DotA 2

What animu is your avatar from Spirit Juice?

And this recent development is good for the community.

Hello Bounty Hunter players, I will teach you how to play this game

  1. You only get 2 in shuriken toss early because the way it levels from 2->3 is shit
  2. You max Jinada and get 3 in WW before you max shuriken unless you go mana boots or bottle then you can max shuriken earlier
  3. You suck as a hard carry because your hp is low and you have no way of getting in besides invis and later in the game the enemy team will put down sentries.
  4. Sitting in lane farming a battlefury is a complete waste of time because any decent melee carry will out-carry you.
  5. You roam around the map and use one of the best skills in the game, track to help your team plus ridiculous amounts of gold. Your ult is broken, rest of the hero sucks.
  6. In team fights, you track as many people as possible. You can help shift the gold graph in your team’s favor by a ridiculous amount if your team wins the fight and you can even help your team break even if they lose the fight since trading kills actually goes in your favor with track on.
  7. You get drum.

Anime/manga is Mirai Nikki. Character is Yuno Gasai. Crazy bitch is crazy. And awesome.

I’m glad Blizzard and Valve came to an agreement that focuses on just giving players what they want: fun games. Most companies don’t really seem to care that much these days (looking at you, Capcom).

  1. Agree.
  2. Disagree for the most part. Jinada isn’t worth maxing before WW and Shuriken unless you’re in a solo side lane, but BH is a terrible solo side lane anyways since he’s so fragile. Typically crit abilities aren’t that great to get until you get some damage. Jinada also has a fairly long cooldown. WW (wait for it to come off of CD if possible) > Track > [Medallion] > Shuriken > WW combo is ridiculous amounts of damage and should be enough to kill any support. Soul Ring > Mana boots for sure. Just get Phase Boots!
  3. Agree. BH is not a carry. He is strictly a ganker. So many more heroes out carry him with ease.
  4. Agree. BF is worthless on BH unless he’s literally the only person on his team that can semi-carry… which probably means your team comp sucks anyways. BF is really bad on BH due to Jinada having a cool down and not being a straight passive crit. I tried to explain this to a bad player the other day and he said “Is that your only reasoning?” BH is not Juggernaut, Skeleton King, or AM. BF does not benefit him like it does those heroes.
  5. Agree. Non-roaming BH is a useless one. He should eat any lone support hero for breakfast.
  6. Agree. Track is too good.
  7. I think Drum is situational. If your team needs one, it’s great. Otherwise, stick with Phase Boots if you need that movement speed increase.

I actually like playing BH from time to time if the other team picks relatively squishy heroes. However, BH is just too fragile and is countered too easily. Bad hero/rarely picked hero for competitive play.

No you get more damage output with 2 in shuriken max jinada. From 2-> 3 the way shuriken levels is a complete waste and is not worth it til later. Phase on a hero with one of the worst str gains in the game is bad.

Disagree since Shuriken has better utility overall. No way you should max Shuriken before WW though. Also, Phase Boots are better on BH because of the rather large damage boost he gets from them, which benefits him in ganking more than any other boot item. The MS boost activation is great for chasing as well since his base MS is so slow. The strength gain he can get from Power Treads is somewhat irrelevant since he isn’t meant to be in team fights for very long. The IAS is wasted as well due to how Jinada works. That said, Treads are not useless though; they’re situationally useful. Overall Phase Boots are better for doing what he needs to do: gank. Treads are situationally useful, but he can also pick up other items to get him an HP boost (S&Y, BKB, etc.).

I get 2 levels of ww because at rank 2 it cools down faster than the duration. I max my ninja stars because i like to max nukes.

I roam as much as I can and track the world. I also ww and block creep camps because i usually go top.

Item wise I get poor man’s shield, treads and drums and then build according to the enemy team.

I don’t play bh as often as other heroes but i build every hero according to what is needed for the match.

No the mathcraft is pretty much out on this one. Unless your target has a lot of armor you are better off getting only 2 in shuriken and maxing jinada/ww since the bonus from ww crits with jinada and the mana for damage ratio of level 3 shuriken compared to level 2 sucks big time compared to level 2.

Here is EG.bulba and a few other good players (grandgrant is awful) discussing 6.73 bounty hunter: hunter

Ive been getting LoL like players in every game lately… it could be because I play at like 4am and get foreigners but they all suck/feed/quit early… I havent won in like a week

Don’t play AP at all. I only queue for RD/CM and the level of play is much higher. If you’re good you should try to get vouched for NADL.

Yeah, all I play is AP… NADL?

North American Dota League

It’s an IRC bot-run league for good players in north america / australia but some europeans play too. You need to have around a 60-70% win record in pubs and then you try to get vouched. Lots of big egos but that’s the best way to get good since you’re mostly up against good players and often you get paired up with sponsored pros. They may or may not be helpful.

60-70% win ratio in pubs is pretty much impossible unless you have five good friends to play with to pub stomp all the time.

Yeah, I stopped playing with my friends which is dumb because when we play even just 2-3 we can pub stomp easy. Sigh…

It’s definitely possible.

Pick Invoker / Nightstalker / Storm / Leshrac / Rhasta and go mid - you have to be able to win your lane and help your worst sidelane
Pick Lycan go to jungle
Pick Windrunner / Brood / Sylla /Panda when you have to solo sidelane

When you see a pudge pick from enemy team pick Naix / Panda / Antimage / Void and go mid and outlane the pudge.

Before game starts ask your teammates “hey does anyone know how to play lich (or omni)?” Even if you aren’t on a support hero you buy wards and if you see an ally out of position you pause, tell him to gtfo, then unpause. If your team is really fucking up (like passively farming bottom lane 2v1 on dire while radiant has a lycan), you pause and tell them what has to happen. Throughout the game buy smokes. Counter-ward no matter what hero you are playing. Stick away from hard carries like spectre / PL / etc and jungling with heroes like naix or syllabear. In fact don’t jungle period unless it’s lycan. Jungling with 4 randoms is asking for the extra solo to go 0-8. However with lycan it doesn’t even matter since you win if you’re uninterrupted the first 5 minutes.

The point isn’t to do simply do well yourself, it’s to lead and make it as easy as possible for your team to win. A lot of good players do stupid shit like blame teammates and flame and then give up. You should never whine or flame. Always present your desires as questions and be friendly.
“hey can someone put wards on courier?” (so that you can place them yourself in good spots)
“hey can you guys carry tps in case I get dived?”

When I got vouched I was at 62.5% wins with 112 games played and that has slipped to 57% wins when I started teaching a league of legends player how to play.

I should look into getting vouched for nadl. I usually just play AP but I’ll go hardmode a bit to get in.

If you think those people you get in LoL are not in Dota, Dota 2, and HoN as well then bro I don’t know what to tell you.

Iono man I feel as though match making is rigged to keep you at .500 lol

60% win ratio is incredibly easy… I’m on 50% while flat fucking around most of the time.

No it really isn’t that easy. The gap from 50% to 60% is probably ten times harder to cover than from 50 to 55%. You are playing against Valve’s broken MM system.

And when you come up on Aui_2000 / MURS and nadota stacks you have to out-teamwork them because their individual skill is simply higher than your team’s average. It sucks even more because there is no ELO/MMR system in place. If you search any decent player’s name and filter by “low” skill level what you will see most times is said pro with 3-4 worthless teammates. The MM system needed a 5th person and found a “high” skilled player to compensate.

14924640 just 1 example. Most of my losses come from these “low” skilled games where I get paired with uncarriables that have never coordinated a team fight ever.