Dormammu TAC Infinite

I press H after HS and it seems to work fine. Up TAC is the hardest one in my experience just because getting the exact spacing consistently can be difficult. Side and Down are fine although It’s tricky when you TAC in that space where you’re close to the corner but you partner comes out from the corner side and it throws the spacing off.

So is the initial setup consistent with the nullification? I couldn’t seem to get it to be any more consistent than the way I used to enter into the reps.

It’s not exactly the unfly thing that is the problem even though my execution sucks. The main problem is getting the correct height every time when you have to position yourself before you unfly.

Yeah, that’s where I’ve always had the issue, and wasn’t sure if Angelic had figured that out.

I do the same thing then pretty much, TAC > fly, dash to ground and do j.H xx Dark Hole, fly up a little, j.H xx Dark Hole, falling j.H on the first frame.

Seems like it’s the same either way you do it.

Its really not that hard to get the spacing on holding up/upforward for like a tiny bit as opposed to randomly guessing a falling H. Trust me this infinite is 100% consistent and works on everybody. Just went to mexico and played with the infinite a ton and had no issues landing it on everybody, but its execution heavy so I ended up missing the input glitch a few times. The input glitch seems like the hard part for me not the spacing haha but thats because its weird to hit S + H since I don’t use my thumb to play.