Does anybody seriously know how to play Dan?

I tried using him in Training Mode.

I found this: j. RH, s. FP, Gadouken

You don’t even need the book to see that he has tons of frame disadvantage once he connects that combo (probably only on a dizzied opponent). In short, don’t try connecting the gadouken…it’s so terrible…

I stopped using him

you forgot to mention that if it connects (hit or guarded) early you can cancel it into his air hurricane kick (preferebly lk version) to keep up the pressure.

by the way…(combos)

he has a pretty meaty combo, cross up mk, c.lp, s.fp, fp gaduken.

it does about 3300 in damage, and its not that hard either…:slight_smile:

(Ps: I only use dan for battery in A-groove, as my first character.)

RCing his gaduken is pretty nice, u can even use it a anti-air

and if u jump in on the opponent with a LK u can cancel into a FK
hurricane kick, and you will fly right over them afterward, its quite akward, maybe it can confuse or gain meter? U decide. (maybe both)

he can also connect c.lp into, into whatever,
also keep in mind that he can corpse hop for added mind games.

oh yeah

and if by chance u happen to land a air Lk hurricane kick
in the corner, free custom…

ey i didn’t know about that one. thx


This combo works on Sagat, Honda, and Geese, crouching only.

It also works on Zangief and Raiden, crouching or standing,
and Chang crouching in the corner only.

Cross up MK, close st.FP, FK.Hurricane Kick.

This combo does 4100 in damage, which is nice.

Being able to do this on sagat honda and geese is also a plus.
This is probally his most damaging combo outside of a super.
2 if these combos will put someone in a instant dizzy.

He also has c.lpx2,, fp gaduken, this one works on bigger characters…


Dam Odin thats one damiging combo…
Its been raping lots of sagats…but then again…the people at my mall suck!!!
:smiley: :smiley:


The good thing about it is when u get the combo on sagat, geese or honda, u can cross up again by just super jumping from where u land after u land the combo the first time.

As long ass they dont safe fall respectivley…
Or if they cannot safe fall, im going to experiment and see if u can still punish them after landing the combo and a safe fall occurrs.


I like to use dan, hes just like Ryu and ken.

most of there combos and styles are alike.
the only difference is that hes slower and has bad recovery, but over all hes a good character and ppl get humiliated if u own them.

one combo I do is cr lp, cr. Hp , sny special.

My best groove is A with almost any character,
and I got one with dan. I was saving it for a combo video. I found a better one so il give this one.

activate dp HP, qcb HK. land, dp.HP , qcb HK repeat til corner then do whatever and any special of ur choice.

hope that helps.

btw when u do dp.HP cancel it into qcb HK
rite when it hits. make sure u dont get into the air with the uppercut.

this is great. making lemonade out of a lemon. :lol:

what about the invincibility frames?

Some things guys.

  1. DONT play Dan like a shoto, cause he’s totally different. He’s a close fighter, also effective as a hit-and-run character. He does really good damage, and dizzies fast.

  2. He’s tough, he has (I believe) the third highest HP in the game, as well as the highest dizzy meter (tied with Dhalsim)

  3. His CC’s arent that great, probably best to use him in N-groove, maybe P or K as well, cause if you land one of his level 3 supers, its gonna do big damage.

  4. Want to be a total prick? In C-groove, land a lvl.2 Shinkuu Gadouken (so it kills the opponent) and very quickly cancel it into a lvl.1 Chouhatsu Densetsu. :rofl:

  5. Every fourth Koryuuken, Dan flashes white. He’s COMPLETELY invincible when he’s white, so if you can keep track of that, use it to your advantage.

Everything else has pretty much been said, he cant combo for shit, doesnt really play like anyone else in the game, etc. But he can do some crazy damage…

I don’t think anyone mentioned using him in AGroove.

j. koryuken, over and over, till bars almost over, then koryurekka.

Does qute alot of damage, and only do his hurricane kick custom combo thingy if you want to totally piss the other guy off…

alright here we go… this is coming from the only person who would use dan in a tourney, because i refuse to use top tier characters. heres my strategy:
–I abuse his long roll like crazy to pull up an easy grab should take up a good portion
– mp to fierce dp (easy combo)
– c. mk to fierce gadouken (for standing blockers)
– cancel my super jump into a quick lk knee drop (for crouching blockers)
– for A groove: two methods of starting his combo
= Jumping knee drop or a sweep
to Fierce HK (2 times), Medium HK (1 time), by this time you should be in the corner and have enough landing time to bust a flurry of dragon punches and finish off with a super [taunt, haha].

im just spreading Saikyo around. go for broke.

I’m right behind you. To quote the words of Dan himself in CvS2, “Yahoo! Hey, I should start the official Dan Hibiki fanclub!”…if there isn’t one already. Which I’m pretty sure there is.