DotA 2

I’ve been having a lot of fun with Dark Seer… as long as my laning partner isn’t completely retarded.

Your laning partner? As a Dark Seer? o_O

Hmm, replays don’t seem to be working for me since the last patch. Anyone else have this problem?


I have no idea what is going on half the time. I’ve yet to get the hang of Dota 2, and have played it even less. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dark Seer is usually in woods or in a solo sidelane. I have never seen a duallane DS :b

Any of you bitches got a key i could have (or purchase)? My roommates all got keys in the last beta wave, and while using their steam accounts to play isn’t so bad, having a 5th key would be ideal so we can all play without some shitty random.

This place has tons of great guides for builds and strategies for each character. I’d suggest checking it out.

I don’t know the creeps well enough to jungle. :s

Stack 4 camps of neutrals, get a smoke and sit with shell. Easy gold.

You lost me at “get a smoke and sit with shell”.

Still getting the hang of DotA 2, Lycan is the shit though.


Dark Seer Ion Shell, so nice for bungle in the jungle.

Finally got into the beta, playing this reminds me of my high school days. So good.

Any good sites for Dota 2 in terms of builds, items, etc? i really need to catch up on it.

Whats some good item builds for Faceless? I did decent with him but i feel like my items are kinda lacking didnt really get good farm cuz people be stealing shit.
They recommend getting Mask of Madness early on, is this a good choice? any better alternatives? is a good site to for builds.

Been having problems with my video skipping…turns out its not Dota 2 its my PC. HoN works great cause of the low requirements but Dota2? Need to get a real PC (i.e. desktop) :smiley:

Mask of Madness is godly IF you can land your bubbles properly and don’t leave their ranged carry 2 inches outside of it unloading on you while you’re trying to kill whoever you bubbled. So basically if you can play Faceless it’s your core item.

There’s an item called “Smoke of Deceit” that makes you invisible for a while as long as no enemy heroes are around. It costs 100 gold. Stack a creep camp 4 times, cast Ion shell on yourself, use the smoke, and walk into the creep camp. Make sure you don’t attack anything as it will remove the smoke. The ion shell will slowly kill the entire stacked creep camp while you just stand near it.



Mind blown.


Yes what huh?


Haste Rune.


Yep.Treads and MoM, then go for what ever like Battlefury, Buriza…