I’ve noticed there’s a lot of bad dialogue in this game, both in the spoken lines and in the winquotes, and it kinda bothers me. Here’s just some of the stuff I noticed:
When Dr. Strange activates his level 3, he says “Astral Magic” but then says “Daggers of Denak” for absolutely no reason. I don’t know why it’s there as the daggers are a completely different move.
Shuma-Gorath says “Welcome to…!” upon activating his level 3. Then when he grabs his opponent, he says, “you’re mine!” and finally when he has them in the swirling vortex, he says “…the chaos dimension!” It seems to me that “you’re mine!” should have been the super activation, and he should be saying “welcome to…” when he grabs his opponent.
Dormammu’s time-over loss and chip KO lines are switched. When he gets killed by a chip KO, he says “regrettable”, but when he loses to a time over, he says “this cannot be!” in a pained way.
Both Wolverine and Iron Fist say “I’ve forgotten more about fighting than you’ll ever know”, except Iron Fist says it as a voiced line whereas Wolverine says it as text.
I know there’s more, but I can’t remember them right now. Has anyone else noticed this?