Donation Fund: Another fighter need, in memory of Mummy-B

Hey everyone,

I figured I’d post up simply because one of my favorite gamer personalities is in need of help.
He’s battling cancer and his rising costs in medical expenses are crazy. His meds alone literally cost
about $1200 monthly. That’s a lot of cheddar, while I’m not sure if he posts SRK that much I know
he plays a lot of your favorite games. He plays Marvel regularly and I think I’ve even seen him play
Skullgirls. He’s a fighting game veteran, he’s one of us. If someone already posted this on here my apologies.

It just had me thinking about Mummy-B who was another great guy, who I personally never met in real life.
Ages ago he helped me MOD my old SNK site This site is long gone, but in her memory I’m going
to at least try to help out another fighter in need. It would be great if you can too.

Chibiaya I wish you the best.
