They’ve been added to the Promoters to avoid list. I can only hope that Valle, Watts, and Ken I get what they’re owed at this point because this promoter pretty much Fucked himself on this one.
Yup the owner should do exactly that to redeem himself. Throw another tourney and put $500 or what he took in the pot. Oh yea and let shoo run it Let’s see if we ever hear from the owner.
i am a regular/volunteer bro. yes i did spam all the threads to come here (not the tourney one). i guess i had this vision where you know dizelan can be the next, i guess caual/practice get together. i talked to dizelan slayer about it and had this crazy vision where if things went succesful then people would come here to play. i know the tourney went wrong and i know you guys are very dissapointed. all i can do is apologize in my behalf. i went to dizelan since 7th grade (now im 18). its kinda like my 2nd home just like how you guys go to a.i, denjin etc. i love sf4 and i support the community. we barely even have a handfull of sf players here (5 in total). it was our very first sf tourney and i know we were very unexperience at hosting it. i know how you guys feel about the 40% fee even i didnt know about it. right now dizelan slayer is writing a draft/apology about what we did wrong so plz be patient. we didnt mean to have everyone feel jipped. so in my behalf all i can do is tell everyone to plz be patient and sorry. it was fun when everyone was here. i got to learn so much and everyone was so cool and friendly. i guess everyone hates dizelan slayer and me cuz im an affiliate so i understand. i just wish everyone can stop the conclussions and wish everything went smoothly =/ pm me if theres anything you would like to ask.
I think watts already gave him his chance. Slayer should of just came in here right away and talked but instead waited all this time to write a draft apology lol. Prolonging things makes it worse. Apology to the players would still be good but just forget hosting unless you guys redeem yourself good.
I sent watts a message asking him his opinion on all of this and if he feels its a sincere apology. Since it was him, calipower, ken I, and the others who placed 2nd and 3rd I’ll leave it up to them to decide. I’m fairly sure the community over there knows to keep an eye out and if I do end up removing them from the Promoters to avoid thread then they’d best keep their nose clean.
i can honestly say everyone deserves a second chance, and it take a real man to admit fault. only thing im mad about is the time frame he took to do so but hey, 2 out of 3 is pretty good. thanks for clearing the air bro. anyways, we all know people will make mistakes just please, for the sake of the community, do things in a more timely manner and try to the support offered from us veterans if any issues ever come about. anyways, thanks again for clearing things up.
i do not expect and reimbursement of prize money, but 40% is really high. 20% is somewhat normal and like i said in my first post, i know you run a business and the point is to make money. anyways, lesson learned. i think you might wanna throw a tourney with xtra money thrown into the prize pool or something to make up for it and to hopefully youll get a good rep and more business might come out of it.
I am thinking this dude read this. And was like “What?!?! They don’t want me to pay them back?. Ok Ill post something that sounds nice.” Then he comes up with his apology. I hope his tournaments do work out and get better. And it sucks for this shit to happen. Heppened here in Miami recently, but it was no where near 350$ taken.