just curious. i remember the big deal people were making when tokido or bas played him and wonder if he still does or if anyone else worth mentioning uses him.
Honda is top tier in my book. A good honda is hard to beat. Honda still Pownes so many characters.
I heard Mago quit cvs2. Mago really had a strong Honda.:sad:
I tried to use Honda in A-Groove, but I didn’t have good results. Maybe I need more experience with him
c honda is the man. i always thought honda was crap in a groove.
N-honda is the hotness. best honda in my book.
no no no C is by far the best
okay, i am going to ask for open mindedness before i even start.
most people are used to seeing players scrub out dash RC hands and RC headbutt all day, but N-honda has a ton of options. i’ll try to keep this as short as i can.
N-groove’s attributes are perfect for honda. N-honda has 1.5 A-groove bars, so as a battery, he’s perfect. hand that meter off to chun or sagat. most people think C-groove is the best, but look at C-groove’s features. stored super…N-groove has it. air-block, honda doesn’t need at all. level 2 cancel’s are good for roll super and mixing up honda’s wakeup game (like whiff standing jab, level 2 super to beat everything but block).
but what does N-honda have?
-short jump roundhouse into RC hands OR wait for their reaction. if they roll, you throw, if they jump you press fierce, if they block, you get chip damage and meter. OR, after the empty short jump, if they sit there, 360 if the range is right.
-running strong. the range isn’t great, but it is another option to put pressure on.
-most people are used to dashing into honda’s scary wakeup game, but running works also once you get used to it after a knockdown.
-COUNTER ROLL. very important in honda’s counter matches. counter roll through obvious shit, but hibiki’s slashes are no longer safe (counter roll, 360 OR crouching rh if the hibiki player is at max range), or are haohmaru’s fierces (i saw vids of jwong playing smoothcat’s or nestor’s A-honda, and it was a near perfect on jwong’s side. if you dash, fierce. if you roll, fierce, random crossup mk, turtle, gross). also vs. vega, you now have short jump rh to put pressur on and aren’t so dependent on RC headbutts. and no hate to smoothcat or nestor, i’m just pointing out an unconventional honda counter.
-honda is a fucking tank.
and if you’re asking about N-honda’s tournament validity, look at tokido at the first evo that had cvs2. N-honda/sagat/blanka for the win over ohnuki. and he didn’t even have RC 360 or RC hands to work with. just turtle and RC headbutt over N-ryu.
i did pull a lot of theory fighter with eagle, but this is actually on point. hopefully your ADD didn’t hurt you from reading all of this and skip to the bottom. remember, be OPEN MINDED. N-groove is the only thing that keeps the game fresh for me.
But seriously, this does sound really good. I think a low-jump Honda is pretty good, I’ve never tried it, but geez, thinking of it sounds really scarey. Kind of like a low-jump Blanka in a way, but not really. Maybe people use C-Honda because can’t he corpse hop? Or is that a no…
I play honda still…Even though im play him on A groove…
I think the ability to store a level 3 super in C-groove, damage bonuses and chicken blocking outweigh the benefits honda receives from N-groove. Though I would say N-groove is probably his 2nd best groove.
A-Honda is still pretty good, but hes too easy to read. With many Vega based teams on the rise its hard to do good with him. Not only does Vega counter him badly but so does C (airblock). K and P groove. You can work around that if you switch your team order but thats a hassle. He still rapes Sakura pretty bad.
truth. youre honestly better off playing him in c cause you can land way more random damage if you need to. i still think hes dope but i dont really play him against any vega teams.
popoblo was saying shit about n-honda which is interesting cause maybe you can do some counteroll, rc 360 nonsense. i like dash too much tho
Tokido won by whoring RC Headbutt. That’s it. The Americans just didn’t know how to deal with that shit. N-Honda is decent in theory, worse in practice. He doesn’t compare to C-Honda, I’m sorry. Oh, and I did read your entire post. The only good thing N-Honda has over C is counter roll, which is actually pretty useful sometimes.
-dash, RC Slaps
-stored LVL2 (= Jesus)
-stored LVL3 throw super (= the Lord)
-air blocking (= Mary…it is NEVER useless)
-3 meters (that build EXTREMELY quickly)
You cannot compare C-Honda to any other Honda. Maybe down the road, someone will show us the light, but for now, Mago has shown that C-Honda is indeed the best Honda. Until you or some other guy proves him wrong, then C-Honda will remain king.
And btw, no I don’t think Honda is that great. He destroys certain types of players (PLAYERS not characters), but if you fight someone who knows how to deny the fat man his rights, he will get raped.
short jump rh is important, you forgot about that. it gives him a less risky attacking option than RC headbutt or RC hands, the two things people always look for against honda. and the priority on that short jump rh is really good.
i guess it’s just a difference in opinions.
That’s the thing, I didn’t forget. I just don’t think it’s good. Sometimes a move can be “good”, but it’s not good as part of a gameplan. I just don’t think N-Honda can do anything scary with it. It doesn’t suit him IMO.
is this really true?