I think there is a Reddit subforum for trading Dota 2 keys.
A lot of scammers though, never go first. they also have some giveaways on there.
Found it but it seemed really dead.
I entered a bunch of the giveaways, will keep my eyes out for a straightforward sale. Thanks for the heads up. Fingers crossed.
I usually play public games but am vouched for nadl as well if anyone wants to buddy up and shit on hannah_montana/fluffnstuff stacks.
I’ve really been enjoying jugg lately. Don’t know why but he’s been a blast to play.
jugg + lich lane is pretty funny, slow + spin HURTS.
I started playing DotA like…6 or 7 years ago? Wow. I quit for a couple years, but I couldn’t resist the allure of the beta. Got in like a month ago, and having a pretty good time. Would love some people to play with though, since my favorite carries aren’t in the game yet and I’m sick and tired of playing support and then getting bodied because of getting horrible BHs on my team or Drows who don’t know how to farm.
Image bash was buggy as hell in Allstars because it wasn’t supposed to be in the game. Alone, a fake unit will land the dizzy spiral animation on a unit it’s attacking, but it causes no effect (damage nor stun). But if you land a real bash, then your images bash, it’ll extend the stun. Unfortunately, the same thing happens in the other direction, with real bashes just extending fake ones if those land first instead.
Ya I would say Invoker is good since both him and Pitlord were perma banned from Captains pick.
insert the worst hero played by the worst player + decent lich
lich still wins the lane
I recently got into DOTA, and can’t wait for Dota2 to come out. As long as the Goblin Techies still have “We come in peace!” and “Do not run, we are your friends!”
I see a:
- Dirty am picker
- Dirty ns picker
and I:
- go Lich/WR or Lich/Enig with my friend to our side’s hard lane
- go Lich/WR or Lich/Enig to mid lane
It’s fun fighting antimages with a 35 minute manta and nightstalkers that went 0-2 in their first night.
Enigma in a lane?
Very solid, can take the long lane solo and deny creeps with conversion. They also do crazy damage so he pushes hard and god forbid if someone tries to fight you + eidolons
Oh shit, Clinkz is here… Get ready for tons of pub games where nobody buys dust.
Fuck waiting for a beta key when are going to hurry up and release this game
Hey guys, finally got my invitation and it would be cool to play with fellow SRKers and not pubs. Haven’t played in a while but it should come back to me quick. Let me know if anyone is interested in playing thanks.
I know but jungle enigma soooo good.
Oh yeah he’s still really good in the jungle but don’t sleep on him in lane.
One of the worst ass whoopins i got in a pub game was against Brood, Enig, Veno, Shaman, a tanky char… cant stop the lane pushes.
Yay Mortred <3