Heroes of Newerth! Speaking of which …
LoL @ Bastard ducking bob in a tournament.
thread of the year.
An entire troll thread? Yes. Just Yes.
I don’t care if they have no brain… these girls are hot!
thanks to a friend of mine for sharing this vid xD fucking A!
This is from Mundo Canibal, a Brazilian humor website. They make lots of funny videos and animations. The early “Partoba” videos are quite cool!
chair bitch ruined titties. boooooooooooo
Looking pretty weak there, copying and pasting a bunch of pictures that you didn’t make. Why did this guy get his own thread again?
shut up ultra, you’re jealous.
I totally agree with u phil:
ultra needs some of this:
who is that
Sesho, I thought you weren’t an assman. I just thought you were an ass, man.
Thread of the year.