Saw nkli do it and I’d like to know how. Is it the same method as crossing someone up and supering with her?
Also, I’d like to know some chun stun combos. I do her “3 fierce” combo and whatever variants I want at the time I also know the j hk st mp chk one. Anyone know any others? How about something whit her flip off kick- the strange chun flashkick like move (fw mk)- that actually combos?
Note: hk legs is dope on block or hit. use them more, on hit from a fierce kick jump in they do damage similar to her super. Else they can’t do much unless they have something like a fireball, super or dp that can go through it, though dping through legs or hands is difficult.
The hitboxes on legs is really ridiculous, and you’ll always beat dps as long as you’re far enough back.
If you want chip from a jump-in do a deep light attack so the opponent gets pushed back less. I’m not really sure which strength will get more chip. The startup for lk/mk/hk is 4/7/10, so trying to link with hk lightning legs might be dangerous if the opponent is good at reversal throws. Frame adv is also better w/ the lighter kicks.
so… anyone know how to super after being crossed up by someone? that was the original question. as in the opponent crosses my chun up, lands on the other side, and they are countered by a super.
it’d be great if someone could tell me about walk up cmk super. another nki trick. as far as I know I would have to walk up and buffer the motion during the kick, but I don’t have enough time. Doing the motion like a satndard walk up and even trying an offensive crouch to cmk results in a plain out super.
for jump in’s it’s all about lk. no recovery animation. I advised the heavier kicks because of the damage. I usually use whatever I can mash out at the time. off of a jump in it is difficult but I can land it. It is very, very good for an opponent on their wakeup occaisionally as it pushes you back and you can charge every move while it’s going.
EDIT: The wiki has some info on the crossup trick. If someone could explain it further then ok.
Now, I just need that cmk to super. Doing that consistently in st will be quite fun.
When the opponent crosses you up and you are holding back, the game gives you credit for pressing torward. Then you just need to finish the back, torward part of the motion. Alternatively you can just do the motion normally and it should still come out since the input window for supers is long.
Whether or not you can super the opponent and hit them w/ all hits when they land depends entirely on the opponent’s timing and jump arc. If they are crossing you up and they are high in their jump, it’s impossible to hit them w/ all hits and you’ll just tag them with one or super away from them. They basically have to be landing from the cross up just as you reversal.