When is this suppose to drop?
Nerub assassin!
any good streams out? I prolly can’t play this on my pc
Well forget my previous comment.
Only this current game had lame heroes.
Others have used Sven, Slardar, Tiny and others. Nice.
oh man my hype meter for this game is off the charts right now.
i wonder how the brewmaster is gonna look considering storm spirit isn’t a panda anymore (looks like a very stereotypical cartoon mexican to me)
Brewmaster better damn well be a panda.
I can’t wait to play lich! Right now it seems the sentinal is getting raped.
stream got pretty baller sorry chinese engrish onry
So far so good with Dota 2, from what I am watching. This games going to take up most of my time after mandatory work.
well look at it from their way. i didnt see that match but like in LOL you can buy infinite amount of wards and set them everywhere so yeah its so much easier to tell and control their jungle. in dota your only limited with 4 until it replenishes again i think its like 5 mins for another 2 again i forgot. but anyways now they probably saw 1 guy but they dont know its bait or not, not sure if they saw everyone else at but hey earlier a match 2 guys scared the heck out of 4 guys earlier haha and killed 3 of them. Anothering thing in LoL you dont lose money if you die and get money + exp if you get assist. In dota if u take that bait and u kill one guy but get owned by 3 other guys so for example u killed 1 then lost 3-4 those characters lost gold or if its even late game they can lose up to 300-500 gold thats alot.
Im glad dota 2 just looks like dota on wc3. HoN i didnt even know wtf is going on and who was who. I know im high as shit but dayum mirana tiger looks different now its like it came from space and shit lol. Now im just waiting for beta testing i hope we can all play that shit soon.
Tiny so OP yo. I signed up for it and I never even played DoTA.
Although I do recognize some similar stuff from Hon tho lol.
Looks good cant wait to see more tourney action play.
With 1 million dollars on the line, I would turtle my ass off too.
I’m waiting on this too. I much preferred Tides of Blood over DOTA, but with Valve backing this I’m hopping on the hype train.
Soooo, are we looking at this year or next?
little disappointing i haven’t seen anything new. Should be called Dota 1.1 imo all they did was a recolor from what I can tell. I am sure some re-balancing will take place but this client better be damn amazing with some solid achievements or I am going to be really disappointed. So far a lazy money grab by Valve. To early to tell for sure though.
They’re aiming for this year.
i think the client is gonan be amazing with all the rumors out there. replay mode, clan vs clan rank battles, class mode and etc. if those things are true lol
Time to learn HoN in prep.
DotA is one of those games I’ve always been interested in but could never play. I’m just terrible at it. I’ve tried reading strategy articles off the main forums and watching vids, but it never really ‘clicks’. I’ve always followed it, though, and I like reading up on the new heroes that come out. I even tried LoL for a while, and I stunk at that, too (then again I only used the free heroes so that might have something to do with it).
I may not be joining in on this, but I’m really looking forward to seeing how this game plays out. The new version looks more like “DotA: Source” than a straight-up sequel, but their intention might have just been to preserve the original as closely as possible without all the Blizzard copyrights.
Yeah, not to mention streamlined VoIP and the other features they want without the dependancy shackles of a overpriced commercial game from 2002.
i’m kinda interested, but if this game is just “dota1 with a new coat of paint from valve” and not a full reworking like going from TFC to TF2 then there’s really not much of a chance for new players to even get decent when its going to be the same everything as in the WarCraft 3 map.
wait a minute. will there even be different maps (like with different looks and lane layouts)?
edit: clarified my idea a bit
On what grounds can Blizzard sue?
They don’t have the likenesses to “Lion”, “Sven” or “Pugna” registered.