"Don't Forget About Me!" Michelle Chang Thread

Alright now it time for a long awaited update:

Michelle’s best CH strings options:
df+423 (be careful, because the last hit of this move is a HIGH)
1~4,1(This is mandatory)
ddf+21 (This string is hit confirmable, so even if the opponent blocks, you can still cause them problem by delaying last hit of this string)
1+2,4bf+1+2 (This is actually Michelle’s best wall ender for extra damage, but you can still utilize this as a CH string)
111 (Scrub killing string)
114 (The last hit is a low)
d41 (The last hit is tag bufferable)

Think about these moves while Michelle has her Netsu on.

Also, I had Michelle put on showcase after my most recent tournament months back - Made a very… crazy comeback in the first round with her.
Here is some more Michelle Chang game play



Present for all Michelle players:



I updated the pros and cons a bit. While I’m here, I am going to showcase some possible frame traps.
The moves that Michelle is plus frames on are:

  • WS21 = +1 frames
  • b4 = +1 frames
  • db1+2,1 = +1
  • WR/fff+1 = +7 frames

You get a lot of benefits from using ff1, even if the opponent blocks it.
Michelle’s qcf12 is completely hit confirmable. Her qcf2 is one of her safe launchers due to push back (it is -8 frames on block), but be careful about using it because it is high hitting launcher. Also, qcf2 will crush other high moves.

Here is a very recent match (God… I have not posted here in a long while):

For recommended Tag partners for Michelle in particular:
Lingharu works very well with Michelle - it would usually be best tag out after Lingharu’s df2~1 launcher. The reason for this is so that Michelle get an easy 95 damage. Remember that 90 damage is equivalent to half life to one tag character.
Anna is also a great because Michelle can follow up easily after Anna’s df2, d32 (the latter string being tag bufferable after the initial df2 launcher - follow up with Michelle’s ff1).
Other characters to keep in mind are Bruce, Lars, any Mishima, Jin, Nina, Jaycee, Marduk, and Armor King for example. In fact, the Changs in general showcase a lot of utilities for most characters.
WS2(2) is plus frames on block if you hold down and delay the 2. WS3 is a very safe mid. SS2 high crushes and is a relatively safe mid. Use d3 as a quick low! Make occasional use of Michelle’s throw game (Mad Axes included) - you can use her df1+2 to put the opponent in a awkward situation after the throw. Use f3~1 as a whiff punish from a far (this is a high - keep that in mind).
After Mad Axes, you can follow up with things like 4~21, d1+2, ff1, ff2, d,df12, etc…
A great combo for Michelle to use IF SHE IS ON POINT WITH JAYCEE BEING THE ANCHOR, Michelle should resort this combo:
launcher Shot Gunx2, d,df1~41+2 TA! Jaycee: FC df43, Michelle: isw. If you started the combo with a hope kick, you get EXACTLY 90 damage. The reason I say make use of Jaycee’s FC df43 instead of the bridge (her db1+21+2) is because Michelle herself will only get damage in the high 80’s. If you use FC df43 instead, you get 90 damage, which is half life.
Continue to blow up the opponents defense with isw when they get overly turtle-y towards (not a word but you understand)…
More to follow up with later -