Does plasma tv's leave burn in with games?

Im gonna be getting a new tv soon and I’m still not sure if i want to go with Plasma or LCD.

Obviously there are some big differences between the two but what i wanted to know was I’ve heard that Plasma can sometimes have images burned into the screen if an image is on the Plasma for too long.

So with playing games on a Plasma tv for too long would that do any type of burn in to the tv???

depends on the model of tv and which games you’re playing; games with portions of the screen that remain static most of the time (e.g. the HUD in an fps or possibly the life bars in a fighter) will pose the biggest problem

ahh i see, so with fighting games it’s not much of an issue than right ?

name the game i’d say; some of them like vf5 do have little character portraits that stay on the screen almost the whole way through a match

It shouldn’t be a problem unless you’re leaving the game on 24/7.

the big 5 = 3rd strike, ST, CVS2, MVC2, GG:AC

as you mention i guess there are some little things i never really noticed before that do always stay on the screen.
But for the most part with the constant movement of fighting games is it less likely to happen ?

Burn-in (permanant) should not be a problem with current generation plasmas. Image retention (temporary) can happen from HUDs, life bars, etc. It will go away once you watch TV for a little while. I’ve had my Panasonic plasma for about a year now, and never noticed any IR at all. I followed a break-in procedure, that I found on avsforum, for the first 100 hours before I played any games on it.

cool thx for all the info I’m not worried at all now about getting a plasma

jkoch i sent you a pm can you explain what’s the <break-in procedure>

I own a Panasonic TH-42PX60 (2006) and I’m very pleased with my set.

The first months (first 100 hours and 200 hours) is the time to use Plasmas with most care since the phosphors are their strongest during their youth causing more noticeable image retention but not permanent.

For the first months, keep in mind not to overboost your settings, like brightness, sharpness and stuff… keep it at moderate levels in the early days.

Downloading and burning an ISO of a Break-In DVD is recommended for clearing up early possible image retention and also age the TV by running it in loop.

By aging the TV, the phosphors get used and you will notice Image Retention will no longer be as much of a concern.

Today, I play all sorts of games with Health Bars and Huds and I am now well passed my break-in period and I have no trouble with IR. If I play or watch a movie with border for long periods of time, I remedy the situation by playing a full screen video or use my break-in DVD to cleanse it up.

You may get freaked out in the first hours of your set’s first youthful hours, but after you get past your break-in period you should be in the comfort zone and not need worrying.

Ridge Racer 7 on PS3 was the first game I tried out on my set, when it was young, there was Image Retention of the HUD. and I was freaked out… Now today, I don’t have burn in like that anymore with Huds or Energy bars… and if I do have some, it is minimal and easily remedied with a full screen looping video.

here is a link to the AVS forum with more techy info about it:


thank you very much for explaining that to me

Here is the relevant section of the official Panasonic FAQ:

  1. What is the “break-in” period and what should I do during the break-in period to minimize any risk of image retention? When your plasma TV is initially installed, the first 100 hours of use is known as the “break-in period.” During this time, to minimize any risk of image retention, you should:

Make sure the plasma TV is in a viewing mode (aspect ratio) that completely fills the screen. The panel is shipped in this condition, in what is called the “Just” mode.
Turn down the Picture setting (in the Picture menu) to +0.
Briefly engage the 4:3 mode and confirm the side bars are set to “Mid”, or “Bright”. This can be adjusted in the Set Up menu.
Always return the display mode that fills the screen (such as Just, Zoom, Full, or H-FILL).
Try not to view channels with stationary backgrounds or logos for extended periods of time.
Avoid extended display of static images (video games, computer images, DVD title screens, etc.).

  1. I’ve heard that plasma TVs can “burn-in” over time. What is “burn-in” exactly, and is it really a concern?
    “Burn-in,” or image retention, is an uneven aging of the phosphors in a display device, can occur on any display that uses phosphors to generate an image, including tube TVs, projection TVs that use CRTs, and plasma TVs. Such uneven aging happens when bright, static images are left onscreen for an extended period of time, which can leave a visible “shadow” effect.

Improvements in panel service life to over 60,000 hours have minimized the risk of image retention. In addition, screen savers, pixel shifting, and brightness level adjustments can dramatically reduce any chance of image retention. Use common sense when it comes to your plasma TV; don’t pause video games or watch TV stations with station logos onscreen for long periods of time, and use one of the many display calibration DVDs available today for properly setting brightness and contrast.

The rule of thumb: if you don’t worry about your traditional tube TV, you don’t have to worry about a Panasonic plasma TV.

You can download the break-in DVD here:

Just go to the “Downloads” tab.

I HIGHLY recommend the samsung 4254 model.

its a lil pricy but picture quility is amazing. random dvd ripped movies look great on xbox media center(auto upscale to 720p) and games look great too. I did a lot of research and everyone had positive feedback on this one. overall very satisfied.