Don's Arcade aka Astro City: Torrance/Carson Fridays 8pm-3am

You weren’t angry late night blanka were you?

As for the rest of you…

Hey man we need to all introduce ourselves somehow Don. Everything is too tense, we need more laughter in that mug. It’s easier to take tips from a clown than it would be from a giant standing over your bruised ego. This is in regards to both 3s and sf4. To those of you one here that know those guys don’t have an account here. Do your best to get them to make one so that we can all get to know each other a little better. We are a team. Or rather we gotta be, if we plan on improving. No more angry nerdom. I am partly to blame for that. Ok mostly to blame for that.

I think I did good in 3s, after warming up I noticed my red parries were becoming a little more common and in sf4 I won more than I lost last night which is good considering I kept changing characters. Good games to the lot of you.

In an attempt to spark up some conversation and maybe an ice breaker for next time Don hosts I offer you guys this:

The Two Things about Computer Programming - The Fishbowl

The Two Things

To those of you that don’t want to read or don’t have the time to read it says something along the lines of:

“…For every subject, there are really only two things you really need to know. Everything else is the application of those two things, or just not important.”

What are your two things for 3s/sf4. This is to get you to see the game as your opponents see the game and give you a much more broad look at the game as a result of opening your mind. You can watch and try to do as your favorite player does, but you’ll never know why he does what does unless you get your head out your own ass and take a peak in his, no homo hahaha.

The why is fundamental. It is only when you learn the “why” that you will be able to truly learn. Otherwise you are just imitating and an imitation is only a cheap copy. Strive to be.

My two are Anticipation and Execution. If you want to know why, you’ll have to ask.

Hope this doesn’t come off as stupid and if it does, just say so. This is an open forum and I’m sure Don and crowd will agree with me when I say we would like to hear what you have to say.

Expect a few trollish replies but don’t let them get you down, they are there to keep you from learning or encourage you to learn. Those are two things to being a troll, btw.

Let’s do this, ladies.

(if this is all worded funny, I’m sorry. I have been reading through some philosophy books as of late and am currently working through the Tao Te Ching. Speaking of which, anybody here up on their eastern philosophy? I would love to learn a thing or two from you guys.)


here’s that link you reuested Don. I haven’t touched it since 08 when I first put it up because I forgot the n:p and am too scared to ask preppy for it haha. If I can remember it, or muster up the courage to ask him, I’ll work on a nice little layout for us to work with and maybe Vince can help me with organizing the database. Nothing too fancy, of course. Might just end up being links to Don’s Arcade matches or Links to youtube’s of said matches. Maybe some inspirational blurbs or whatever they’re called. I’ll see if Vince is interested.

Would this sound like a good idea to any of you? Do we have any other artists in the group? I can draw but I’m more of a lines kinda person, if we got any people good at coloring, I’m down for a collaboration.

Also, would any of you guys recommend a good c++ book to go off of? I don’t think like these online resources. They are too…bleh.

Holy balls programming, keep it away from me. Would be nice if we could do one of those things where we could record matches for people that have in mind to get better and watch their own replays of people here, but I don’t think we even have enough space for that, and it was just day one of the “new regime” so interest could be all over. I’m all for trying to level up people, but the interest and desire has to be there in order for anything to work beyond two weeks.

And muzras, appreciate the looking out for the COD return, but I got someone that’s gonna give me some cold cash for the game; it beats the return store credit since bills is more useful. Thanks again for the offered help. :tup:

Definitely this. There were a lot of times I would sit down to play a game against somebody, and I’ll say “Hi, my name is Jay”. I’ll usually get a bland “hello” back and the rest of the game would be silence.

That’s just because I don’t like you Jay. JUST KIDDING.

And Lenin, I watched one of the videos up on that site, and god damnit. I just remembered I had that beanie and it was stolen from me at Cerritos. I hate that place so much now, THAT WAS MY FAVORITE ONE.

Also, I’m thinking of my two essentials. I’ll get back at that later.


oh yeah and here is proof that these games can still be fun at a high level.

I was crying of laughter all through out. I think the last one was my favorite though. That one or the akuma that did fierce x lk spin kick walk up fireball

the music doesn’t help in restraining that laughter either!

Dunno, the Yun vs Urien with Yun throwing himself literally into the aegis FTL struck something fierce in me. That one, and the Makoto command grab follow up fails.

Hey Don do you have wireless internet? I’d really like to stream at your place. Preferably thirds strike or super turbo if possible.

We’re not shoving anything down anyone’s throat. The community here is divided as it is. Reducing the number of groups from 10 to 3, The want-to-get-betters, the don’t-care-about-getting-betters, and the what’s-srk?, is step up in my eyes. If we really are successful and the value of coming together becomes more apparent through our play and attitude, I’m sure even the What’s-SRK’s will come around. And if they still don’t change their minds, well at least this way we’ll all be able to respect one another wishes and have a few laughs while doing so.

We are not in High School anymore. We are all as nerdy as the guy to your left or to your right. We are one. Stop segregating yourselves.

You really have no evidence to back your claim for two weeks beyond that of your cynical mind, no offense. Sure you might’ve been let down before but to be honest nobody was really trying for anything. Sitting down with a player, shaking his hand and then ignoring him and just playing isn’t any different than playing from home over xbl if you aren’t going to interact beyond the game. Street Fighter is about learning what your opponent is like. You can’t really do that without having a conversation with him/her. If your opponent refuses to talk to you, take that as hubris and strike it down during your match
. When you win or when you lose talk to your opponent and if they still continue to act in a way that “offends” you, just keep trying. The Berlin Wall didn’t come down over night. (Stay away Godwin’s Law!) What exactly do you have to lose by trying? This, btw, also means being open to criticism. If what they are telling you feels condescending explain to them that you understand what they are talking about and ask about a different topic in which they displayed more knowledge than you.

more in a bit, arguing with my girlfriend and don’t want to mix up both arguments.

ok back.

I lost my train of thought but long story short.

KEEP YOUR EGO OUT OF THE FUCKING GAME, because at the end of the matter you’re both just playing as imaginary heroes on a box that shoots bright lights at you and instead of jumping around and kicking and all that junk all you’re really doing is this

it’s still fun though.

Oh nono, I just merely meant it like how we were talking last night with Hardware vs Programming. Haaaaaaaaate programming. Could never get into it. If there’s something I can help with I’ll do what I can, even if it means taping stuff on my baby iPod nano and ripping it off of there some how.

Yes I do. You’d have to go inside the arcade machine though and stream it. Sounds tricky but if you can do it would be cool:)

Oh ya don’t worry guys. A lot of us haven’t seen each other in a month so I’m sure everybody will warm up to each other again. The familiarity with each other will take care of itself. That’s why I like having it weekly so that everyone starts to know everyone in a regular basis. Having said that the culture at my place has changed a little with the entry fee but I’m sure it’s not that big of a change. It shouldn’t affect the social aspect of my place. I think. Everything will take care of itself. All in time gentlemen. All in time. I see last Friday night as the first gathering and my reintroduction to the community. Everything will be fine.

No, but that might have been Tim/ShootingBlanks :stuck_out_tongue:

I was the drunk Bison.

Oh Tim’s cool. That’s just Tim. He’s just a really intense guy. Tim’s writing a paper about my place for his journalism class. Right now he’s interviewing me and he’s intense. He’s asking me all these provacative and personal questions. Which is good. It feels like I’m on 60 minutes lol:p

AS LONG as I can get a split signal we can stream off the composite signal.

Check it out one of these days. I really don’t know how to stream off an arcade machine. Hopefully we’ll figure something out.

Okay cool. Hopefully if my shipment comes in this week I can head down there to check it out.

I probably won’t show up for a while, seeing as how there’s this aura that “Joe fucked everything up for us!” Plus I haven’t been playing lately and I’m starting to appreciate the extra time I have.

Anyway, as far as equipment goes, I do have a capture card, so if you want to capture any video just have someone bring a laptop or computer and I’ll send the capture card with Jason or Neal or someone. It can capture component and composite and we have a VGA converter so we can capture that as well.

who is this joe guy? and why do I get the feeling he sucks at sf4?

Don’t know about that aura you’re talking about, and I’ll be the first to admit that’s not anywhere in my collective of feelings for what happened.