Does she have any real uses

I thought you quit this god damn website… (something I’ve still yet been able to do :lol: )

I quit games, but I can never quit SRK :frowning:

Yeah. That’s why I think she’s at her best with S-Groove. In spite of the low damage, she gets to stay on the offensive forever. Dodge attacks and infinite Lv.1 setups on low life = more mixups and damage opportunities.

My team is a-groove Yuri, Athena, R2Kim, in that order. I have had great success against people who play Sagat or Blanka first. It seems that Yuri can outpoke Sagat with her Far Roundhouse. I’ve punished wiffed attacks with it. I use d.shortx3 to fireball with her to wear down guard. If I want to use an easy combo I do d.shortx2 to jab fireball. It’s not great, but she builds super really fast. She has a pretty good guard breaker cc, medium punch uppercuts all the way till it ends. She does extremely well against K and P groovers, and like someone mentioned earlier, her qcf+k buffered after a maximum range d.roundhouse is safe. Someone else mentioned that she’s underrated. I agree. Proly it’s just me since I love playing with low tiers.

I agree with kataklysmic, she is soley for rush down in S-groove and she provides a good battery, all her supers have nice priority, when in desperation (flashing life bar) c.LKx2, c.MK, kick super. Its just a convenience of being able to c.lp,c.fp or into super at any time. Her dodge kick counter is her far, which also hits crouching opponents, its a usefull knock down with great range.

PS: She can also break your gaurd pretty fast if your opponent is not carefull, seeing as she has good block strings.

By the way Drizzt do you go to family fun arcade??

She also has a air throw if anyone forgot, so when those K players jump at you in a air to air confrontation to just defend your attack, air throw that shit down, it’ll give you a little bit more options in an air to air confrontation.

Honestly, is it necessary to even jump at Yuri to actually beat her? I mean like if you can play the top tiers well, you can pretty much dominate that match up, can’t you?

I play Yuri as well in A-groove, and most of the time when people jump in for an attack is when I know it is time to counter and kick their ass. However if they don’t jump and turtle instead, then it makes my life harder. BTW, cr+hk cancel into qcf+Lk doesn’t work too well against top players with RC, consider the fact that even if the fireball hit them after their RC period is over, it is still a losing trade for Yuri.

Anybody can do that ground A-groove, with (1 hit mp dragon punch cancel into standing lk) xN? I give you credit if you can pull that off often.

Your right though, I might, and probally will have problems with roll cancel blanka rolling through my traps and shit, but I dont use that qcf+k that much, and if I do its usually after a knock down, sometimes
I small jump to mix it up, and I actually end up air throwing them from a small jump because they want to get out of the corner(small jump, forward+fp). Yes you have a good point and I might encounter problems, but im willing to develop ways to get around it. I can be thrown out of dogde, just like you can be thrown out of RC’s.