Don't you get bored?

Definitely not. Considering the game I’ve been playing since '94 finally went online in ‘08, I’m friggin’ ecstatic. I played the Anniversary Collection online too but this just works better. Cannot wait for 3S XBLA, and even SSIV is getting alot of my attention lately.

I’ve summed up what you are “missing” in three sections:

First off, this is in the wrong thread. There is a Newbie thread you should post this in. This is the wrong part of the forum. Post newb questions here Newbie Saikyo Dojo

Second, I play one character (Dhalsim) because I want to learn every matchup with my character. It makes you a better player and gives you better knowledge of your good and bad matchups. I can’t say that I never counterpick, but 99% of the time I stay with my character no matter how many times someone tries to counterpick with Claw, Chun, or Honda. It’s rather amusing to me to see people counterpick against me, knowing that the only reason they decided to pick these characters against me is because they don’t know the Sim matchup. Then they get even more flustered when their countepick doesn’t win. Then they make some lame comment to me about how I am either cheap, have no skill, am afraid to pick another character, or just some other pathetic excuse for their loss.

Finally, I don’t get bored picking one character because each match teaches me something about either the matchup or my opponent. Saying that someone is scared of picking another character or doesn’t have skills is really an ignorant thing to say. Even if someone doesn’t know how to play somebody as somebody else, that doesn’t mean they are scared, or have no skills. Learning characters to where you can fight intelligently against a variety of characters as well as the variety of players and their play styles is not something you can do in a day. Just because you know a character’s move list and read a tier list doesn’t mean you automatically know how to play as that character.

this might sound cocky but I used to play blanka ONLY. ONLy.

now I switch around because it get’s boring winning too much. I’m fairly sure lots of people feel that way.

Shuuuut uuuup we all know you suck man…

I picked Zangief to main because I thought it would be funny to get proficient with the lol character. Turns out he’s pretty scary.

I do get bored of his gameplay though, because it’s remarkably one-dimensional. There are no matchups where you have to decide whether to be the aggressor or controller. There’s very little spacing compared to FB characters (spacing your SPD out of the opponent’s throw range is about it). You spend the round trying to get in on the other guy. If you get in, you stay in. If you get pushed out, you get back in. I get bored of that after a while, particularly when I play several Hondas or Dhalsims in a row… characters who excel at keeping Zangief out. But no, I never get tired of beating shotos, ever :slight_smile: I enjoy knowing the matchups… I like knowing that Zangief’s d+fp beats tatsus cleanly every time. I like knowing the range where I can splash DJ’s upkicks safely. I like SPDing Balrog out of rush punches before they connect. I’ve played those matchups a lot, and I know them. If I fuck up and get hit, I know why. I know what my anti-air counter is, I know my hitboxes, and I know my throw range. Things work the way I expect them to. I never throw out a move and go “I wonder if this trades or hits cleanly.”

When I get bored, I second Honda. Same basic philosophy (get inside and stay there), but Honda’s so much better at it than Zangief. Getting inside with Zangief is a constant tactical struggle. Getting in range with Honda is much easier, and you have so many more options to do it. I don’t know the matchups as well, but Honda’s such a better character than Zangief that I don’t have to know all the details to do pretty well.

I third Balrog. Again… get inside and stay there. Balrog is so easy to play, I picked him up on a lark one day and just kinda said “ok, I get why people are afraid of Boxer.” I’m not particularly good with Boxer… don’t have his combo timing down, don’t know his spacing very well. But by god, he hits hard and his moves are great. I can squeak wins out with Boxer with much less knowledge and precision than I need with Zangief.

And then sometimes I flip around. The only characters I almost never play are Dictator, Dhalsim, and the shotos. I tried to pick up Sagat as a secondary character for a while, but I just don’t enjoy him much.

So yeah, I get bored. I’d be a better Zangief player if I didn’t, but I enjoy the game more when I play a variety of characters.

They beat Brazil for once and already get cocky like that! :rofl:

I’ve been really spending a lot of time training on my random select. I think I’m finally starting to get good at him.

Don’t underestimate random select. He may be mid tier but man, he has so many moves.

Random select does have alot of moves… but it takes a real master to use them all effectively…

When i know i can smash that certain person easily, i usually work on certain part of my game…For example i use gief, i tell myself not to do any SPD or jump the whole game…This will help me improve my other parts of the game without going full strength…Plus you find a lot of things random scrubs do that makes you think on how the hell did that happen, what counter will i have to do if someone else finds a way to incorporate that…Its never ending for me, i learn new things all the time since a lot of people has different play styles…

One thing which keeps my character fresh is my TE controller, it will switch off my mk and rh at random intervals depending on connection issues… also happens if my opponent uses turbo.

This has caused me to have to win matches in unusual ways and has taught me some nice situational data.

^^^ my rh switches off at random times as well on my TE stick. glad to know i’m not the only one.

Mine three… Hate it.

Haha I thought I was the only one. I get that problem too. I actually use my hori EX2 now as it is more reliable.

i had that problem too, thank god i have a hori now. everyone i know that took the two outside buttons out of their t.e. has had the roundhouse problem

Can someone explain what is the problem with the RH?

When this happens the RH stop working temporary for a few seconds or it’s disabled?

And does it happen only on xbox or ps3?

for me it worked most of the time, but occassionally would disable itself. most of the time i could just unplug it to fix the problem, but sometimes even with multiple unplugs it would refuse to work for a while. stupid things, i’ll never in my entire life buy another madcatz stick.

its teh stick, it does that too me when i play on ggpo too.

I was fighting someone and for a joke he turned on the turbo, MY STICK WENT CRAZY. The 2 kick buttons switched off and the character kept walking in one direction, i had to unplug the stick the re-plug it.

I thought i was the only 1 2.

I know how to use my weak kick quite well now though.

Can I ask what version of TE that you guys are using?

I know papercut has a ps3 one…