistent with it, yet. jMP/HK, jLK/HK, jLP/HK is the best at consistency and it will net you an easy 5.8-5.9k anyways.
It works on all of them. You’re right about Fortune. The jLK can be made consistent by super jumping at the cost of the consistency of the sjMK afterwards. Eh, we’ll see if my super jumping gets better but for now I agree to keep it simple.
I can work on updating the first post sometime today. I finally have a little time off to organize everything.
But I’m glad we finally cracked open Double enough to where her damage isn’t (as) horrible.
I’m kind off surprised that we found some decent damage off of a jump in jHP which usually scales the combo so brutally. On top of that, jMP and jLK are being used in these combos, which I always thought was blasphemy with their low damage and multi-hitting properties. Thank you Avery!
Someone at GFaqs did one better. I can’t test this right now but if you don’t mind, give it the run down.
It’s insane.
i posted that one in the other topic a few days ago. its pretty easy.
Ok, so I can’t complain about jMP and jLK anymore. I’ve got to try this out. The fridge is also a plus.
That’s looking more like it.
Ahhhhhh, that’s awesome! The timing is really easy and as a fg newbie, I really appreciate that. I can’t seem to get a LK to connect after the first item drop lands though. I’m fairly sure it has something to do with my timing but my first M item drop hit lands immediately after the first j.HK hit, same as in the video so I’m not sure where I’m messing up.
So for anyone who’s been successful at that insane combo, any good tips on how to make the Avery projectile consistently whiff like it does in the video? I cannot figure out the right timing.
Same here. Try cLK instead of sLK. It has less startup so it should be easier.
It seems the quicker you land a hit after launching, the better position you’ll be in for item crash m. Unfortunately that means getting j.mk raw is a bit difficult (although it seems like it’s possible).
From the same thread:
It’s much easier to land when you start with j.lp. Hopefully it doesn’t scale things too badly. I think I actually managed to chain s.mk from m item crash which should help if I wasn’t just imagining things after a 4 hour practice session haha.
Raw jMK > jHK > Item Crash is backwards compared to the others. For the best results, you actually want to delay the raw jMK.
On that note, I’m having trouble with jLK > jMK > jHK > Item Crash. What’s the best way to get myself higher than the target after the jLK so Avery won’t hit preemptively after the jMK. Right now its 50/50 for me so I’m completely lost on what the timing is because it feels like I’m doing the same timing but getting different results.
Thank you.
I don’t think it works on fortune…She is WAY too light, I can’t even get the first rep of j.mk j.hk to land. Any tips? or is it actually impossible on her