Don't Hold Anything Back! - The Asuka Venting Thread

(Quote is from her intro pose in Tekken 5/6)

Since Asuka can be difficult and awkward to use, I figured a rage thread would be suitable for us :stuck_out_tongue:

Had a losing streak yesterday where it got to the point where I would just tag in Lili and keep her in for most of the match instead of Asuka.

Let’s hear your stories! :rock:

i got beat up by a Asuka yesterday so i figure i’d use her =) did you finish all the trials?

her footsie/poke range, no matter how much i love playing her that going to piss me off.

I feel like it’s impossible to anti air without meter (although EX air throw is amazing). If only she has a reliable anti air normal…

Get under them with that standing jab and her wheel kick! Not the best options ever, but they can definitely do it. I was beating out Abel’s j.MK with her jab pretty consistently last time I tried.
On topic, her footsies again. I can’t quite figure out how she gets in yet, though I’m figuring out more things as I go.

I hate how in some match-ups she is hardly ever allowed to push a button because of her crappy normals. And I hate how half of lilly’s attacks put her airborne rendering Asuka’s counter unusable. :frowning:

I picked 3 mains before the game came out and I swore to stick with them: Law, Asuka, and Guy.


This is by far the biggest annoyance while playing Asuka. Against anyone that jumps a lot or has good pokes or has fireballs (which…turns out to be 90% of the cast) is incredibly hard to deal with because she can’t counter-poke at all. Most of her tools to open opponents up require you to burn meter and force them to stop throwing out pokes so you can use your terribly slow overheads to get in.

She’s incredibly fun, but free to the majority of the cast, and as it turns out her worst matchups (guile, rufus, rolento) are popular as hell. Asuka is a big liability on my Guile/* team.

I hate fighting Gief as Asuka, I think this is one of her really really shit matchups, doesn’t seem that she has anything in this matchup.

Gief is my worst as well. Been exploring the cMK anti-air recently, it’s helping with alot of matchups its just a really hard thing to think about.

I’m trying so hard to have her as a main. But I’m so sick of playing her against a character with good footsies and playing lame. It’s so hard to fight with her with someone playing like that. I’m slowing hoping on that relento bandwagon.

I swear, Asuka is the most frustrating character to play.

I’m committed to this character like I was committed to Juri in SSFIV. I find Asuka a lot less frustrating.

Hmm, I was considering using Asuka to replace to Nina in my Nina/Lili team. Then I saw this thread.

I honestly can’t recommend Asuka to anyone. Her flaws are way, way too big.

Can’t get in? Bad pressure? Bad risk/reward? No real reason to use her over other characters?

After running a set with some random dude online using ryu and ken, i can finally say i understand the people who say they have a hard time not throwing their controller at the screen.
I felt so fustrated against all ryu tools and frame advantage and traps,its like capcom purposely made her a free punching bag.

idk i just felt like going back to tekken

All of the above. Absolutely terrible pokes, no consistent AA, everything she does is unsafe or slow. Both of her throws are only useful with meter, otherwise they might as well not even exist. Once an opponent has you locked down, she has absolutely no way to escape. For her to even deal damage she has to take extreme risks that can result in half of her health.

I like how she plays, but can’t stand actually playing her.

She does have a consistent AA with meter though but that makes her reliant on meter though :frowning:

She has an okish set of normal AAs, they’re just situational .

A thousand times this :’(

My Asuka has degenerated into: block jump-in -> counter -> backdashbackdashbackdash TAG OUT

If my opponent knows how to throw it’s all over.