Hey Bob community, I’m a Cammy/Steve player and I just played a great Bob on PSN. I mean, I had dabbled in Bob in the first week of the came, but I had no idea what I was doing going into the fight. My first 7 matches I was just trying to figure out how to block his block-string into high/lows, and while I finally was able to block anything, I felt like I could hardly punish anything.
His Cr.MP is amazing, he’s got a solid anti-air in what I only assumed was crouching HP and his blockstring into that sweepy move-> Palm Thrust was not only a pain to keep in mind, but if I blocked he would just push me away out of sweep range.
I dubbed him Dollar Store Bob because he’s green and his mix-up was mad cheap in the best way possible. I’m making this thread in the hopes that, as counter intuitive as it is, you guys could give me some anti-Bob pointers.
Just started playing Bob myself, and he’s mad fun to play. Still on the fence about whether or not he’s completely slept on, or if his weak points are bigger than I can tell.
All of the stuff that people say you can DP out of can be mixed up with legit safe pressure (barring some supers.) His fierces > langue washer is a true block string (EDIT: excuse me, it seems even on its earliest input this still has what seems like a frame gap) and is -2 with good push back. His overhead is unsafe overall but if you’re trying to react to it you’re basically asking to get baited into mk, mp, hp xx step or lp, lk, lk xx step/spinner.
I would say in general:
Watch out if he’s about a character length or a bit more away from you. IMO this is his sweet spot. It’s where a lot of his s.MK/far.LK mix ups are best and most of his pokes will make you cry.
Far.LK is an 8 frame quick low that is cancel able into about anything for at least a little chunk of damage. His jump arc and normals are scary too so you have to be careful at this range.
Up close he doesn’t really have great pokes outside of cr.LP, and that has a 5 frame start up. But it is +4 on block and leads to his damaging stuff, so be careful not to eat one. Everything else is kind of shitty up close.
Overall his mix up options are okay at best when he doesn’t have meter. About the safest thing he can end in is step xx langue for -2. Pushes back decently but his fastest move is 5f so you can still turn the pressure around. Other than that a lot of his stuff is DP able in between or at least you can backdash.
With meter is a different story, as he has a ton of mix up options with most of his strings being cancel able to and from boost combo. EX spinner is +1 on block and he can combo into normal stuff after it hits. Cl.MK is also a low so far.lk > Cl.mk or far.LK > mk > hp overhead stuff really makes you guess. Not to mention tag cancel mix ups off of spinner ball xx sweep/overhead.
In general, a lot of his normals cover the air really well. I’ve even AAd with cr.mp on accident a few times ><. Cr.HP is really good, but it’s recovery is terrible. If you make him whiff it, that’s a free punish.
At a distance he’s not great. He’s got tools, but nothing that’s too amazing without a solid opening/read. He can reflect fireballs, dash under with step, and ex giga ball/super. Reflect is eh, and you really have to anticipate to punish with super. I can throw super out right before ryus FB hits 1/4 screen and I still get blocked. Not terrible options, but they don’t lead to much.
Overall just keep your cool and wait till he exhausts himself if he has no meter, and punish accordingly if he tries anything too fancy. I’d he has meter, I dunno…get the fuck away? Lol