Dope Akuma painting

my friend who is a graffiti artist up in denver did this piece for me

dope huh?

so hot
so sexy

Do you put a fireblanket over it at night so the pure heat radiating off it doesn’t burn your house down?

looks nice, but too bad someone puked all over it.

its not barf its graffiti , it says ‘sotek’ btw my write name when i was tagging back up north

Thats pretty sick man, why don’t you tag anymore? Don’t tell me you grew out of it

nah its nothing like that , i just moved from denver to tampa durring high school and the scene is not as lively, i get the thrill out of it when theres crews and they battle for territory and who can hit the best spots as well as stealing cans by the 10’s haha, besides i got priorities with college now , every time i visit tho we go bombing here and there fun stuff

one more thing they turning there passion to a business check it out, they got a article in ny times recently too

they affiliate with local break crew to promote their gear too

That’s one ugly color choice…
Akuma looks pretty good though.

They got some good shit there man, its kinda simplistic compared to there other stuff but Im loving that panda hat.

Oh and I get what your saying about there being no scene where your at. I moved out to the sticks in Florida. There aint shit going on here either

they did some murals of obama and landed a article on nytimes this sunday. theyre obama murals are gonna be on t shirts for sale during the national political convention in denver