Does anybody else have severe lag issues online?

I cannot find a game without a less than 1 second lag. It is absolutely brutal and so frustrating.

Almost everyone I fight I have 0.1-0.3 lag delay… And Im from Chile…

I play on wireless and it isn’t too bad. You just can’t block on reaction all the time.

No, I get really bad lag offline though.

This games netcode is a steaming turd.

Thread like this belongs in Fighting Game Discussion or maybe even Newbie Saikyo Dojo. This area is for information about the game. Asking a question (especially one that everyone knows the answer to) doesn’t help anybody.

But to answer you just for the hell of it, yeah of course. Everyone has lag. But if you’re having lag issues to the point where none of your games are playable then there’s something wrong with your connection.

All I can say is set your location setting to “same”. Otherwise you’re boned.

I lag alot, because i’m from Europe and there are only Americans playing this game. So… it’s quite bad.

I play on Rank - All Location - All


This x 1000, their connection sux…

I think everyone does. :frowning:

Can’t even get online.

The thing I don’t get is people considering this not a big deal? I feel especially with the surfeit of one touch DHC glitch tri-dash ten more years teams that people would kind of consider not being able to block a big deal. But I guess if you’re running the same thing and it’s a race to see whose spammy 2A hits first it’s still fun.

I’ve got wireless as well, there are those good matches if I really filter my criteria in custom match. I usually end up with a second or so of lag, which has gotten me pretty frustrated at times. Then there are those matches where the lag is almost unbearable, pretty much where one input will take frames among frames among frames. By the time my connection smarts up, I’m either getting viciously DHC’d, spammed, or at times even an X-factor beatdown. I do my best to better my connection, but sometimes it just doesn’t help at all. It sucks to lose in those situations, but I do what I can to be thankful for the good connection matches I get into.

When I play people near me (NJ/PA) it’s fine. But if I try to play Ranked suddenly Wesker’s full screen gun becomes unblockable, Dante Teleport -> S becomes the best mixup ever created, and Zero is god tier.

This really is true in just about every case. Literally, even with a minute amount of lag, all of a sudden his mixups and combos become unstoppable. I’ve lost to way too many Zero players this way.

not much lag here, business class internet

Network Troubles - Please Help!

Hi everyone. I’m normally a Street Fighter player, but I’m trying to get back into Marvel. Because of my current situation, the best way for me to do that is by playing lots of matches online. However, I’m finding the online experience to be pretty laggy! I’ve heard reports of people who have had practically flawless connections and took their advice, but I’ve had no luck at all.

I’m playing on the PSN, which just went back up this weekend. When I try to play, all of my matches so far have been pretty laggy, maybe a half second to a second of lag. But some times it’s even worse! Here’s my setup.

I have a wired connection available, but there doesn’t seem to be a speed difference between the wired and wireless for me. It might be because my wireless router is so close to my PS3. Anyway, I’ve forwarded the appropriate Ports as follows:



I’ve been told these are the ports I need to forward. I’ve also checked my internet connection speed, which is download 5.0 MBps, upload 1.5 MBps. I don’t know if that’s a great speed or not, but it seems fine. I have a cable internet connection.

Is there anything I’m missing? I’ve tried a lot, and I’m still getting laggy matches! Is that just how it is in Mahvel? :frowning:

Thanks in advance for the help!

You’ll get laggy matches in MvC3 no matter what you do.

Your bandwidth has very little to do with it. Faster internet simply means you have fatter/more-efficient cables allowing more data to be transferred at once, it doesn’t mean that the data is actually moving faster (it’s already going as fast as it can.). Doesn’t matter how quickly you can download things, nothing you do will change the fact that 2500 miles separates the West Coast from the East Coast. More bandwidth simply means your roommate can continue watching porno and teamspooky at the same time and it won’t affect your gaming very much.

Your ping is actually what matters, and unfortunately there’s not much you can do to improve it short of moving closer to your competition or getting your ISP to install fiberoptic directly from their buildings to your home (very costly).

Even people who live near each other and near their ISPs complain about lag… that’s the game’s shoddy netcode at work.

There are some optimizations you can do, they can make online a notch better but you honestly still shouldn’t expect much: