I said it in the league thread, but to me dota feels more like sf where you benefit most from learning the ins and outs of a hero completely and league feels more like a versus game where you can learn a couple different champs and don’t have to worry as much about meter because of how fast you get it (spells with low cooldowns) and in dota, every auto attack or damage you can get on the opponent feels like footsies where you take any damage you can get and try to manage meter and save it for when you need it (spells with longer cooldowns).
Random is good to learn what the different Heroes are capable of, but I think mastering a hero can benefit you more (or a couple in the role you like to play).
Both are really fun games just different. I’m trying to master AA, CM, WD and for fun pudge right now myself.
sweet thanks for all the advice so far. I’m mostly not worried about team comp, but I hate double melee lanes or games where the team has like no CC(and bounty hunter unfortunately contributes to both those problems!). I’ll take a look at purge bounty hunter when I get home!
edit: Also it seems like every guide ever that I read says to pick up the wand, is it really that good? It always seems not all that helpful when I grab it, feels like it doesn’t get charged enough unless fights are happening and then I’m either dead before it’s charged or we win and I didn’t need it.
Yes, wand really is that good early game. It’s not so great late game, but it can help your health/mana problems early on in team fights. Imagine a team fight goes down and you manage to survive as BH. The other team has one or two stragglers left alive with low HP, but you can’t do anything because you’re low on mana. With wand, you can pop it for some mana and manage to chase down with your windwalk/shuriken and make a kill or two.
Magic wand is too good early game for many heroes.
'There won’t be an update today as we’re still gearing back up after the holidays. Here are some highlights of next week’s update for you too look forward to:
Parity with the latest Dota update. This includes Stable/ Current version switching, so tournaments will be able to run older versions of the game until they are ready to make the switch.
Two Heroes will be making their return. One gets a real charge out of bashing heads. The other always has to get in the last word.
64 Spectators limit removed. An unlimited number of spectators can watch any live game. "
Friends have been waiting for Silencer. That’s good. Silencer will help against some rather dominate characters right now. I don’t personally like playing Silencer, but it’s good that he’s making the return.
Spirit Breaker isn’t the greatest hero, IMO, but god damn he is fun to play.
Supposedly a new wave of beta invites are going out soon. They stopped giving out 2 free invites with every beta invite because people were actually selling them for money. Wonder how long until open beta begins.
I got a beta invite a while back, and I’ve had a tiny bit of experience in HoN, although I am a LoL player. Another one of my friends has been very excited to play, so I usually play with him. I still have only a vague knowledge of what each hero does, so I usually just pick Venomancer and push lanes. I should probably learn more of the game sometime.
If you filled out the steam survey then you’re already as signed up as you can be, you have a shot at getting one through email and that’s it as far as I know.