Dive Kick? Yun General Discussion Thread

What’s the highest damage Yun can do?

I topped out at 722.

I think the max damage combo that you can get off yun is through a neutral standing ultra 1 with opponent standing in the corner and using lp shoulder to juggle into super ending with a reset. Couldn’t remember how much damage it totals up but I think it’s in the range of 700-800. That’s the most damaging combo which that I can think of now

sorry for double posting but what is this

Some usless (and meaby already known) tech:
Yun can cancel a wiffed throw into another trhow or a especial move outside and during genei in increasing the range of the next attack

I just wanted to let people know that I’ve found a consistent ender to genei jin combos that end up in the corner.

With this, you don’t have to waste time time doing jabs to make sure your height is right.

Pretty much, if you do a a st. hk before you go into sweep or mk/hk dive, it will pretty much put you at a good height to do either. Also, you still get the same mixups/unblockables as well too. More over, I believe most genei combos when the run their course end at around the 10% scaling damage wise, and doing this st. hk will put about 6 damage in most cases plus on your enders.

I’ll see if I can get some examples of this recorded. But for now, I posted some genei combos in the combo tier list thread for a reference. Here is the link to that post.

I hope this gets explored more and I will also be exploring myself.

I’ve compiled a number of safe jumps/OS/safe dive setups over the months that I’ve been playing Yun. I want to start sharing this information here, but I wanted to know if it would be best to start a new thread or just post it in one of the existing ones?

I say start a new thread to keep it more relative…looking forward to your info

Sounds good. I’m in the process of compiling what I have along with the various findings from other Yuns to make sure credit is given for what’s been found.

I’ll make that thread around Thursday-Friday. That should be enough time to double check what I have and as always find new stuff.

Also, I wanted to chime in about Genei Jin. As you may have been looking, I posted something about ending Genei combos. Now I have more notes to get more damage out of your Genei combos.

–The first hit of close st. hp does 10 more damage than close st. mp/cr. mk. If you get a punish situation and you want to pop GJ, try and go for this. An alternative that nets you more damage midscreen is doing close st. mk, juggle lp shoulder. This does more than close st. hp because you get the hopkicks at a higher scaling rate.

–When canceling from lp shoulder xx GJ from a grounded state midscreen, instead of doing st. hk xx lp lunge, do st. hk xx lp shoulder. This does more damage/scales better than lunge, with a slightly less pushback. This isn’t too noticable though, as you can still easily connect a hopkick afterwards.

–In the corner, if you can get this consistently, replace all palms with kara palms(qcb mk~hp). Palms have a lot of pushback in the corner, and as you guys know, you want to be as close as possible to rack up the damage before the ender. It also is a good time saver letting you get more things in.

–In situations where you would lunge in the corner, replace that with far st. hp, hopkick. This is a good string that pushes you forward at a great pace, and in ending situations, it can really load up on the back end of Genei paths as you can usually get this string multipule times.

–As mentioned in a previous post, st. hk in the corner is a good alternative to st. mk in your enders. It stabilizes the opponent to where you can choose your ender. Consider this when ending your combos.

Just to show a comparison with all that I’ve mentioned(sans the close st. hp, however if you start these combos with close st. hp add 20 points to the totals below), I did a test of minimum damage GJ combos. I used far st. mp as the starter, and ended the combos with a dive. The first combo you will see is what somewhat normal GJ combo would look like if you optimized it using the whole time with out pausing. The second combo is with all the elements that I mentioned in it.

Midscreen(note that I started these directly in the middle of the stage, and carries to the corner)

[430] far st. mp xx lp shoulder xx GJ, st. hk xx lp lunge, hopkick x 2, palm, hopkick, palm, lp lunge, st. mk, mk/hk dive
[444] far st. mp xx lp shoulder xx GJ, st. hk xx lp shoulder, hopkick x 2, kara palm, hopkick, [far st. hp, hopkick] x 2, st. hk, mk/hk dive

Corner(I used the Taiga route as it tends to do less damage than the Kazunoko route)

[459] far st. mp xx lp shoulder xx GJ, st. hk, [hopkick, palm] x 2, mp lunge, palm, hopkick x 2, st. mk, mk/hk dive
[469] far st. mp xx lp shoulder xx GJ, st. hk, [hopkick, kara palm] x 3, far st. hp, hopkick, far st. hp, far st. hk, mk/hk dive

Granted, it looks like it isn’t too much of a difference damage wise, but my thing is I wanted to not waste time when I got a clean shot in GJ. I see a lot of people have awkward paths, and such and waste the damage. Perhaps this will start some exploration into GJ a little better.

Also, I’ll be starting on the safe jump thread tomorrow! But hope this info gets your creativity flowing!

Landing the** kara palms** is all about positioning IMO. I’ve been practicing them alot and if you can set up the first palm so that the opponent is falling onto the very top of the attack (I use st.mk to to get the character into position) then its plain sailing :stuck_out_tongue: Also, input the qcb during the previous palm animation to ensure the next palm comes out as quickly as possible.

The highest damage Combo I can get is **737 **without a reset

Only works in corner

Ultra , Super, 9xPalms

I should really learn to do that, kara palms are too sick

I actually got in the 740 range so far with Yun for max damage.

I’ll don’t have the route written down but I’ll go back and redo it this afternoon to write it in. I think doing around 4-5 palms then ender is what I did off of the top of my head with U1, lp shoulder xx GJ as the starter and ending in upkicks.

Yea please post it here. I’d love to try it :slight_smile:

On a side note, has anyone actually seen kara palms being used in a match? I know Hsien Chang tried it this evo and got 3 or 4. I’ve never seen anyone else doing them. Too risky I guess.

pretty much any combo starting with U1 shoulder xx GJ ends in at least 680ish+, but kara palmimg 5ish gives an extra 70 or so damage?

Nah, If you do the right route, you get around 720+ everytime if you don’t waste time pausing in GJ. I actually avearge 730+ now with the stuff I mentioned in the previous post.

Bumping as I started revamping my 4 palm route starting with U1. I’m working on a 5 palm route but I haven’t figured an ender out yet.

[750] U1, lp shoulder xx GJ, palm, kara palm x 2, hop kick, kara palm, hopkick, far st. hp x 2, hopkick, far st. hp x 2, hk upkicks

Gonna keep digging for a better 5 palm ender, but this is pretty consistent and my new high.

Note this route does 843 on a non masked Claw starting with CH U1

lately ive been having alot of problems vs bison and balrog online
im not very patient and it feels imposible to a beat them once they get their lagshield activated.
i know u2 punishes psycho cruser and some u1 setups on balrog but i would like to know if you guys have any tips on beating them?

What’s the frames on Cr.mp ,Cr.mp,st.mp ? What Link is it between the second Cr.mp and st.mp ?

cr.mp > 2fr link > cr.mp > 2 fr link > far.mp or cr.mk

Any advice on hitting 2f links ?