Excuse me if this is in the wrong thread but I just need to verify that I have everything I will need to build my arcade stick before putting the order in
[]Cthulu MC PCB + Imp v2
[]17 inch Male A-B USB 2.0 Cable
[]Neutrik NAUSB-W-B A/B USB Feed-Through
[]8 30mm Sanwa buttons (face)
[]3 24mm Sanwa buttons (side)
[]Sanwa JLF joystick
[]10 Connection .110" Ground Daisy Chain Wire
[]Wire with .110 Quick Disconnect (not sure how many I need; comes in pairs)
[]15 ft. USB Cable
I’m confused as to how the Cthulu MC PCB works. Does having the PCB + Imp v2 = dual-modded? Or does the Imp only auto-detect between 2 PCBs? Also, in videos the MC PCB uses RJ45, but in the picture it looks like USB to me.
Are you making a xbox 360 and ps3 dual mod stick or just ps3/ps2/GC…etc?
you only need the imp if you are making it dual mod with Xbox 360, then you’d also need an xbox 360 pcb from a controller. The imp would auto detect which system the stick is plugged into and hand over power to the correct pcb.
Other than that you pretty much have everything…case is very generic though…will you have art on top covered with a plexi?
the paewang is dual mod “out of the box” but it doesn’t autodetect (you have to hold turbo when switching systems) and i’ve heard that the failure rate on them is high…i haven’t had any issues yet though and i’ve used 4. You basically need one Quick disconnect per button but it’s good to have at least 5 spares in case you mess some up.